Beyond Irritating - A Vicious Pick-Up Group



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Servants of Fortuna


This thread (and others like it) have prompted me to post a proposed solution at the Sardelac Sanitarium:

Dispute Resolution via Splitting Instances


I recently had a pick-up group where 7 of the 8 players were fantastic. The eighth person, however, was there to spoil the group. Very smart person, skilled, yet, for some reason had a "death" wish on the group. I was not the 'leader' in this pick-up group (playing a lowly mesmer, it is hard to attract a PUG) so I didn't pick the fella, but here is the story:

First, let me clear, that we had agreed _many_ times that we were
NOT going to run a Signet Capture, and that we were just going
to do the mission.

Everything was going great, till the person X, decided that he wanted to go way-off the path to capture his signet. Well, the group didn't agree. And he split off to do his own thing (cursing as he went). All was slient for a time - he was a good survivor, you'd see his bars going up and down, but never below 50% -- and then we got the threat:


He was serious, too. He followed up on his promise, as our health bars were going down, he brought in 3-4 extra hydra from _very_ far off. After engaging the hydra, he sprinted away leaving us to kill them. Then he said:


And then came the next set of Hydra. And the next set. And finally, he got his wish. He got his capture. Then what did he do?


He then aggroed everything in sight and brought them all back to us. He won. He got his signet, and we failed the mission, his quote:




Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Just a Box in a Cage

Hurry Up The Cakes [Oven]

Did you take plenty of screens? If I'm not mistaken, griefing is against the EULA, and he could be banned for assholeism.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005



What I would have done is just sent a tell to each member of the group. Then all agree to map travel to the same zone and leave him out there all alone.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005




Geez, what a git. Especially as you had agreed not to capture.

I would have done what Skawtt said, as soon as he decided to go his own way.
This is a lesson for us all.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Stuff <---(insert colorful cuss words here) happens. That does bite..been there myself, but then again that's the nature of MMO's. If everything went according to plan life would be boring



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

New York

That is why I am all for a party "kick" system.

Mapping back is no problem early, but when your deep into the mission it's not fair for the group to be held hostage by one buffoon.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


Silver Wolves


Originally Posted by smitty-gw
That is why I am all for a party "kick" system.

Mapping back is no problem early, but when your deep into the mission it's not fair for the group to be held hostage by one buffoon.
I very much think this is a good idea. More party control should be granted to the party leader. He/She is after all, the de facto leader.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


Faction Issues


And if the asshole is the group leader? IE, just about to complete a mission, when he punts people one by one back to town, so only he gets the win. This WOULD happen, im pretty sure.

At the end of the day you could of all left and restarted, a bit of a pain but better than a) playing with an idiot, b) having the mission screwed up because of said idiot.

Nicro Mancer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005




how about a vote to kick. Someone can only be kicked with half the group votes to kick the idiot. Obviously with a 2 man party this wouldn't work, but with anything bigger it should.

I Shadow

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Thrill Kill Kult


make it a votingt system to kick players.

f.ex the leader initiates a kick vote. a 75% majority is need so 6 more people need to vote and he gets kicked. Would make it so the leader couldnt grief and also gives the option to get rid of people that the team doesnt like



Black Beast of Aarrrrgghh

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

The Biggyverse [PLEB] // Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

i'm normally against public crucifixion....
but i might just make an exception in this case. This is such a display of bad play, that i still have a hard time believing it....

A kicking system should be implemented indeed. i see people trying to lift missions by joining and then just standing afk like an idiot. but that's not even as worse as this.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Awakened Tempest [aT]

I agree, there are so many people who will call out "AFK" and then magically return just before you finish, leeching all your gold and time, as well as getting a free mission. There should definitely be an option to kick, with a simple majority or 75% or whatever.



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

Wow Ix Chel - I had the same sort of thing happen yesterday - granted, in a less important area - was taking my newest PvE toon through the first mission (Wall) and the guy who got the first piece of Kilnn Testbrie's (sp?) armour tries extorting us, explaining that we can't get the bonus without him and we have to pay him to do it. I told him that he was lucky that he was along at all and to smarten up, that we could complete the mission without him easily and that we can come back for the bonus if we need it. Little prats. Extortion in the game is more than annoying.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

While such behavior is disgusting, what I don't understand is why you all didn't run away? Mobs will only aggro so far before going back to their area, so he could have tried to bring mobs onto you, but if you're not there...

Still, people like this just destroy internet gaming...


Thadius Invictus

Thadius Invictus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Wardens of Truth

I have had a different experience. Doing the Galrath Quest yesterday, which took my 5.5 hours mind you, there were several times where those bloody forest minators and swamp leech thingy, (I forget their name) would chase me everywhere and not stop and go back, they were like the energizer bunny just kept going and going and going....

As for bad-arse group members, I agree with a party boot vote system. One similar to the cut scene skip vote would be nice. "1 of 6 members chooses to skip this cut sceneā€ well "4 of 6 members wish to expel 'user's name' from the party"

Teufel Eldritch

Teufel Eldritch

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Shadar Logoth

The Legendary Majestic 12


Well if it was like the cut scene thing it wouldn't work. But in all seriousness... yes a boot/kick system is sorely needed.

Great Gjl

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by IxChel
He then aggroed everything in sight and brought them all back to us. He won. He got his signet, and we failed the mission, his quote:
Yep, he won alright. He got his little power trip and his skill capped, but he's probably a worser person for it. Just let him think that he's won, since assholes like that don't need your help.

Would be an idea to report him, but playing games online isn't as fun without 'characters' like those, and banning these kinds of people make them feel even more convinced about whatever it is they feel about themselves instead of making them learn.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Servants of Fortuna


Originally Posted by Nicro Mancer
how about a vote to kick. Someone can only be kicked with half the group votes to kick the idiot. Obviously with a 2 man party this wouldn't work, but with anything bigger it should.
Instead of kicking, how about
Dispute Resolution via Splitting Instances




Join Date: Mar 2005


You poor thing you, yes report him so arenanet can terminate yet another persons 50 dollar account. Too bad you can't report people for being morons by rushing in and agroing a ton of monsters, Like i've wanted to do since the first day of retail... In fact I think i'll go do thunderhead right now, and then come back half way through from being AFK and just aggro a bunch of monsters because there's no credible screenshot factor.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Southern Cali

Herald of the Storm


Originally Posted by Creston
While such behavior is disgusting, what I don't understand is why you all didn't run away? Mobs will only aggro so far before going back to their area, so he could have tried to bring mobs onto you, but if you're not there...

Still, people like this just destroy internet gaming...

Some mobs will not stop pursuing. Doesn't matter even if they're well out of your circle of influence, they will keep on chasing until you exit the region.

Everyone has their stories of grief. Just a few nights ago I took my ascended warrior to Riverside looking to complete the bonus. Finally I joined a bonus party and after well over an hour of bashing through enemies, one guy, who refused to drop the scepter no matter how many Times he was killed and told to drop the scepter to avoid being targetted, finally showed his true intentions.

When we finally got to the last two towers, him and his ascended "friend" took off running with the staff and exited the mission before we could finish the last two towers and get the bonus. Had I taken a moment of thought longer I would have realized what this guy was doing, constantly insisting on taking the scepter no matter what, and I really kick myself for that.

The remaining four of us were shocked by such a disgusting display and eventually we all went back and did the bonus run again and got it. This Time we made sure we didn't even go for the scepter until bonus was complete.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

It's a shame there are people like that.

I've never been extorted but I've been in 3 groups where someone in the group was just purposely bad.

One was a monk that said his mom told him he had 5 minutes before he had to shut down his computer so he wouldn't be able to finish. When we said, "That's ok," and no problem. He said, "You're not finishing without me!" and pulled a pile of grawl on us in Lornars. We couldn't have finished anyway but he didn't know that.

I thought he was alright too, we'd spent an hour and were at the last little section before Dreadnaughts.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

New York

It takes a certain special quality to deserve the "kick" from a group.

Some people are inexperienced or just bad players. Those who aggro everything usually die alot. Just leave them dead. They will be ressurected at a cutscene, at missions completion or mission reset. I would not even discriminate against these types of people.

I had this problem the other day with a scribbler on the map. He constantly pinged the map as well and used profanity endlessly. When he died we left him there. It was peaceful when he died, but he just went AFK and got the mission from us in the end, coming back periodically to grief us some more. These types that I've encountered are a minority, but they do exist unfortunately. These are the people who need a good "kicking"

Why should players get rewarded from this type of behavior? Let these clowns grief awhile and then get "kicked" right before missions end.

A few fruitless runs like that will almost certainly adjust their attitude.



Join Date: May 2005

There is a very simple, yet highly effective way to deal with asshats like this.

Leave the group at the second display of moronism.

If someone in ANY group im in starts being a tool, ill ask them nicely 'please stop ---------'

If they dont I leave the group. Every single time.

This guy got his Elite skill, and screwed up your mission.

He would not have got his elite skill if at the second disply of him not playing the team game people started to leave.

You either take the initiative and 'punish' them first, or they will screw you.

The game, infact all mmo's, are rife with people like these. If they dont get their own way they will screw others.

The only way to dea with it is to take no sh1t from anyone whatsoever.

It amuses me when I ask people to 'stop pinging constantly' 'stop drawing swastikas/penises' etc. and they continue to do so, taunting me, so I just leave.

Its unfortunate for the rest of the team, granted, but the rest of the team will suffer usually anyway later on, far better imo to suffer early, yet teach the little fuker a lesson, than have him get his own way and screw everyone over anyway.





Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

New York

If its early, I agree, thats the thing to do.

But when is your vested time in a mission worth more than running away from an internet bully? and WHY should we have to?

I'm going to start another "kick" petition thread in the Sanitarium right now.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


ACE~Ancient Combat Experts


/votekick <insert name>

Then a message appears on the offenders screen "there is 1 vote against you".

For those of you that played SOCOM on PS2 there was an option like this. It was used for players not contributing to the team, and that displayed more n00bish qualities. Or, if someone was camping, and you wanted the round to end it would get them moving.

I am sure if someone starts to see "1 vote against, 2 votes against, 3 votes against" they will mend their actions. It will let them know the tribe is malcontent with their current behavior, and are serious about it. For some reason typing in CAPS is not effective. If they dont they are gone, and you are down one person. You sort of were down 1 anyways with them acting like this.

I had an experience in Ring of Fire, where we had partied and were doing quite well and were very far. Until we all died. Then low and behold we see So-n-So is still alive, but back at the portal afk. We could not respawn cause there were no monsters around to kill him. We sat and waited, but he never returned. votekick would be excellent for times like these. It would allow the team to respawn, instead of having to regroup and restart at town.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


i wanted the signet capture. the other team did not.

Funny thing the others were 3 monks and 3 "bad other players" (1 left early), took them ages to kill something small without me (mesmer), so i sayd:

You cant do shit without me, you wont make it without me, and i dont want to figh you trough the mission, all i wanted is that skill, i sayd it from the start. With the skill ill help you trough.

They sayd i did no damage and they can do it without me (they cant even type mesmer), i went to my capture, lured 3 hydras and more to my team, with me they defeated them and their other enemies, without me nothing.
They stopped healing me and voted not to res me.

I have had fun watching a group of 6 players with one monk for each non monk taking ages for that single mission.



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005


Whats your ign?

Bingley Joe

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Philosophers of Denravi

Originally Posted by Ollj

i wanted the signet capture. the other team did not.

Funny thing the others were 3 monks and 3 "bad other players" (1 left early), took them ages to kill something small without me (mesmer), so i sayd:

You cant do shit without me, you wont make it without me, and i dont want to figh you trough the mission, all i wanted is that skill, i sayd it from the start. With the skill ill help you trough.

They sayd i did no damage and they can do it without me (they cant even type mesmer), i went to my capture, lured 3 hydras and more to my team, with me they defeated them and their other enemies, without me nothing.
They stopped healing me and voted not to res me.

I have had fun watching a group of 6 players with one monk for each non monk taking ages for that single mission.

I don't get it... "the other side of the medal" says you're a jerk?..

What are we to take away from your post other than the fact that the game badly needs a system for dealing with ass#oles?

ZigZag Rollmeister

ZigZag Rollmeister

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Yep...this game definitely needs a kick option, preferrably with the ability to replace the kicked person with a henchman of the corresponding class. However, with people like this, I'd be happy with just 'kick'.

Cap'n Hoek

Cap'n Hoek

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Sunny California

Ancient Avatars

Originally Posted by Bingley Joe
What are we to take away from your post other than the fact that the game badly needs a system for dealing with ass#oles?
That there are cool guys out there who think they make the world go round?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005

New Mexico

In EA Games like Battlefield 1942 and Vietnam you were kicked if

1. Autokick you killed other team members

2. A voting system was in place, kick player #, then each player voted. More than 80% and you were out.

In guildwars I think they need to have the vote system too, but have the player replaced with a Henchie..




Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Servants of Fortuna


Originally Posted by ratatass
A voting system was in place, kick player #, then each player voted. More than 80% and you were out. In guildwars I think they need to have the vote system too, but have the player replaced with a Henchie..
Instead of kicking, how about
Dispute Resolution via Splitting Instances



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


ACE~Ancient Combat Experts


Originally Posted by Ollj

i wanted the signet capture. the other team did not.

Funny thing the others were 3 monks and 3 "bad other players" (1 left early), took them ages to kill something small without me (mesmer), so i sayd:

You cant do shit without me, you wont make it without me, and i dont want to figh you trough the mission, all i wanted is that skill, i sayd it from the start. With the skill ill help you trough.

They sayd i did no damage and they can do it without me (they cant even type mesmer), i went to my capture, lured 3 hydras and more to my team, with me they defeated them and their other enemies, without me nothing.
They stopped healing me and voted not to res me.

I have had fun watching a group of 6 players with one monk for each non monk taking ages for that single mission.
I can not believe the guy guilty of this offense actually posted! English looks to be your second language Ollj. Do not critisize people for mispelling mesmer, when you can not even spell SAID.

Please tell me your IGN and Guild name. I almost want to GvG you for being such a jerk to those guys. I dont care if we win just as long as I can dance on your corpse. If you feel you were the innocent party then you should have no problem providing this information.

i sayd it from the start. With the skill ill help you trough
I believe the members stated when THEY started the party that they were there for the mission not skill capping. What were you doing in that group?

Sorry no matter which side of the medal you flip you still come as a jerk.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Maine, USA

[KOO] Keepers of the Old Order.


First off, if you wanted to cap a skill you should have:
A - Ask around and formed a SKILL CAP GROUP.
B - If your a member of a guild, and your guild is half decent they should help you as mine would if I asked.
C - If you can not put together a team of skill capturer's(SP?) you could always try a hench team, which some frown uppon but sometimes they are needed as they were obviously needed in this instance.

Anyways before you act like king shite, and complain about others maybe you should, take time form a group that wants to do what you want to do and go on your way?




Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Ran into one of those too. now we never take pick up people anymore. In Underworld we had just beaten the unwanted guests quest and our 8th a pick up decided that he didnt want to die so he ran far from the group and into a patrol of 3-4 aataxe, which he brought to us and they killed our monks who where in the back. One guy survived and he had a signet, but had used it. So he compelted it but no one else did. We had just finished it when he brought the aataxe in we were just killing the last terrorweb. He had been causing us trouble the whole time we should've just left him dead the first time he had died.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Servants of Fortuna


Originally Posted by snipes
Ran into one of those too. now we never take pick up people anymore.
This is a bit drastic, no?

When I form PuGs, I try to look for well-known guilds (at least ones that post here). I stumbled upon this filtering-process by accident, I ended up playing as a fill-in for the Beguine Guild about two weeks ago. It was a very pleasent experience; and I'd gladly team with anyone from that guild again.

The advantage of doing PuGs, but limited to members of well-known guilds is that: (a) you get to leverage the filtering process used by that guild's members, (b) the people are representing their guild, and therefore, arn't anonymous, (c) if they do really become jerks, you have
a grievance mechanism. Someone who gets lots of bad feedback might very well be kicked from their guild.

Porkchop Sandwhiches

Porkchop Sandwhiches

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Fishing Village in Wizard's Folly


Originally Posted by Ollj
i went to my capture, lured 3 hydras and more to my team, with me they defeated them and their other enemies, without me nothing

What the heck man.

I love this game, but Jesus.