Oh well cc.pyro, who cares about you and your friends, I mean arena.net got their money right?...Oh wait, now it's important because it's YOU who is impacted... (AHEM!...

The same reason anyone should care if it's 2 or 5 member teams in pre-searing is why they should care about how players feel about pre-searing.
Might I point out you appear to be looking at the initial release as a one time deal, well good for you but Arena.net can't look at the initial release for only it's sales and not delivering to the people who purchased if they wanna stay in business.
See, in the long run that I and many others see ourselves playing GuildWars for, though Arena.net got the money we're not better off, as those people will talk negatively about the 50 bucks they're out. Now of course this will not be a problem right? I mean, those expansions WILL be CHEAPER to make right?....Wait, we can't count on that huh? Maybe, but keep in mind the cost of the lastest and greatest tech, story writing, story continuity, look, feel, next cinematic, over-overtime think tanking the ways to implement the story, etc. and you might see the true cost of those people who weren't happy with the initial release of GuildWars formulated: The retail price of as many expansions as are planned on the day of the initial release multiplied by the same word of mouth that made the game sell) and then doubled because people tend to gripe more than appreciate. Now per expansion in a growing market if your market size stays the same your share decreases, this is not
better for us.
cc.pyro, I guess I am saying the people you are witnessing post obviously care about the other players perceptions of pre-searing, maybe that'd be your que to care too, especially since voicing your own issue with the same area.