Originally Posted by Jelloblimp
..You go out & earn xp to get more refund points (which has already been said), not whine at customer support to do what YOU are suppose to do (=play the game).[Edit: GM:s or devs can look into the database, not customer support because thats not their job]
You can however whine at customer support when you do have a valid complaint. |
OMG! Stuck in American Territory
Originally Posted by Edge Martinez
Also, taking 2 minutes to help someone if A-Net screws up is fine. But to take 2 minutes to help someone who messes up on their own is silly with a game like this. Thousands of people would screw up each day, some more than twice, and game development would get nowhere.
Originally Posted by Diplo
Why can we only read the EULA once we have bought and opened the game, meaning we can't return it to the shop even if we disagree with the EULA? (This is a general point that applies to nearly all games but is an example of how customers often get screwed).
Originally Posted by Zerian Black
Okay, that's the answer i was looking for, I've never heard of Fissure or Underworld but aparently you can only access these places while your country has favor of the gods, i have no idea whats there but now it makes sense, thanks for the help
.....while this wasn't an answer i was looking for, i had questions, you sir are just an asshole. |
Mercury Angel
The whole semi-hostile bit was most likely keyed to:
You accept responsibility for your actions, but simulataneously try to shirk it off, and then blame others for not helping you with a mess you got into yourself.
There're no buts, this is a pretty straightforward case of not following instructions.
There's a test some teachers give for fun which has a long list of numbered instructions on it. Number 1 says, "Read all of the statements below before doing anything", and the finaly one says, "Disregard everything except Number 2" [Number 2 is to put your name at the top of the paper].
Anyway, what you ideally should have done was posted in Sardelac Sanitarium your suggestions to help prevent this from happening to more people if you wanted it to be taken seriously like that, and told your story as an example of why.
However, the way you come across is totally different. The tone of your post sounds like you do indeed blame ANET for not the problem, but for not helping you solve a problem of your own creation.
As for the person playing the 'lack of human empathy' card, don't start. It's not as if I haven't screwed up and clicked one too many times and sold a rare focus (Non-PvP with max possible energy mods) to an NPC. I get it, and I can sympathize.
But I won't blame someone else because I screwed up, and I certainly won't approve of someone else doing something similar.
The notice was highly visible, easily read, and the rules are set.
The only thing you can do is petition for change. Considering the way the game works with refund points, I favor a recharging server change system that restores over time slowly. Hardly abusable if the time is somewhere along the lines of a month +/-.
As it's been said, there's still the international districts. I'm almost always there. Faster load ups, less lag, less spam. When I go to my home districts, I turn off Talk, Trade, and Emotes, do what business I need to, and promptly leave. Usually only there for a few rare missions, or to gain access to the Traders, which don't exist in the international.
You're just going to give up because of your own accident when it's really not all that bad. If I can live in the international district, and talk with my friends and guildmates still, why can't you? What stops you from doing missions and quests with your friends? Grab your friends, some hench, and you're set.
Instead, you're posting here about how you're quitting because you made a mistake and don't want to deal with it.
You can't really complain about people with a negative attitude when, let's face it, you came on here and posted with one. Get a booster shot of optimisim and realize that even if you're stuck, it doesn't have to be the end of your playing. The only things you won't ever be able to do with your friends are the special dungeons and the Tombs. Might be a tad difficult to PvP together, as the arenas are pretty empty in the international districts. Your best bet in that instance is to get enough people beforehand and go there.
I don't really see a point to this thread. I think ignoring the hostility, even if it is subtle, is foolish, and I hope it gets locked. Your alternatives are available and have been said, and suggestions are for Sardelac Sanitarium. I hope you can enjoy your game, but if you can not, then that is the way it will be, and is a decision on your own part.
I have a major problem and and Guild Wars will NOT help me. |
Well like I said... Guild Wars will not help me which I think is pretty lame. |
Now maybe I should have read the information better but again I never got a pop-up (or something like that) which stated it would be the final change. |
There're no buts, this is a pretty straightforward case of not following instructions.
There's a test some teachers give for fun which has a long list of numbered instructions on it. Number 1 says, "Read all of the statements below before doing anything", and the finaly one says, "Disregard everything except Number 2" [Number 2 is to put your name at the top of the paper].
Anyway, what you ideally should have done was posted in Sardelac Sanitarium your suggestions to help prevent this from happening to more people if you wanted it to be taken seriously like that, and told your story as an example of why.
However, the way you come across is totally different. The tone of your post sounds like you do indeed blame ANET for not the problem, but for not helping you solve a problem of your own creation.
As for the person playing the 'lack of human empathy' card, don't start. It's not as if I haven't screwed up and clicked one too many times and sold a rare focus (Non-PvP with max possible energy mods) to an NPC. I get it, and I can sympathize.
But I won't blame someone else because I screwed up, and I certainly won't approve of someone else doing something similar.
The notice was highly visible, easily read, and the rules are set.
The only thing you can do is petition for change. Considering the way the game works with refund points, I favor a recharging server change system that restores over time slowly. Hardly abusable if the time is somewhere along the lines of a month +/-.
As it's been said, there's still the international districts. I'm almost always there. Faster load ups, less lag, less spam. When I go to my home districts, I turn off Talk, Trade, and Emotes, do what business I need to, and promptly leave. Usually only there for a few rare missions, or to gain access to the Traders, which don't exist in the international.
You're just going to give up because of your own accident when it's really not all that bad. If I can live in the international district, and talk with my friends and guildmates still, why can't you? What stops you from doing missions and quests with your friends? Grab your friends, some hench, and you're set.
Instead, you're posting here about how you're quitting because you made a mistake and don't want to deal with it.
You can't really complain about people with a negative attitude when, let's face it, you came on here and posted with one. Get a booster shot of optimisim and realize that even if you're stuck, it doesn't have to be the end of your playing. The only things you won't ever be able to do with your friends are the special dungeons and the Tombs. Might be a tad difficult to PvP together, as the arenas are pretty empty in the international districts. Your best bet in that instance is to get enough people beforehand and go there.
I don't really see a point to this thread. I think ignoring the hostility, even if it is subtle, is foolish, and I hope it gets locked. Your alternatives are available and have been said, and suggestions are for Sardelac Sanitarium. I hope you can enjoy your game, but if you can not, then that is the way it will be, and is a decision on your own part.
I didn't read, its their fault. just because you didnt read it doesnt mean they didnt warn you. It was there, VERY bold like, telling you it was limited. Why is there no pop up? Why should there be one, its very clearly stated that there is a limit, and how close you are to that limit. So it turns out ignorance is not bliss for you. Im so sorry for your loss.
its limited to keep you from switching to whichever country has Favor etc, not to mention it cant be easy on the servers to switch, and if they were unlimited, youd switch all the time.
its limited to keep you from switching to whichever country has Favor etc, not to mention it cant be easy on the servers to switch, and if they were unlimited, youd switch all the time.
"I didn't read, its their fault". just because you didnt read it doesnt mean they didnt warn you. It was there, VERY bold like, telling you it was limited. Why is there no pop up? Why should there be one, its very clearly stated that there is a limit, and how close you are to that limit. So it turns out ignorance is not bliss for you. Im so sorry for your loss.
its limited to keep you from switching to whichever country has Favor etc, not to mention it cant be easy on the servers to switch, and if they were unlimited, youd switch all the time.
its limited to keep you from switching to whichever country has Favor etc, not to mention it cant be easy on the servers to switch, and if they were unlimited, youd switch all the time.
Why this feature is limited anyway? Maybe adding a delay like couple days or a week and make changing unlimited?
It's limited because of the change in favor. America can only switch the Europe and same with Europe to America. If it was unlimited, you could switch to Europe whenever they had favor. At least with a limited number you have a restriction on the number of times you can take advantage of Europe or Americas hard work.
I can see the reason for limiting it, but its a bit harsh not being able to change bk to your own territory, GW could have maybe put the change limit to an even number so tht the last change would always be back into your own territoy. AND btw i have ALSO got stuck in american territory, neva read the clearly stated limit ^^ because was always in a rush to meet guild in american temple of ages... of course it my fault but there should be something u can do to go bk to ur own territory.
Edit - I sent them an E-Mail requesting them to change the territory change limit to an even number, and they replyied saying they are going to change it to (4) changes. AND if I would like one final change I should send them my access key and requested territory that i want. Which i have of course ^^
SO i suggest u do the same
Edit - I sent them an E-Mail requesting them to change the territory change limit to an even number, and they replyied saying they are going to change it to (4) changes. AND if I would like one final change I should send them my access key and requested territory that i want. Which i have of course ^^
SO i suggest u do the same
Originally Posted by TheGreatBoo
It's limited because of the change in favor. America can only switch the Europe and same with Europe to America. If it was unlimited, you could switch to Europe whenever they had favor. At least with a limited number you have a restriction on the number of times you can take advantage of Europe or Americas hard work.
Originally Posted by Syuveil
Why do they have the maximum times you can change anyway? Sounds like a ploy to get more cash to me... "I wanna go back to my home territory, but I don't have any more changes left..." Anet- "We can't do anything, but you could go buy another copy."
<_< |
Originally Posted by Diplo
Why can't we play in whatever region we want? How does this benefit me as a paying customer?
Originally Posted by Diplo
Why is the number of times we can change region set to seemingly arbitrary five? Why is this an odd number when logic would dictate an even number would be less risky?
At least you get 5 chances to read the warning, when driving to wards a cliff you only get one.
Originally Posted by Diplo
Why isn't there a final confirm dialogue when you attempt make the last change? Would it be a good idea to implement one?
Originally Posted by Diplo
Why don't Arena Net support have the ability to change the region in exceptional circumstances? Why is it so difficult to change one field in a database?
Originally Posted by Diplo
Why can we only read the EULA once we have bought and opened the game, meaning we can't return it to the shop even if we disagree with the EULA? (This is a general point that applies to nearly all games but is an example of how customers often get screwed).
Also ignorance is not an excuse in the eyes of the law. The EULA is there online for you to read before you buy the game. Putting it in the box only wastes paper, and as you need a net connection to play the game there is nothing stopping you looking on their site.
Also hardly any computer game offers you an EULA before you open the packet and install it. Also how many people have paid for software they want and then taken it back because they don't agree with the EULA. I work in the computer industry and in all my years I have never known anyone or any company return software because they disagree with the EULA.
In fact they only time you could sensibly disagree is if you wanted to hack the software, copy it illegally. Or do something to compromise the quality of the product for other users.
So this posit is rather pointless.
Also 45 euros is nothing some games you have to pay 70 euros for then pay 15-20 euros per month. So moaning about having to spend a bit more cash again is stupid, or would you like to see a monthly fee.
So here are some solutions.
1) Buy another copy of the game it's not that much and you don't pay monthly for it. And you get the best of the US and Europe region. So you can use the fissure more than most people.
2) Play in the international districts with your friends.
3) Trade your account with someone in the US who is stuck in Europe.
4) Waste more hours of your life moaning about something you cannot change, instead of just accepting it.
I've never seen these warnings,,, then again i've never switched countries.... However, from reading all of these posts, there needs to be a better system implemented. Obviously, if people are getting stuck in different countries, whether or not they didn't notice, something isn't working right. Secondly, I expect that when I purchase a game, the support staff will and should bend over backwards for me. I don't care if i spent 2$ or 200$ on it, whether or not it has a monthly fee, or how many free hookers come with it. When I purchase your product, I am now the customer and from what I have witnessed elsewhere, the customer is always right. If I am unhappy with something, whether it be caused by me or them, I expect that I will be catered to and if not, I shall take my business elsewhere. SERVICE DOES NOT END AFTER I SHELL OUT MY MONIES. The fact that ANET cannot access the databass is complete shit, and if they truely can't we better be questioning the future of GW (think crashes and rollbacks). Yes, he shoulda read it closer, yes its his fault, and yes he's probably going to reoffend somewhere else down the line... But he paid his 45 bucks and as far as I'm concerned, ANET should be asking him if he would another drink.
Originally Posted by Principa Discordia
So you're saying that this notice is not clear or obvious enough? I'm sorry, but if someone doesn't think that it's an obvious warning then I'm surprised they know how to use a computer in the first place.
![]() |

Either way, I'm sure the original poster had a legitimate reason to be traversing between the two locations. A friend of mine can't get into UW/FOW to collect a few items because Europe rarely gets the favor, so he switches between the two. We know it sucks and we understand the basic logic of locking server switching. For now, he has given up on it and sticking to the Euro server. I think he has 1~2 times left to switch.
Originally Posted by InFeStEd
I've never seen these warnings,,, then again i've never switched countries.... However, from reading all of these posts, there needs to be a better system implemented. Obviously, if people are getting stuck in different countries, whether or not they didn't notice, something isn't working right. Secondly, I expect that when I purchase a game, the support staff will and should bend over backwards for me. I don't care if i spent 2$ or 200$ on it, whether or not it has a monthly fee, or how many free hookers come with it. When I purchase your product, I am now the customer and from what I have witnessed elsewhere, the customer is always right. If I am unhappy with something, whether it be caused by me or them, I expect that I will be catered to and if not, I shall take my business elsewhere. SERVICE DOES NOT END AFTER I SHELL OUT MY MONIES. The fact that ANET cannot access the databass is complete shit, and if they truely can't we better be questioning the future of GW (think crashes and rollbacks). Yes, he shoulda read it closer, yes its his fault, and yes he's probably going to reoffend somewhere else down the line... But he paid his 45 bucks and as far as I'm concerned, ANET should be asking him if he would another drink.
I said NCsoft controlls he accounts database. Arena.net has access to it but cannto change it. Arena.net has full access to the character database, so rollback are possible.
The acounts database holds your personal information, your access keys, and region details. By law in most countries this data has to be secures an only accessed by registered personel.
Do you really want every tom, dick and harry looking at your personall account details, having access to the key's you have paid for.
This secure accoutn system protect you the user from people selling your information. I would imagine on this system they only thing A.net can access is What region your in, and what you have access to. The key information is kept secret, as are your personal details.
This way those that control the accounts database are not the people your pissing of by moaning.
As for the customer is always right. That has never been the case, it's a consumer dream. According to the law of most countries a.net have done everythign they can. They gave him 5 warning, the EULA is online to look at, if that user refuses to read what is put in front of him then it's the users fault.
So if you fail to read the 'Bridge Out' sign and drive your car off a cliff into a river. then it's not your fault? Thiir is no magic in car pop-up saying stop their is a massive hole ahead. But their are signs and if you read them then you can avoid disaster, if you don't then it's your own fault and don't go crying to other people about it.
I don't think A.Net needed to make popups. The LARGE warning should be obvious enough and the people who happen to ignore those warnings are the same ones who would have clicked yes without reading the small text on the popup. Developers try to making things fool proof, but it's not their job to make things idiot proof. They can't have popups after everything because the normal user would find the application extremely annoying.
And I don't think A.Net needs to make it a even number of times either. The more changes there are, the more beneficial it is to you. If you want an even number, pretend there are only 4 uses and never use the last one. If you cannot be bothered to read or control yourself from changing, it's your fault.
However, one valid point brought up by someone earlier is that people from non-American and non-European countries do not have a native realm to play on. Someone in Australia or China may want to try out both to test for best ping, etc, and their real life friends in the same country may be located in different realms. I think the best solution is that you have 5 changes in the first month (so you can explore and find the realm you like) and after the first month you are down to 1 change per month or something.
And I don't think A.Net needs to make it a even number of times either. The more changes there are, the more beneficial it is to you. If you want an even number, pretend there are only 4 uses and never use the last one. If you cannot be bothered to read or control yourself from changing, it's your fault.
However, one valid point brought up by someone earlier is that people from non-American and non-European countries do not have a native realm to play on. Someone in Australia or China may want to try out both to test for best ping, etc, and their real life friends in the same country may be located in different realms. I think the best solution is that you have 5 changes in the first month (so you can explore and find the realm you like) and after the first month you are down to 1 change per month or something.
Originally Posted by gabby2600
Ah so you speak to NC soft staff then on a regualr basis?
I said NCsoft controlls he accounts database. Arena.net has access to it but cannto change it. Arena.net has full access to the character database, so rollback are possible. The acounts database holds your personal information, your access keys, and region details. By law in most countries this data has to be secures an only accessed by registered personel. Do you really want every tom, dick and harry looking at your personall account details, having access to the key's you have paid for. This secure accoutn system protect you the user from people selling your information. I would imagine on this system they only thing A.net can access is What region your in, and what you have access to. The key information is kept secret, as are your personal details. This way those that control the accounts database are not the people your pissing of by moaning. As for the customer is always right. That has never been the case, it's a consumer dream. According to the law of most countries a.net have done everythign they can. They gave him 5 warning, the EULA is online to look at, if that user refuses to read what is put in front of him then it's the users fault. So if you fail to read the 'Bridge Out' sign and drive your car off a cliff into a river. then it's not your fault? Thiir is no magic in car pop-up saying stop their is a massive hole ahead. But their are signs and if you read them then you can avoid disaster, if you don't then it's your own fault and don't go crying to other people about it. |
hmm, ok so regional changes are stored on a server not accessable by ANET. Well, maybe they should recruit a team that has access to it for issues like this one. Obviously it's happening and their system is not even close to 100%. Secondly, I don't know what country you are from or what video games you play, but for STEAM (CS and CS:Source), Ragnarok Online, WoW, and even D2, I have never had any problem requesting help with a blunder I have made. I recieved curt and prompt help in each case and was asked not to repeat my mistake and inform others to not as well. As in real life, about 80% of the time, whenever I buy something and have a problem with it, my whims are taken care of. I purchase a hamburger with cheese and it doesn't come with cheese.... "Sorry sir, here's a coupon for a free hamburger next time and here's your burger with cheese." Or, I order a hamburger and forget to ask for cheese. "Oh sorry sir, we can get that for you, just a moment." (mmmm hamburgers, it's lunch time.) Lastly, your bridge analogy. You better bet that if that bridge isn't a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing beacon of warnings(you have 3 chances left to switch countries), and that there isn't something physically stopping me from driving off that bridge(are you sure you want to switch countries? This is your last time!), I am getting a FAT settlement if I go over. (1)assuming I live :P 2)Yes this is rediculous, but according to settlements and from what I understand, if it is not well labelled, I would have grounds to sue.)
All said and done, I went and checked the warnings that come up and it is understandable that someone could miss them. I know all of us has experiance the gamers glazed eyes phenominom (SP) and I would even admit that at times, I could even miss it. Especially if I were multitasking, (game, phone, food) Now yes, i bet ANET doesn't have the time to help every tom, dick, sally, and sue but rather than just let these problems slide by, fix the core of the problem. I mean, a simple box that appears the last time or even every time, warning you of what you are doing would be a simple yet effective remedy.
Originally Posted by noblepaladin
I don't think A.Net needed to make popups. The LARGE warning should be obvious enough and the people who happen to ignore those warnings are the same ones who would have clicked yes without reading the small text on the popup. Developers try to making things fool proof, but it's not their job to make things idiot proof. They can't have popups after everything because the normal user would find the application extremely annoying.
And I don't think A.Net needs to make it a even number of times either. The more changes there are, the more beneficial it is to you. If you want an even number, pretend there are only 4 uses and never use the last one. If you cannot be bothered to read or control yourself from changing, it's your fault. However, one valid point brought up by someone earlier is that people from non-American and non-European countries do not have a native realm to play on. Someone in Australia or China may want to try out both to test for best ping, etc, and their real life friends in the same country may be located in different realms. I think the best solution is that you have 5 changes in the first month (so you can explore and find the realm you like) and after the first month you are down to 1 change per month or something. |
Angelus Angel
Lol if it makes you feel better i done the same but guess what i read about the 5 changes and still went..
The fun bit is as i went to the usa servers for the final time im now lagging like a bitch..
didnt have this problem before but hey what the hell time to go and buy a fresh copy and start again ... Least i will get both worlds ..
The fun bit is as i went to the usa servers for the final time im now lagging like a bitch..
didnt have this problem before but hey what the hell time to go and buy a fresh copy and start again ... Least i will get both worlds ..
Hey man I am also screwed in American Servers and experience loads of lagg and it really makes my gaming hell. Im from Europe too so dont think your the only one

Ugg stop bringing back dead and old threads.
I "had" the same problem too, that I was stuck in America. I explained very politely to ArenaNet support that allowing only to change five times was silly, and should be an even number. They even said to me they were going to change it to four, and would reset my account back to my home territory.
I had the following replies (Names blanked, because I do not want to get anyone into trouble, just incase). I must either be a very polite person, or very lucky person.
Replied politely to this with my great thanks, and I got this message...
And now I am back home where I belong in Europe from being stuck in America.
I believe the system should be changed to a time limit as well. i.e. change territory only once a month.
I had the following replies (Names blanked, because I do not want to get anyone into trouble, just incase). I must either be a very polite person, or very lucky person.
Response (GM ****) 06/09/2005 07:15 PM Hello, Thanks for getting in touch with your question about changing Guild Wars territories. We currently have been allowing five (5) changes of territory over the life of the player's account. The limitation on the number of changes was put in place to prevent tournament abuse, and to assure that players are able to receive support from the appropriate region of the world. Because a few players ended up in the opposite game world territory that they ultimately desired, based on the fact that an odd number of changes were allowed, we are going to change to a total of four (4) territory changes. This will assure that players can return to their original "home" territory. As a courtesy for our customers who find themselves without the ability to return to their home territory, we will reset your territory assignment one additional time for you. This is a one-time change, and future requests to change territories cannot be accepted nor acted upon. If you wish to have your account territory changed this final time, please reply to this email and provide your access key as well as the territory you want to be placed in and we can undertake that placement for you. This change may require an additional few business days. If you do not see that the change has taken place within four business days, please reply to this email and let us know. If you have any more problems please feel free to contact us. Kind regards, GM **** |
Response (GM ****) 06/23/2005 08:38 AM Hello. Thanks for contacting us in regards to chaning your territory. We are going to forward your request to the developers as soon as possible. Please allow them a few working days to complete your request and set your account to the desired territory. Thanks for your patience and your understanding. Regards, GM **** |
I believe the system should be changed to a time limit as well. i.e. change territory only once a month.
my mate got switched back to europe servers after using his 5 switches.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Diplo
Personally I think that sucks. I'm sure it would be extremely easy to change if they wanted, but I suspect they just won't do it. It's fine all the good people saying he should have read the warning, but let's face it, how many read every scrap of information on screen? How many of those people read the whole EULA when installing the game? Every single word? Not many I bet. You should at least get an obvious final warning that you can't ignore when making your last change - that's just normal user-friendly UI programming.
should a boot come out of the wall and kick you in the teeth too? Why must people be slapped in the face with warnings to before they'll read anything?
well if all else fails, and you have lots of effort put forth in your account, you can give all your items to someone to port back to europe, then try and sell your account to an american for the same price of the game.... i'm sure theres people out there who would be more then happy to start out ahead. then take that money to buy a brand spankin new account in europe.
Hmm this makes me think about the OS I used to work with. You know not matter how many times we put in BOLD RED PRINT with pop up windows in all that the System installation method formatted all attatched drives, everyday we had someone fuming mad becuase they lost all their precious data.
Put plainly and simply, A Manufacturer or Developer can only do so much to Help a user then its up to them to do the rest. At what point do you stop putting warnings, when they work like ad pop ups ? with one simple text phrase ? At some point the user has to help themself.
While Im more then sure that Anet could very easily move a character to another domain, it may just be a simple policy that is in place that forbids it. I do not intend to claim or act like I know how the Guildwars system is designed. It may be a much more complex operation to move an account then I suspect. That may very well involve things like National Laws, Information Relay regulations, Information Protection and the likes there of.
Just thought Id drop that note that this thread reminds me of something I faced as a support rep before. There really is nothing more that you can do except tell them you are sorry.
What ever you do, DO NOT DO THIS. Its a breach of contract and can get you as well as the account Banned indefinitely. You will only put yourself in a worse position. All you can do at this point is bite the bullet and accept the responsibility for your own actions regardless of if you knew or not. The above quoted suggestion is not a viable option. It is an illegal one to my knowledege.
Put plainly and simply, A Manufacturer or Developer can only do so much to Help a user then its up to them to do the rest. At what point do you stop putting warnings, when they work like ad pop ups ? with one simple text phrase ? At some point the user has to help themself.
While Im more then sure that Anet could very easily move a character to another domain, it may just be a simple policy that is in place that forbids it. I do not intend to claim or act like I know how the Guildwars system is designed. It may be a much more complex operation to move an account then I suspect. That may very well involve things like National Laws, Information Relay regulations, Information Protection and the likes there of.
Just thought Id drop that note that this thread reminds me of something I faced as a support rep before. There really is nothing more that you can do except tell them you are sorry.
well if all else fails, and you have lots of effort put forth in your account, you can give all your items to someone to port back to europe, then try and sell your account to an american for the same price of the game.... i'm sure theres people out there who would be more then happy to start out ahead. then take that money to buy a brand spankin new account in europe. |
The text is pretty easy to read, and the number's even a different colour. If you didn't read it, sorry, i think it's really your own fault.
Originally Posted by Shao
Hi. I have a major problem and and Guild Wars will NOT help me. I (European) went to the American territory a few times in the middle of the night because in Europe it was kind of empty. I finally decided to read the text above the change buttons after several attempts to change back to europe again and it said I could change it 0 more times. I have never really paid attention to what was written their. Never got a warning this change would be my final decision and I wasn't aware that you could only change it 5 times. Otherwise I would have stayed in Europe. All my pvp friends are in Europe. So I send GW an e-mail with the question if they please could help me and set my account to Europe Territory. After all I was just trying to have some fun in the middle of the night and went to America 'cause it was more populated. If I will not be able to go back to Europe I will not continue to play Guild Wars anymore. My online friends are in Europe and international districts are no fun when pvp-ing.
Well like I said... Guild Wars will not help me which I think is pretty lame. These are the replies I got on my requests to change me back to europe. *First response* Hello M, Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars customer support team. I am afraid to say that the procedure of changing territory can be repeated only five times and unfortunately there is no way that this can be changed. In the interface where you can change your territory it is clearly stated the number of time left to change your account location. If you should have not notice it, unfortunately we cannot bring back players to the territory they wish to play in. Thank you for your understanding. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance. Kind regards, GM Stefania NCsoft Europe Guild Wars Customer Support *Second response* Hello M, Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars customer support team and providing our feedback. As already stated in the previous response the procedure of changing territory can be repeated only five times and unfortunately there is no way that this can be changed. We would like to point out that In the interface where you can change your territory it is clearly stated the number of time left to change your account location. If you should have not notice it, we're sorry that we cannot offer you a process to reverse the process, and the Support Team unfortunately is not able to bring back players to the territory they wish to play in. If this is going to change we will inform you and all the other players on our official web site www.guildwars.com. By all means, you are free to end up your playing any time and we will be sorry to lost your custom. We are very sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused to you. Thank you for your understanding. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance. Kind regards, GM Stefania NCsoft Europe Now maybe I should have read the information better but again I never got a pop-up (or something like that) which stated it would be the final change. And now I am stuck with a useless game which I enjoyed playing before. I think it's pretty lousy they won't do anything. So be carefull with changing territory 'cause you might end up like poor me. |
What really sucks is ur stuck in american terrotory. lmao.