those items are up for sale, and since auctions should be fun for everyone we start with entry bids as low as a mere 100gp!
the auction will end when i think a somewhat reasonable price for that item is reached. dont worry, i am not greedy.
3 and 4 are sold, 2 was a present for a guildy so only items left are
1 and 5
oh and item 5 recently got a +21health upgrade, since i needed some storage space ^^
/Auction/ Golden: Hammer, 2 Bows & Scroll. Blue:+21fortitude staff wrapping
100 gold on #1
100 gold on #4
100 gold on #4
Bump it up
to the top
to the top
isnt that bump overdue...
do i have to write max dmg in caps somewhere in my threadtitle to draw at least someones attention?
oh maybe i should say it again:
3 and 4 are sold, 2 was a present for a guildy so only items left are
1 and 5
do i have to write max dmg in caps somewhere in my threadtitle to draw at least someones attention?
oh maybe i should say it again:
3 and 4 are sold, 2 was a present for a guildy so only items left are
1 and 5
500 on #2
IGN: dani thor
IGN: dani thor
100 on # 3
gonna bump em up a last time
3 and 4 are sold, 2 was a present for a guildy so only items left are
1 and 5
3 and 4 are sold, 2 was a present for a guildy so only items left are
1 and 5
3K for #1
IGN: Jarlaxle Baenre X
IGN: Jarlaxle Baenre X