Ok i thought i knew some stuff about adding RAM to my PC's but today I am confused. Ok my PC has 512 MB ram BUT when you look in the system/performance files it says i only have 384. What is up with that!!!??? So then I took out the 2 256 cards that were in the machine and installed one of my 2 new 512 cards and it still shows i only have 384???!!!!! So now why does this happen and why when i put in all the cards i have which is 2x256 and 2x512 cards does it show i have 1.37 mb of ram when i should have 1.536 mb of ram? 512 times 3 is 1536 right????
Now be gently if i have made a total A$$ out of myself here ok?

I just thought the numbers all add up correctly and show what RAM you have, at least I thought that is how it used to work with the old 8 16 32 and 64 cards!
Anyway be gently and help me figure this out!!!

And yes the cards are the right ones i needed to get 512MB 333MHz DDR. (as far as what the guy from the geek squad told me at Best Buy!!)