Secondary profession optional?



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005


Beguine Guild [BGN]

What happens if you never do the secondary profession quest, are you forced to pick one at some point later, or do you just never get a second profession?



Bokusatsu Tenshi

Join Date: Dec 2004

Bellevue, WA



It used to be possible to skip it and end up with a purely single class character, though i'm not sure if that was considered a bug / design error that has since been fixed. I pretty much just woke up, so I haven't tried it out yet. If anyone else already has attempted it, i'd be interested in knowing what happened.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005

The Amazon Basin [AB]


They changed this just recently Spooky. Now when you make a new level 1 character, you are only asked to choose your Primary profession. After that you are put in the tutorial to learn the skills of your Primary class. From there you can go to the other class trainers to get a secondary profession of your choice. I believe you can try them all out before settling on one, but they've been changing things a bunch so if anyone tries it let us know.

So no worries about not having the secondary profession option when you create a char, its all a part of the new tutorial

Oh, and lots of feedback on the new tutorial would be most helpful. Especially how confusing it was and what you liked/disliked.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005

Brighton, UK


Deadroot, trust me when I say that Spooky already knew everything you just said . He was talking about something else (ie, whether it is possible to leave pre-Seared Ascalon without choosing your secondary prof).



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005

The Amazon Basin [AB]


Yeah, I just came back because I heard about that. They recently took out the ability to choose a secondary when you make your char, so I assumed that was what was being discussed. Sorry for the confusion

I'm not sure if you can leave the tutorial without a secondary. I know before it wouldn't let us, but that may have changed I suppose. I don't really know any real benifit to this since if you wanted to do only one profession you could simply ignore your secondary.



Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2005

I haven't tried it out because everytime I tested that mission I was testing all the secondary quests and there were plenty of bugs to go around.

Devil's Dictionary

Devil's Dictionary

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2005

Presumed missing...


Personally, I like the fact that you may freely choose a second profession in the gameworld rather than when you start your character. It adds to the immersion factor. I find Guild Wars is more role playing and less clickfest game than the other MMOs on the market.




Join Date: Feb 2005

Yesterday, I grouped for a mission with a very nice lady Monk who was just that- A Monk. Nothing else. She was level 5, so I assume she started yesterday, like me.

I hope that answers it.