Golden Max Damage Short Bow. 14% >50%, 4/-1 vamp, +5 armor
Eskimo Bob
Please start biding at 50k with mininum 5k incriments, for each item. I will close this auction when I feel the price is good.
Current offers:
Bow: 60k by evermann
Tyrent Frath
very nice bow, not here to bid, but this is one of the best bows ive seen in a while 9aside from req)
ign Bucky Joojoo
ign Bucky Joojoo
Eskimo Bob
(From what I understand with the bump rules I get one bump within 24 hours after I post it. Or am I wrong?)
(From what I understand with the bump rules I get one bump within 24 hours after I post it. Or am I wrong?)
Eskimo Bob