Elementalist Armor Bug?
Umm why is the 15k set EXACTLY the same as the 1.5k set? It looks exactly the same, no armor bonus, nothing...?
Which set are you talking about? Hydromancer, Pyromancer, and Geomancer look quite bit different (and MUCH sexier) than their 1.5k counterparts. It doesn't show on the icon, but once you wear it, there's a BIG difference. Currently the Aeromancer graphic is not in yet.
only the graphic is changed. But for the moment aeromancer set is the same than the 1.5k one. Just wait they'll change it soon.
vai demine
ANet is in the process of updating all the 15k post-ascension armors (for all professions). For example, the last update included an update to the Monk Saintly 15k armor. It will get done eventually, and it IS retroactive (if you bought it already your armor will be updated as soon as they throw the patch on).
Doctor Anomalo
there is not supposed to be any armor bonuses with the 15k set. it is just for looks.
Originally Posted by vai demine
ANet is in the process of updating all the 15k post-ascension armors (for all professions). For example, the last update included an update to the Monk Saintly 15k armor. It will get done eventually, and it IS retroactive (if you bought it already your armor will be updated as soon as they throw the patch on).
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