Of course, there's the whole spacebar, do it all button, but my elementalist seems to use alot of aoe spells for around her, and only her... alot of the times this can create a problem, especially if i lag... cause then the position of my character on my screen, isnt the direct position she really is in... so i need a button i can press to just get close to a target... as of now, i try to press spacebar on a warrior, and use it when i get close enough with the warrior... but it would be nice if there was a button that i could press.
Any other people with around character aoe spells want this?
Any opposing? If so, why?
Get close to target button!
Perishiko ReLLiK
You could swap in a melee weapon for your elementalist, then use C to select closest opponent, then space to attack (moves you in). I find shoving my character into the pack with the arrow keys (after moving close by just clicking) works best, since it lets you stand in the middle of a group instead of closeby one of them.