How do you Appeal someone ?
Wrath of m0o
I have this guy "stexe god" who everytime i enter citadel and try to sell deldrimore and vellum-he and his clan start Hassasing the crap out of me. I dont know if they do this to everyone that comes in or for some strange reason they target me. If i try to sell an axe--he replies " 2k for that pos ?" and then he has his guildies all hop on the band wagon. He must think hey's cute try'n to run all the compitetion out of citadel. While his guild tries to capitalize on cornering the market by running everyone out. I have had him on ignore for 3 weeks--( I wish the Ignore cmd would erase his text from my LOCAL and TRADE channel.)
So, back to the issue at hand, because i searched "APPEAL" and got nothing. I have played other mmorpg games before and it was /appeal. I cant say i ever had to use it, but this time i want the kid to just leave me alone, or erase him from my chat window, he is ruining my enjoyment for this game.
So, back to the issue at hand, because i searched "APPEAL" and got nothing. I have played other mmorpg games before and it was /appeal. I cant say i ever had to use it, but this time i want the kid to just leave me alone, or erase him from my chat window, he is ruining my enjoyment for this game.
I would like something like that too because similar things happen to me (but not that bad). For example, today I was forming a dancing party (yes they still do exist
) and my lady ranger was dancing in sync with about 6 or so other rangers. At that time a warrior came up adn started saying a whole lota stupid crap(cant remember what) and got more people to come and ruin the dance party. I wish the /ignore feature would atleast take away all the text from that person, or even better yet, when they are in the list you do not even see their character.

Wrath of m0o
Yeah, and once they have you in the friends list, they know when your playing and can come harass you. But at least i know when heys on, and usually try to stay away from him when heys online. But it also works the other way for someone that enjoys trying to get a rise out of you.
What is the appeal command ?
I told him i was going to report him, but then his whole clan started harassing me and telling me they all reported me.
What is the appeal command ?
I told him i was going to report him, but then his whole clan started harassing me and telling me they all reported me.

Ya, there are a lot of idiotic ppl out there but lots of cool ppl to balance the crap.
What is the Appeal function? Appeal means to make someone like you or something similar.
I think ignore (I don't really have to use it) should take out all reference to this person (on chat, trade, whisper, total) and should auto-set their view of you on friends list to "always offline".
I only have 1 person on my ignore list and that for a minor infraction of calling our party idiots after having been refused entry... that's it. I seem to have good luck I guess
I think ignore (I don't really have to use it) should take out all reference to this person (on chat, trade, whisper, total) and should auto-set their view of you on friends list to "always offline".
I only have 1 person on my ignore list and that for a minor infraction of calling our party idiots after having been refused entry... that's it. I seem to have good luck I guess

yeah i have had people start that crap when i am trying to sell stuff too, actually that name rings a bell for some reason, but i just flame em back, put em on ignore, and change districts, or even cities, there really isnt any way for them to find you other than luck.
true about the ignore thing, it should at least block all chat from them
true about the ignore thing, it should at least block all chat from them
Wrath of m0o
Originally Posted by DrSLUGFly
What is the Appeal function? Appeal means to make someone like you or something similar.
Appeal : To call, as for aid, mercy, sympathy, and the like ; to refer to another person or authority for a decision or vindication.
I really think there should be volunteer 'avatars' of the devs in every town in the game at least only in the american districts endowed with CERTAIN powers like instant communication to the devs for banning, or punishment. no outright 'punishment' powers or teleporting. just standing there, recieving all tells and all whispers to make sure they're not harrassing people.
this could be a real bad idea though- power corrupts!
this could be a real bad idea though- power corrupts!
I see he is on right now, what city do you usually sell in ?? I will make sure to do all my slacking there, and back you up as much as I can.
Evan The Cursed
As far as I'm aware, there is no in-game appeal or report function. (don't quote me on that though)
I would suggest emailing Anet about it.
Yeah, this game doesn't really have GMs... not in the traditional MMORPG sense.
I would suggest emailing Anet about it.
Yeah, this game doesn't really have GMs... not in the traditional MMORPG sense.
I feel for you, those people are annoying.
Just today had two morons with me attempting the HoH. Invited me, grabbed henchmen and entered with only 7. Figured I wouldn't be a ass and leave because we stood very little chance of winning. Seemed friendly at first, person asked if they could join my guild. Once I told her the name, she called it gay... started calling me gay, saying my character's name was gay, saying her boyfriend was gay... and then when we started the next fight sure enough I died. She starts yelling "WTF ARE YOU DOING, DO YOU EVEN HAVE A SWORD AND DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW TO F**KING USE IT. GET OFF THE PARTY!!!". The other just sat there and laughed.
Ignore just isn't enough for these kinds of people. All she kept doing was bugging me to no end until I left the district. This is one of the main reasons I play alone, the henchmen don't complain when something doesn't go their way...
Just today had two morons with me attempting the HoH. Invited me, grabbed henchmen and entered with only 7. Figured I wouldn't be a ass and leave because we stood very little chance of winning. Seemed friendly at first, person asked if they could join my guild. Once I told her the name, she called it gay... started calling me gay, saying my character's name was gay, saying her boyfriend was gay... and then when we started the next fight sure enough I died. She starts yelling "WTF ARE YOU DOING, DO YOU EVEN HAVE A SWORD AND DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW TO F**KING USE IT. GET OFF THE PARTY!!!". The other just sat there and laughed.
Ignore just isn't enough for these kinds of people. All she kept doing was bugging me to no end until I left the district. This is one of the main reasons I play alone, the henchmen don't complain when something doesn't go their way...
Originally Posted by Racthoh
This is one of the main reasons I play alone, the henchmen don't complain when something doesn't go their way... |

I get those people all the time. Its really annoying when you try to acution something and a person bids absurd prices and scares away all the regular bidders and then refuses to pay up.
I get those people all the time. Its really annoying when you try to acution something and a person bids absurd prices and scares away all the regular bidders and then refuses to pay up.
You have to go to the support site, ask a question and report them, give them time / date situation, etc. Then they investigate the situation, they report that they will not talk to you if they took action.
Hehe, I have partied with Stexe God...once. Then he hit my ignore list. He is one of those kids (definately a minor, or an adult with a maturity problem) who charges into fights before the party is ready, he constantly talks about how l33t he is. He's the worst I have seen in a long time, I havent ever seen anyone type themselves up so much...guy must have real self esteem issues.
The guy's a jerk, it's a widely known fact. I wouldnt sweat it too much.
The guy's a jerk, it's a widely known fact. I wouldnt sweat it too much.
Mister Pie
They should have special servers where you have to take an IQ test to get in.
Originally Posted by Mister Pie
They should have special servers where you have to take an IQ test to get in.
I would think that when enough people got turned down, there would be some pretty severe consequences for Anet, for calling people stupid.
Swampgirl Inez
Originally Posted by EternalTempest
You have to go to the support site, ask a question and report them, give them time / date situation, etc. Then they investigate the situation, they report that they will not talk to you if they took action.
Maybe we should form a new guild: Gaurdian_Angels. Then recruit honest folks who GAS about the game and keeping it clean. When people are being bothered they could yell out for a GA and we'd investigate and report....hoping that we'd have enough members to almost always have someone on. That way the devs wouldn't be dealing with millions of reports they couln't ever hope to police but would take reports from the GA's serioiusly and act. Probably an impossible idea but just came to me.
Originally Posted by wsonner
Maybe we should form a new guild: Gaurdian_Angels. Then recruit honest folks who GAS about the game and keeping it clean. When people are being bothered they could yell out for a GA and we'd investigate and report....hoping that we'd have enough members to almost always have someone on. That way the devs wouldn't be dealing with millions of reports they couln't ever hope to police but would take reports from the GA's serioiusly and act. Probably an impossible idea but just came to me.
Not a bad idea, but not entirely safe either. I can easily see that going from a GA, to a tattle-tale, easily. And everyone knows what happens to tattle-tales. Its better to go the anonymous route, since there's nothing to target in retaliation. And when people get too comfortable with the complaints, the amount of weak complaints will probably rise to the point where the enforcers just won't deal with it anymore. I used to help run a ET server, and it seemed that whenever we tried to control every minute detail, the details became even more nitpicky, and more bitching ensued. It was an endless cycle. I'm not saying this is a nitpicky complaint, but not something I'd say is a reason to create a team of player "rats." It's just better to keep your nose on your own business, and pop in with a little support if you're a witness to a crime.
No need to feed the desire to "fight the man."
People wouldn't want to party with Guardian_Angels, as they would be afraid of getting told on, and Guardian_Angels would not be accepted as legal as they are players as well, and they have players biases.
Originally Posted by Mister Pie
They should have special servers where you have to take an IQ test to get in.
It's called 'ascension'.
Sadly, it takes a while to get there, and some idiots still manage to get past it.
bringer di morte
Where do you see him? And what is the citadel? Because he's on right now, and I'll come and back you up if I can.
I have a guild that while is very small (only about 6 players) we try to look out for each other. I can't stand playing alone, as I find it just a big long grind. If I wanted to play alone, I'd start up Sacred or Diablo II.
I've played with several pick up groups, and the ppl who are good players I ask to add to my friends list. That way when I'm online next, I can play with them if they're doing the same thing. Or if they're good ppl and willing to help me out with a tough quest.
I've been lucky I haven't had any problem with jerks. But then, the only time I have the local chat active is when I'm looking for a group to play a mission with.
The henchies are good if you're soloing to pharm or just to get more xp, but they are USELESS for any missions. They just don't do as much good as a real player.
I have offered those on my friend list who are unaffiliated to join my guild (Krypton Krew) but I never put any pressure on anyone.
I've played with several pick up groups, and the ppl who are good players I ask to add to my friends list. That way when I'm online next, I can play with them if they're doing the same thing. Or if they're good ppl and willing to help me out with a tough quest.

The henchies are good if you're soloing to pharm or just to get more xp, but they are USELESS for any missions. They just don't do as much good as a real player.
I have offered those on my friend list who are unaffiliated to join my guild (Krypton Krew) but I never put any pressure on anyone.
You could do one other thing to Stexe God. Report his name as offensive. Then his character will be wiped or banned.
Definitely not a nice thing to do to someone, but it sounds like he's not a nice player in the first place.
Definitely not a nice thing to do to someone, but it sounds like he's not a nice player in the first place.

Wrath of m0o
Well is there a in game command to report someone thats offensive, not that i dont find lots of things offensive (as in real life) Or do i have to exit the game, find Anets site , find someplace to make a complaint ?
I guess what would really solve this issue is making the Ignore command take that persons name completely off your screen.
No longer see that persons chat, trade channel would be most valuable. It would be just like that player got banned. He wouldn't exist in my world anymore. Now if this could only work in real life also- I'd be richer than Bill Gates.
I guess what would really solve this issue is making the Ignore command take that persons name completely off your screen.
No longer see that persons chat, trade channel would be most valuable. It would be just like that player got banned. He wouldn't exist in my world anymore. Now if this could only work in real life also- I'd be richer than Bill Gates.
Dude I registered to this board just to tell you that I have had the same problem with this ferker. I would love to see him banned for his shady, underhanded practices. Im not gonna get into some long drawn out story as to what he did, but ill tell you this....if i ever logged his IP....ZAP bye more stexe god pc {evil grin}
I have brought the attention of this ignore function problem to the eyes of the GMs already since they gave me "misinformation" about the ignore function.
This comes straight from the reply I received from a GM, name will remain undisclosed:
"Thanks for getting in touch with us regarding the issue of chat spamming.
We understand that there may be times that players post a repetative message in the chat channel when selling items, recruiting for guilds or missions or simply to be an annoyance. When this happens and you do not wish to view that player's chat you can use the "ignore" option. This option is located under the "Friends" list button. To get to the "Friends" list you can use the "Menu" tab or simply hit the "N" key. Add the name of the player whose chat you wish to block onto the "Ignored" list and you will be able to continue playing without seeing messages from that player again."
That was his response to my problem and after telling him that the ignore command did not work as he specified, he replied with:
"Thanks for contacting Guild Wars Support. Oh, I'm sorry that it is not working as stated. I will get in contact with some people on our team to see about getting this resolved as to help our players ignore the public channel trade-spammers. Keep and eye on for announcements regarding upcoming changes. If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to contact us."
I hope this means that they are getting it fixed as soon as possible!
This comes straight from the reply I received from a GM, name will remain undisclosed:
"Thanks for getting in touch with us regarding the issue of chat spamming.
We understand that there may be times that players post a repetative message in the chat channel when selling items, recruiting for guilds or missions or simply to be an annoyance. When this happens and you do not wish to view that player's chat you can use the "ignore" option. This option is located under the "Friends" list button. To get to the "Friends" list you can use the "Menu" tab or simply hit the "N" key. Add the name of the player whose chat you wish to block onto the "Ignored" list and you will be able to continue playing without seeing messages from that player again."
That was his response to my problem and after telling him that the ignore command did not work as he specified, he replied with:
"Thanks for contacting Guild Wars Support. Oh, I'm sorry that it is not working as stated. I will get in contact with some people on our team to see about getting this resolved as to help our players ignore the public channel trade-spammers. Keep and eye on for announcements regarding upcoming changes. If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to contact us."
I hope this means that they are getting it fixed as soon as possible!
He is on right now, and I asked him what his amount of satisfaction with his current apple pie supplier was. I don;t know why I asked him that, though...
I guess I'm just weird like that...

Im wondering if anyone has petitioned his name as offensive yet?
What I really wanted to do was bump this post about Stexe God, who is a moron, so others can read about him being a moron. But I wouldnt mind the question being answered either.
What I really wanted to do was bump this post about Stexe God, who is a moron, so others can read about him being a moron. But I wouldnt mind the question being answered either.
I don't know why, but his name is familliar. Perhaps form anotehr game or something.
I tried searching two forums when I saw him in GW, and came upon this, but that's it.
I tried searching two forums when I saw him in GW, and came upon this, but that's it.
Master Of Disharmony
Well u cant avoid him comple., so just switch to another City. And i guess that u can wait many h in Citadel until u find some1 to sell the item.
Lion Arch / Forge / Oasis are the best Places.
Lion Arch / Forge / Oasis are the best Places.
Most people that attempt to harrass me can't last long enough. I guess it's the fact that I can use every small fact to insult them, that they realize I'm not an easy target. Maybe another reason my ignore list is empty. Eventually I'll find a use for it..
Can someone please outline how to report someone's name as being offensive?
Uh actually to defend myself, I only harassed him after he started making rumors and lying in order to increase his sales. I had no "members of my guild" or "friends" harass him to. Other's just realize he was lying and joined in the n00b bashing. The simple fact you would not take responsibility for your slander and false remarks prompted people in Granite Citadel to take action to get you to leave. Nothing more.
Also, I did not "start it" (I know how childish that sounds). I was advertising too, and offering to sell similar items for less gold (simple trading competition). He got all "bent out of shape" and started making up stories and flaming me, I just defended and others (whom I do not know) joined in.
He obviously does not know what he is talking about, considering my guild consists just as a temp to prevent people from inviting me. Therefore I am alone in my guild (by choice). Maybe before making such claims he should try to look into the matter more, none of the people had even similar tags to mine at all. Anyways, I'm done now. L8R.
IGN: Stexe God
Also, I did not "start it" (I know how childish that sounds). I was advertising too, and offering to sell similar items for less gold (simple trading competition). He got all "bent out of shape" and started making up stories and flaming me, I just defended and others (whom I do not know) joined in.
He obviously does not know what he is talking about, considering my guild consists just as a temp to prevent people from inviting me. Therefore I am alone in my guild (by choice). Maybe before making such claims he should try to look into the matter more, none of the people had even similar tags to mine at all. Anyways, I'm done now. L8R.
IGN: Stexe God
Druids Arrow
Originally Posted by Stexe
Uh actually to defend myself, I only harassed him after he started making rumors and lying in order to increase his sales. I had no "members of my guild" or "friends" harass him to. Other's just realize he was lying and joined in the n00b bashing. The simple fact you would not take responsibility for your slander and false remarks prompted people in Granite Citadel to take action to get you to leave. Nothing more.
Also, I did not "start it" (I know how childish that sounds). I was advertising too, and offering to sell similar items for less gold (simple trading competition). He got all "bent out of shape" and started making up stories and flaming me, I just defended and others (whom I do not know) joined in. He obviously does not know what he is talking about, considering my guild consists just as a temp to prevent people from inviting me. Therefore I am alone in my guild (by choice). Maybe before making such claims he should try to look into the matter more, none of the people had even similar tags to mine at all. Anyways, I'm done now. L8R. IGN: Stexe God |
edit - Going back to the name issue, what gives you the right to call you a God? If the answer to this question is a big ego then go somewhere else not Guild Wars. Unfortunately their will always be people like you who ruin enjoyment of games for the other gamers.
Wrath of m0o if it happens again, drop me a PM and I'll back you up. Stexe if you have a problem with what I just said we can take this GvG, unless of course your one man guild can't take it.
*End Rant*
Originally Posted by Druids Arrow
If he did (which he probably didn't) start making rumors about you or lying, why stoop to his level and harass. Did you ever think of that? Or if he was increasing his sales, wouldn't it be easier to move to another place or district? I mean honestly, come on children it's a game. Harassment can be offensive to people, or didn;t you know that? What exactly did you say? Why is your name seen as an offense? From a neutral perspective, how come he is not the only one to complain about your behaviour? Can't believe I'm the mature one here...
edit - Going back to the name issue, what gives you the right to call you a God? If the answer to this question is a big ego then go somewhere else not Guild Wars. Unfortunately their will always be people like you who ruin enjoyment of games for the other gamers. Wrath of m0o if it happens again, drop me a PM and I'll back you up. Stexe if you have a problem with what I just said we can take this GvG, unless of course your one man guild can't take it. *End Rant* |
There was a reason why other people were harassing him, and none of them were in my guild (considering my guild has about 2 or 3 players in it for testing skills). Before coming to said conclusions maybe you should investigate it further. My name is God (Stexe God) and that is it. I might joke around saying I am omnipresent (I do travel a lot) but nothing more. You need to lighten up and stop taking things so seriously. Again, the statement "we can take this GvG" is immature. Why would we settle a harassment dispute with who has the better Guild? That solves nothing. Please think before commenting on me and making claims, you're not better than what Wraith of M00 has done. There is a reason I have not been banned despite his attempts, it is because I am innocent plain and simple. Who else has complained about my behavior? I do act rude sometimes from lack of sleep, or when people fail to read what I said and assume things, but if you do not jump to conclusions and are understanding and attentive, I am an extremely pleasent guy. Check the forums and try talking to me in game. Anyways, I'm tired and I'm going to get some sleep. L8R.
- Stexe God
or you could try this: grow up and learn to accept the very real fact that not everyone is going to like you or even be nice to you. although if you haven't figured that out already then you should probably steer clear of mmo's and the internet in general. guild wars currently has no monthly fee, and i'd really hate to see the devs turn it into world of paycraft because crybabies cant handle someone kicking sand in their face.
put him and his buddies on ignore and leave them there.
when you want to avoid showing up on his friends list, set your status to offline.
above all else: get over it!
bullies only bully because: a) they feel inferior/insecure and/or b) they're looking for the exact reaction you're giving them - frustration and anger.
put him and his buddies on ignore and leave them there.
when you want to avoid showing up on his friends list, set your status to offline.
above all else: get over it!
bullies only bully because: a) they feel inferior/insecure and/or b) they're looking for the exact reaction you're giving them - frustration and anger.
Ayb, were you replying to Wrath? Because if you read his post that doesn't solve the problem.
Anyhow, before this becomes a flamefest, where are the screenshots? There isn't any real proof in this thread at all, just mudslinging from at least one side.
Anyhow, before this becomes a flamefest, where are the screenshots? There isn't any real proof in this thread at all, just mudslinging from at least one side.
who else would i be replying to?