Hi all first of all i wanna say that i dont know if i post this in the right forum. So maybe it has to be moved
Now to my problem, in presearing when going out from a town. It takes forever to load, and when i get out from the city i cant move at all. that means i cant do any missions at all, someone else have this problem.
Well i didnt have this problem all the time it just started but, when i try to play my charachter thats in post searing it works perfectly fine. Someone else have this problem? and know what to do about it.
It seems that this problem only concernes presearing so is there a big update for only the presearing right at this moment? Well it maybe will be gone soon
I think Anet's servers are overloaded. It happened for me a couple of times but usually resolves after a bit.
..... I kinda had this problem all day and i tried to change servers too, going out from a town i cant even think of that, this is getting really annoying. My charachter in postsearing is no problem at all, this gotta be a problem only in presearing?
Originally Posted by Fandango
..... I kinda had this problem all day and i tried to change servers too, going out from a town i cant even think of that, this is getting really annoying.
Have you tried completely uninstalling GW, delete all files in the GW folder and the Windows/Prefetch folder related to GW and then try a full reinstall again?
Might be a pain, but at least you'll know if it's a PC side issue or something to do with your Pre-Searing character.
But my postsearing charachter works perfectly good. But can it be a problem with the data anyways?
Originally Posted by Fandango
But my postsearing charachter works perfectly good. But can it be a problem with the data anyways?
I know this is a little different, but Outlook uses Archive Folders in much the same way and so do some other games. With Outlook, the more messages that are added, deleted, adjusted etc in the Archive folder, the more likely the file will become corrupt and cause problems unless you run the Compact option.
This sort of cleans out the rubbish and puts stuff back in order again.
I have no idea if the Guild Wars program has or does anything like this, but a complete uninstall and reinstall of the game, is a good way to go. This way, when you come to log back into the game, you'll only be doing one or two updates and not the amount you may have done today.
I would say just give it a go. It can't hurt, and if you still have problems afterwards, then you know you need to look at something else.
Addition - Just remembered. Your Post Searing Character is using data for a different location to Pre-Searing so could be data that is used for the Pre-Searing that is having problems, not necessarily your characters.
I just did like this. Restarted computer then all was fine, lol. ty all for helping.