Err=7 woes


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

Hello all
From about 2 weeks back ive been having a problem connecting to GW maps, im in Venezuela using CANTV, and well i cheked around the forums to see if anyone found a temporal solution whyle NCsoft fixed this.
I read that changing my zone to europe fixes the problem, but it only does if you do NOT entre the PvP zones. i can play normally on PvE, but as soon as i try to load a HoH map i get stuck on the connecting screen. =/
i tried opening my ports, and contacting NCsupport. NC told me in pretty words to go play with myself and contact my ISP. Officially the answer is that its my ISPs fault, not theirs. i would like to contact my ISP to try to get some help, but i would need some sort of adress to tell the Tech support ppl who it is i cant connect to, i cant just call my isp and say Guild Wars doesnt work. I emailed NC to ask for this info and the answer is blowing breeze and crickets, could anyone assist me in tryin to fix this issue?