Which Element Should I Pick For A W/ELE
For air, I have a build that can blind and weaken others.
For Earth, I have high defensive abililities
For Fire, I have high offense
I dont wan tto use water
For Earth, I have high defensive abililities
For Fire, I have high offense
I dont wan tto use water
i have same question on the build section on form: its either got be water, air, fire (since they all have conjure spell), but which is one is best for PvP and wich one is best for PvE. I'd really like to know.
EDIT: btw right now me fire, and i think fire is good for PVE (since it does area damage), but really question is whats best for PvP
EDIT: btw right now me fire, and i think fire is good for PVE (since it does area damage), but really question is whats best for PvP
For PvE, i would probably go with Earth since as a warrior, it will be a bit too inefficient to try and cast offensive spells.
Originally Posted by spikydude
For PvE, i would probably go with Earth since as a warrior, it will be a bit too inefficient to try and cast offensive spells.
a warrior has a less then desirable amount of energy.
i'd also say go with earth. armor of earth can be very beneficial to you as you're the meat shield (or arrow sponge) and perhaps using aftershock after knocking down a foe with one of those hammer skills gives a nice junk o' damage
hell, i do it with my ranger
spike trap and aftershock (if they get too close that is)
i'd also say go with earth. armor of earth can be very beneficial to you as you're the meat shield (or arrow sponge) and perhaps using aftershock after knocking down a foe with one of those hammer skills gives a nice junk o' damage

hell, i do it with my ranger

with a focs and the right skills, energy isnt a problem
Ice might be useful, as many ice spells also snare enemies. Earth would be good for the extra armour, and fire would be pretty nifty if you focus on incinerating people.
I use half and half earth and fire.
Immortal Flame
In high lvl PvP earth wont help you. A mesmer will be put on you to rip enchantments and do armor ignoring damage. In PvE water wont help, enemies dont run in PvE anways. Other than that, if your just gonna use a conjure, do air. It penetrates armor i believe.
I'd also go with Air, not for the damage, but because BLIND and KNOCKDOWN [and Lightning Interupt Effects] are all under air. I've used gale extensively to interupt both in PvP and PvE [knocking down an ettin while doing his healing signet thing works wonders, and im not even mentioned knocking down running Monks?]. Both Gale and Blinding Flash are cheap and generally fast to cast [with a few cons, but we assume you wont be using it constantly]. Im of course assuming you don't have a knockdown warrior attack. I doubt i would use my secondary Elem for damage UNLESS it is sometihng like Lava Font which hits all targets around me, but chances are, as a warrior in PvP you wont be surrounded by a "gang" of warriors [unlike when you are a monk], you'll probably be taking on a warrior 1-on-1 and be chasing mages around the place [making alot of area spells tricky to use]. Anyway thats just my view up to now.
Of course in PvE i would probably consider Lava Font and similar spells [which do damage around you over a period of time].
Of course in PvE i would probably consider Lava Font and similar spells [which do damage around you over a period of time].
I play a w/e. I use water for pvp because it gives me a nice balance between offenisve capabilities and defensive. Good armor spells, enchant frost and AE cold damage. For pvp I run air for the low mana cost knockdown spells, one is Gale the other I forget, but it does damage and KD's anyone attacking. I also like to run enchant lightning and sometimes blind.
I am a big fan of all the conjure spells, so for me earth is not an options. I am also not a big believer in a lot of defencive spells in PvP, since mesmers would pretty much rip that apart. What i have analyzed is this: for PvE, fire would be best, because it does area spells, and since you are often surrounded by many monsters its very usefull. Mana is really not a problem for me that much, with great mana mangement I am very good at making everything work. For PvP i would actually have to go with air, because it has more of a 1v1 spells, which are very usefull since thats what alot of wars do, and it does have conjure lighting.
stay away from fire. the man cost are very high for anything that is usefull and the limited mana that you have will only hurt you... Air is a great addition to use alot of low cost Knockdowns like Shock and whirewind. and if your fighting other mele classes blind is by far the best thing to cast.
Earth is good but lets face it as a warrior you already have the best AC you can get in the game. what you should be looking for is ways to kill faster not ways to take more damage and last longer in the fights.
to be honest there are better secondary classes for Warriors than Elementalist but if your going to go this way go with AIR..
as for me i use Mesmer with my warrior
Earth is good but lets face it as a warrior you already have the best AC you can get in the game. what you should be looking for is ways to kill faster not ways to take more damage and last longer in the fights.
to be honest there are better secondary classes for Warriors than Elementalist but if your going to go this way go with AIR..
as for me i use Mesmer with my warrior
Originally Posted by salatious
stay away from fire. the man cost are very high for anything that is usefull and the limited mana that you have will only hurt you... Air is a great addition to use alot of low cost Knockdowns like Shock and whirewind. and if your fighting other mele classes blind is by far the best thing to cast.
Earth is good but lets face it as a warrior you already have the best AC you can get in the game. what you should be looking for is ways to kill faster not ways to take more damage and last longer in the fights. to be honest there are better secondary classes for Warriors than Elementalist but if your going to go this way go with AIR.. as for me i use Mesmer with my warrior |
any of them would work, but i know some of the warriors in my guild like air. slap on a conjure lightning with a lightning hilt or whatever. not to mention gale to stop the runners

Lightning is the best, I love Chain Lightning, Hurricane(name probably isn't right) and all the ones that give weakness
Inferno works very well in my Warrior's Endurance PvE build. The 10 energy is nothing, and the short casting time (5/4ths of a second) keeps me pounding longer than something like Lava Font or Phoenix would be.
well i think earth is best for PVE because of high defense, but its not good for pvp (ppl ussually dont target warriors) i would use lightning, because u can knock ppl down, interrupt, and useing lightning strike (only 5 energy), you can become a very effective anti warrior
Wow, do we have a balanced game here or what? I love all the different opinions, and I love that they're all basically right.
I started with Earth on a warrior, but soon switched to Air. Pretty much for the above reasons. As a warrior in PvE you take most of your damage from spells, so more armor is unually not needed.
But it's fun to reformat and become the un-hurtable granite warrior. Go stand in a group of 20 charr and just kind of chuckle.
I started with Earth on a warrior, but soon switched to Air. Pretty much for the above reasons. As a warrior in PvE you take most of your damage from spells, so more armor is unually not needed.
But it's fun to reformat and become the un-hurtable granite warrior. Go stand in a group of 20 charr and just kind of chuckle.