Is there going to be some sort of users guide for Guild Wars, or is the Forums it. If so that would be cool, ive learned mostly everything from this site anyway, and so much more to learn. Playing my 1st BWE in march, i had absolutly no idea what i was doing, but picked it up rather quickly, i mean what true gamer actually reads the instructions before playing the game right ?
My 1st game was pong (nothing but 2 paddles and a white dot that bounced across the screen) who needed instructions? Then came Space Invaders wich had like a 4 page instruction book, that was mostly how to hook it up to your TV VHS antenna.
But no really, Is there going to be some sort of instruction book, to follow this game or is it just a online experience ?
Art Book, What About Instruction Book
Wrath of m0o
Originally Posted by Wrath of m0o
Is there going to be some sort of users guide for Guild Wars
Originally Posted by Wrath of m0o
Is there going to be some sort of users guide for Guild Wars, or is the Forums it.
Quote: We are getting close to release and some have been wondering about a manual. Will the game come with a manual and if so, how detailed will it be? The game will have not one but two manuals. The first manual will come in the box. I've seen the final proofs and I can honestly say – hand on heart – it's the most beautiful game manual I've ever seen. It's really like a collector's book, with a ton of lore and back story and images of all types, from renders to concept art to screenshots. With this manual, you'll really become immersed in the story of Guild Wars, and you'll know a lot about how the world came to be and who the important personages are in Tyria. It will provide the sort of information that helps you feel an emotional connection to the storyline, and a realization of your essential role in propelling that story forward. But there's more. In addition to the full-colour printed manual, there will also be a complete online manual. I don't know exactly how that will look, yet, but I know from talking to our excellent writing team that it will be a very useful tool for learning the essential gameplay elements. You will consult the online manual if you need a quick guide to the default hotkeys. You'll consult the printed manual if you want to know the story behind why Rurik keeps impulsively charging ahead and getting himself into trouble. (I have a feeling it was a blow to the head in his youth. ![]() |
Wrath of m0o
Sweet Good read, thanks for the heads up. So the 1st manual is the picture book they were talking about in the Collectors Edition, or is this book in both retail and the CE ?
There is an Official Prima Strategy Guide for Guild Wars.. not the one in the preorder box. It's $20, and it ships the 19th (EBGames) uild%20wars uild%20wars
A real gamer ALWAYS reads his manual. Why? Because you learn those little tricks, like key combos, that do useful things. I'm Diablo2 holding ALT did something and I used it all the time, but people who didn't read the manual lost out.
Always RTFM so you can pwnzor n00blets harder.
Always RTFM so you can pwnzor n00blets harder.
Originally Posted by Auh
There is an Official Prima Strategy Guide for Guild Wars.. not the one in the preorder box. It's $20, and it ships the 19th (EBGames)
yeah I always wondered that too, it seems like guides for MMOs are somewhat pointless. They are released with or before the game and make predicitons about play styles, economy, and many other things that just turn out to be completely off. I don't think a strategy guide would really teach you anything that reading a good manual and playing for an hour couldn't teach you.
Gaile Gray
I think I should clarify something: There are actually four books and an on-line resource, too:
- The Game Manual that comes in the box -- has lots of lore and back story and it's really nice
- The Prima Strategy Guide - walkthroughs, builds, strategies, very detailed
- The Art of Guild Wars - the hardcover art book that comes in the Collector's Edition
- The Mini-Strategy Guide that was in the Preorder Package
- The On-line Manual

Initially I thought there's only going to be an artbook, a printed manual and an online manual. 6 of them in total? Wow, now I feel spoiled..
William of Orange
Though I don't really think that people should be using Strategy Guides the first time that they're playing through a game (doesn't it take away from the experience and mystery of the game?), it's nice that there has been so much effort put into releasing these various books to the community. I'm sure a lot of people will jump on most or all of those books, if even just to support Arenanet and Guild Wars.
Originally Posted by William of Orange
I'm sure a lot of people will jump on most or all of those books, if even just to support Arenanet and Guild Wars.