For some time now, I've been seeing a log out button on the screen (see attached pic), and I asssumed it was supposed to be there. After mentioning it to a mate, it appears maybe it's not meant to be there, and it's just me ....
Anyone else see this? Is it some keyboard combo I've hit by mistake? I'm sure it first appeared when the first patch came out after GW went retail.
Extra Log Out button?
When you open the menu to the bottom left, you have the ability to drag and drop any of the items to the screen, I believe that is what happened. Are you able to close it?
Ahh. Didn't notice that they were drag/drop. I couldn't find a way of closing it, but if I dragged it back over the menu button, it disappeared.
Whether it's actually sitting there behind the button or not now, I don't know, but I can't see it anymore, and that's the important thing
Whether it's actually sitting there behind the button or not now, I don't know, but I can't see it anymore, and that's the important thing

Just checked, that's the same way I do it to get rid of them.