Hi there,
First of all id like to say hi to you all, this is a great site for info and in-depth game discussion.
Right, I've just gotten back from exploring the Fissure of Woe (Temple of the ages) and had finished most of the quests. Then our group decided to pay a visit to the eternal forgemaster in that temple structure, and the quest indicated we were to defeat all 10 grps or so of incoming enemies. We take out all the groups and one group was left. We searched high and low outside and inside of the structure and we couldnt find the last group of enemies in order to complete the quest. This glitch has surfaced 3 times in the last week for me, and its very annoying becasue when a group ventures into the Fissure of woe they can spend hours completing the quests only to be knocked back by a glitch which needs to be fixed!
I hope someone from Guildwars tech sees the thread and can hopefully act upon it.
thanks for hearing me out.
Fissure of Woe Bug - needs to be addressed
Why not submit it through their support website?
Wrath of m0o
Thats the only place i get a LD (disconnect) loose connection
Can be quite frustrating since you spend so much time getting in.
That and the warping.
Can be quite frustrating since you spend so much time getting in.
That and the warping.
try /bug then type what the prob is thou i doubt they even read these bg reports
yeah i get this problem too... damn irritating