Originally Posted by EmperorTippy
Probabily true and quitting realy only annoys me when they do it right after a skill capture or right before that one point were you really need everybody.
And I never said that being uniformed made you an asshole. Imagine it like this in the real world.
A 5 year old takes a toy out of a store. What happens when hes caught? Hes told not to do it again and nothing reallt happens, but you have a 16 year old walk out of the store with a toy and he is charged with shoplifting even if he never knew that this was wrong.
Yes you might get some honest to god people caught but be realalistic how hard would it be for you to convince 50 people that you are an @$$hole and deserve to be sent to this district if you were just an uniformed person who made an honest mistake.
When you said "the accesended @$$holes who are on Thunderhead Keep and don't no what the aggro circle is" I made that connection. Was I wrong to?
And honestly it depends on the people, which was my original point. Chances are, no matter what kind of player you are, someone, somewhere, is going to take an issue with it. Even if it's only one person in 100, how many people are there in GW? Thousands, which means that whoever you may be, whatever your behavior may be like, there are at least 50 people out there
right now who would black-mark you in a rage and feel right about it afterwards (to say nothing of those who would do it wrongly and knowingly, of which there are probably more).
My point is, who gets to decide what constitutes "asshole" behavior? You mentioned earlier that "these @$$holes are taking away from that enjoyment and the enjoyment of others" but that's only your opinion. Like I said, I could care less about people quitting from groups while you take issue. Which one of us is right, when you consider that quitters and non-quitters have both paid $50 to play this game in the non-asshole districts? Unless they make it a rule that you have to stay with a group after you join no matter what kind of dumbasses you ended up with, neither of us.
So as much as you'd like to just throw in a big cure-all solution to the problem of unsavory individuals in the community and eat the losses when it comes to innocents falling victim, I'm telling you to curb that impulse. Social problems don't go away that easy, which explains why so many exist in the world today. When you become a victim of your own flavor of asshole behavior, just grit your teeth and bear it like the rest of us. The sooner you learn to put up with it, the better off you'll be.