I believe this is the correct section, mods if i am wrong please move this to the correct section
I am Blackie Chan the diplomatic relations officer for Parliament of Rooks. We are looking to start up some unrated guild battles and are looking for some guilds that would like to set up some fun matches. We are listed in the guild listing section if you want to read up on us a bit more.
If you want to issue a challenge to us, go to www.personified.net/phpBB2 to go directly to our forums and then list your challenge in the GW Diplomatic Relations section. We will need your guild name, guild leader's name (and or pertainent officers name), some sort of contact info (which can be pm'ed to me if you want to), and the time on sat or sun that you would like to battle. Late afternoon to evening will work best.
Thank you
Blackie Chan
Parliament of Rooks looking for Challenges
Heep us in mind, Knights and Heros tag BEER. PM Zilm Trufar, Im on most every evening.
Hey Blackie Chan, good to see one Shadowbane Veteran guild other than LK around here....how many PoR are playing Guild Wars?