starting bid on shields r 2k
b/o on magmas shield is 10k
b/o on the eternal shield is 15k
also selling 14-27 clean shadow bow 500 or free with purchase with any of the sheild
6-27 clean chaos axe for 500 or free with purchase with any of the sheild
<------------------ IGN
WTS: MAX Magumas shield and MAX Eternal shield plus some fissure weapons
I'll take the Chaos Axe for 500
ok i will whisper u when im done with current mission
Actually, scratch that, I just realized I have a better one in my inventory. Sorry.
ctrl alt da leet
ill just start things of... eternal shield 5k
Dirt Merchent
5k for magmus shield
IGN-Dirt merchent
IGN-Dirt merchent
6k magmas shield
ign "lestat de lincourt"
ign "lestat de lincourt"
6.5k magmas
ign frank the goddess
ign frank the goddess
War Machine Xxx
8k on magmas
War Machine Xxx
ign same as here
ok I'll take the b/o, 10k it is
Ign "lestat de lincourt" I'm online now.
Ign "lestat de lincourt" I'm online now.