lulu the monk
Fire Dragonz
hey i heard that lulu the monk is really a game dev undercover. thats why he always noes about bugs and gliches and stuff and uses them before ne1 else does. do you think hes a game dev?
Principa Discordia
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The Pope
He's a prototype AI built in area 51 for the sole purpose of winning at Guild Wars. I'd know, I'm in his guild.
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EDIT: Just to let you know, all people on Blood Eagle are robots. They use super-fast processers and the latest GeForce2 cards to obliterate any competition. However, guilds are catching on...
EDIT: Just to let you know, all people on Blood Eagle are robots. They use super-fast processers and the latest GeForce2 cards to obliterate any competition. However, guilds are catching on...

Heh- no, Lulu's not a dev. He's just a rather good player from the alpha.
Originally Posted by Freyas
Heh- no, Lulu's not a dev. He's just a rather good player from the alpha.
Here's a screen of one an older bug, which I assume was fixed, used by Lulu's team
Thats not a bug, and it hasnt been fixed. It's a minion build which lulu came up with. Lulu is just a skilled player with an eye for using bizarre and powerful builds.
Big Fat Duck
im pretty sure that many corpses cant pop up by themselves
They made the corpses by having one of their own team members suicide by using BIP repeatedly on his allies. For the first few minutes of the match, this player would continually suicide and be animated by his teammates over and over. This player would also have -60 dp before the group ever starts combat.
The problem with a build like this is that it is VERY easily countered. Edge of extinction flattens it, and AE spells own the minions hard. Its creative, and if you're not expecting it you can lose to it, but dont think this build is anything unbeatable.
edit: I stand corrected, the suiciding player might only take one morale hit, and no subsequent hits since they are immediately ressed.
The problem with a build like this is that it is VERY easily countered. Edge of extinction flattens it, and AE spells own the minions hard. Its creative, and if you're not expecting it you can lose to it, but dont think this build is anything unbeatable.
edit: I stand corrected, the suiciding player might only take one morale hit, and no subsequent hits since they are immediately ressed.
Red Locust
Wasn't there a bug that allowed a necro to pop a lot of minions out of 1 body?
exa dust
its an extemely lame tactic and yes very easily counterable IF and ONLY if you are running with a lot of AoE, and edge of extinction doesn't appear very often in HoH, however, mark of pain does wonders on the little buggers, if your monks can live through it
Vermilion Okeanos
actually... u dont gain any dp if u die right away again... that means that guy would have max of 15% DP from doing it without outside force interfering... that is not counting that they get morale boost...
Maybe you havent seen LuLu the Monk 'winning' the HoH because everybody I play with refuses to play with me if I use that name. If I play under lulu the monk, and not even the party leader, we have been 4v1'd about 5-6 times, 3v1'd i dont even know how many times, and a double team is guaranteed. So for now, I am forced to smurf when I play with my friends.
And no, there was no way that I know of to get many fiends out of 1 body. As xaanix stated, we had 2 people killing themselves. You can find the build posted on forums. I know they have been posted on tgh and gwonline, I don't recall posting it here though.
And no, there was no way that I know of to get many fiends out of 1 body. As xaanix stated, we had 2 people killing themselves. You can find the build posted on forums. I know they have been posted on tgh and gwonline, I don't recall posting it here though.
Yeah... I guess when you're famous people aim for you alot
. I've seen you around requesting for necro's who can kill themselves in under 10 seconds. It was interesting hearing/seeing you're builds in action. I doubt it's a under-cover dev, besides, what's the point in thinking that anyway?

Um... I've never 'been around asking for people' because I only play with my friends... so whoever you saw, it wasn't me. I only ran that build for a few hours one day, and then another 4-5 hours one night. And, it only takes about 3 seconds to kill yourself. Less once you are at 60 DP.
This is going to sound stupid but how do you kill yourself?
Odd Sock
Mentionned above. You hit Blood is Power as fast as you can and then blam you're dead. Good build for pwning unprepared teams but anyone with a basic healing core outheals that buil (or at least any similar ones we fought). We noticed that build to be really popular for one night and then it just stopped appearing. With proper modifications, this is an idea that could be EXTREMELY deadly.
^^ thank u
Quick question I can't find answered anywere and way off topic.
Are the hit points you gain from the skill Vital Blessing lost first or last?
Quick question I can't find answered anywere and way off topic.
Are the hit points you gain from the skill Vital Blessing lost first or last?
If i remember correctly, blood sacrifice spells are set to a percentage not a set value. Thus, a lower dp would have no effect on how fast you die. It doesn't really matter but you know... whatever
Hrm, all those minions and everyone keeping Order of the Vampire up would be DEADLY AS SHIT.
Then use Verata's Sacrifice or whatever for the +10 regen on minion health. Scary stuff man.
Though the day the opposing team has a necro who brings Verata's Aura will be hilarious. All of a sudden all that hard work is destroyed (that's how it works right?).
Then use Verata's Sacrifice or whatever for the +10 regen on minion health. Scary stuff man.
Though the day the opposing team has a necro who brings Verata's Aura will be hilarious. All of a sudden all that hard work is destroyed (that's how it works right?).
I don't know of any Lulu person, but what about that Rellok guy. I've heard he uses a "God" mode, and he is invinceable. Really..
Fine, no one else was going to post it.
Maybe you could just reverse your name Lulu, you know, to disguise yourself.
Fine, no one else was going to post it.
Maybe you could just reverse your name Lulu, you know, to disguise yourself.

LuLu is cool, but he is a guild skipper. He skips guilds like school girls on a play ground. Although he is mostly at Blood Eagle, he has been to guilds like mine. What he did, we don't know, he might of stole builds but false accusations won't be made. That is a very old trick. I've seen it done in BWEs and it needs a LOT of work to be put into it.
Originally Posted by Tutompop
If i remember correctly, blood sacrifice spells are set to a percentage not a set value. Thus, a lower dp would have no effect on how fast you die. It doesn't really matter but you know... whatever
Actually the spells are on a percentage based system, but there is a minimum that they will always take, so it works out. And I used to live in Deltona woohoo!
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lulu's just your typical bug exploiter.
Originally Posted by gwden
lulu's just your typical bug exploiter.
If you are referring to the BA stacking build they were running. Yes, its a bug. But it's been around for so long since beta that ANet just didn't fix it until it became uncontrollable.