I notice that some items now have a value rating. What is this supposed to indicate exactly? It doesn't seem to be how much it's worth to sell, since e.g. I have an identification kit that's "value:40" but only returns 20 gold when I sell it to the outfitter. Is it just an aproximation of how much it's worth in trade?
And speaking of the identification kit, is that the only way to check out "unidentified" items? At 40 gold for 5 identifies (or 20 gold for 4 if you sell the kit with 1 use remaining) that's going to get expensive very fast. Is it worth it to ID everything, or are you better of just selling/salvaging without IDing in most cases?
New "value" rating + ID kits
Dragou Du Porzan
I'm not too sure on the whole Value thing.
As for the ID thing, those kits are the only way to ID an item as far as I know. Not a very good system, at least not yet. Let me know if you find a different way to ID things (like an NPC).
As for the ID thing, those kits are the only way to ID an item as far as I know. Not a very good system, at least not yet. Let me know if you find a different way to ID things (like an NPC).
Dragou Du Porzan
Seems to me like it's a bit of an artifical money sink. Until I understand the system a bit more, I'm probably going to hold of on IDing any items unless they look like something I could use right away. If I figure something else about this or the value rating, I'll post here.
I didn't mention it before and don't know if it holds true anymore, but salvage items sometimes need IDing (especially the rare ones). They don't offer any special bonuses by IDing them, but if you are trying to get a rune out of them you need to ID it first. You can still salvage unidentified items if you want.
Dragou Du Porzan
That's good to know. Thanks Deadroot! And just to reiterate (though most of you probably know this trick already): sell the kit back with 1 use left to get half its value. That effectively makes each kit 20GP for 4 uses.
You can't salvage the regular items (not gear) you get from mobs (that don't say salvagable item). In order for me to even sell them, I had to identify them. It's good to know that the Ident. kits do actually have a useful purposes (i.e. runes).
Can't salvage or sell weapons/sheilds/focus items without IDing them? That's interesting, and certainly new. Pretty annoying as well since you can't make any money off selling items since you will be hard pressed to find 5 items that you can ID and sell that will even cover the 40 gold of the ID kit you used on them. Or did they up the selling price of most items?
Originally Posted by Deadroot
Can't salvage or sell weapons/sheilds/focus items without IDing them? That's interesting, and certainly new. Pretty annoying as well since you can't make any money off selling items since you will be hard pressed to find 5 items that you can ID and sell that will even cover the 40 gold of the ID kit you used on them. Or did they up the selling price of most items?
Don't you just love the equity ....
Precious Items = 2G
to make a Level 20 Armour Piece 150G + Rare Crafting Material + Common Material = with things like Steel costing 25g each ...
But then again ... I don't think this is really awful since armour should cost alot ... still ... it makes it tough in the BPE.
Precious Items = 2G
to make a Level 20 Armour Piece 150G + Rare Crafting Material + Common Material = with things like Steel costing 25g each ...
But then again ... I don't think this is really awful since armour should cost alot ... still ... it makes it tough in the BPE.