Selling Gold +HP Aegis
I use Vital Blessing that does it for me, I'm a W/mo and Vita Blessing is a monk
echantment. If your a W/R not sure but it looks like natures renewal not sure heres another one symbiosis. But im just guessing, you will know its it if you have one on if
you see next to your name when out missioning or questing an uparrow to the right of your name. Is this right guys, thats my take on it not sure with R's.
echantment. If your a W/R not sure but it looks like natures renewal not sure heres another one symbiosis. But im just guessing, you will know its it if you have one on if
you see next to your name when out missioning or questing an uparrow to the right of your name. Is this right guys, thats my take on it not sure with R's.