Do you get it from a boss , or from a trainer , can you tell me where to get it.
Where to get Poison Arrow?
Faith the Insane
You get it from (I forgot first name) Pippip, a charr boss in northen Witman's Folly.
Ascalon Settlement, there's a mission there that gives you the Poison Arrow skill.
you don't get poison arrow from ascalon settlement, maybe apply poison but not poison arrow.
Faith the Insane
u think one of u can help me find it?
Faith the Insane
I tryed to find it , but I past it and went into the citadel.
I need a ranger that has/had the skill to come iwht me plz.
I need a ranger that has/had the skill to come iwht me plz.
Sir Hammonsweet
I found it by jus running around north of Droknars Forge. I can't remember exactly where, but take some friends and jus explore north of Droknars. That's how I found it.
salani pippip a boss mob in witmans folly has it.