With the recent changes that have been made to reduce farming I have noticed one thing. Areas where I have never been are not giving me anything. I was trying to go to camp rankor last night and I killed like 10 tundra giants. Guess what the overall take was... 110G Split between 8 = a whopping 13.75G
I have seen this trend continue in pretty much every area I am in. I don't get it. How am I supposed to save up for that 15k armor if the most I can keep in my inventory is about 2plat? Right now I have 2plat 600G or something like that. I am a level 20 warrior/me that has ascended. The most I have ever had in my inventory was 12.5Plat.
I hope that this improves soon. I am tired of fighting and getting my butt whooped for a measely 14g..... It's not worth it and it makes the game a lot less fun to get nothing for the effort.
No More Loot...
Hey, this looks familiar! Oh there are already so many threads like this, please just add on to them before starting whole new ones.