Identifying Runes from salvage items
Knowledge Seeker
Well i was wondering when you indentify a salvage item and unlock a rune, is that all? or can you do anything with that item like sell it??? or is the identifying of salvage items only for unlocking
I Shadow
use an expert salvage kit on that armour to get the rune out of it. ITs now a 100% chance, thou u can still lose it when salvaging ur own armour when u upgrade
Knowledge Seeker
ah ok so i now salvage the item i identified to get the rune i identified..i guess :P
Wrath of m0o
Yes, but again...use the Expert Kit ! If you use the Regular Salvage Kit you will turn the rune into 8 wood Also, just because you Identified the rune, doesnt mean when you Exp Salvage it, it isnt going to turn into 8 wood anyway. As with all runes there is a % chance you salvage it into a useable rune. I exp kit salvaged a Superior Vigor into 8 wood
I Shadow
Originally Posted by Wrath of m0o
Yes, but again...use the Expert Kit ! If you use the Regular Salvage Kit you will turn the rune into 8 wood Also, just because you Identified the rune, doesnt mean when you Exp Salvage it, it isnt going to turn into 8 wood anyway. As with all runes there is a % chance you salvage it into a useable rune. I exp kit salvaged a Superior Vigor into 8 wood
theres still a chance u will lose them when salvaging ur own armour thou
Wrath of m0o
Figures...whats the odds of getting another superior Vigor again ?