... now wouldn't that be a funny feature?
Alysia would no longer die senseless when she tries to resurrect someone.
Stupid warriors would think twice before they ALL might become Alysias minons: "please, oh my god, please Resurect before alysia uses vengenance!".
Healer Hencheman would not be used that much anymore and players be more forced to stay alife after all signets are used.
Casters would think about the advantages of vengenance.
(if taken serious, im talking about the post-ascension healer/porotector hencheman)
Since i regulary meet people in the UNDERWORLD that wonder why they die all of a sudden without being attacked after I used Vengenance on them in the middle of a fight, i explain vengenance again:
Vengenance is like Resurect, BUT:
It casts much faster
It resurects with full health and full energy (not like the caster unfriendly Rebirth)
Its an ENCHANTMENT, that ends after 30 seconds with the death of the vengenanced one.
While Enchanted (and at its end) the vengenanced player can not get additional death penaltie.
If Alysia would use Vengenance every now and then...
exa dust
yea its an awesome skill really usefull in mid fight situations, just be sure to bring along rebirt of restore life as well

Sure sounds like a lot of fun against mobs with shatter enchantment.
This is a great skill to use against that annoying idiot who you need to finish the battle but you dont want to survive and be annoying. Me and another monk did this one time we both brought vengance with us and every time the one idiot on the team died one of us would use vengance on him then when it wore off after 30 seconds the other would use vengance when that wore off the fist monks would be recharged an recast and so on for the rest of the level.
The Benifit:
First no more DP for the person vengance is used on for the rest of the time.
You can stop the idiot who apolgizys (sorry for spelling) to get resed and then continues to be annoying because if he continues with his stupidity you ust leave him dead.
Its great fun to watch people fall over for no apparent reason and then wonder what happened.
The Benifit:
First no more DP for the person vengance is used on for the rest of the time.
You can stop the idiot who apolgizys (sorry for spelling) to get resed and then continues to be annoying because if he continues with his stupidity you ust leave him dead.
Its great fun to watch people fall over for no apparent reason and then wonder what happened.
very cool skill... is it elite? Where can I get it (I'm still pre-sear with my monk... monks are hard to get used to after 150+ hours of ele... I have to learn all over again)
Originally Posted by DrSLUGFly
very cool skill... is it elite? Where can I get it (I'm still pre-sear with my monk... monks are hard to get used to after 150+ hours of ele... I have to learn all over again)
Droknar's Forge