21 Jun 2005 at 20:49 - 7
Originally Posted by audioaxes
u can get higher but not too much
+13% is dime a dozen
"stance" condition is not very popular
the other mods arent very valuable
Actually you could probably get at least 4K for it. Yes stance isn't that popular but the other mods, especially the sundering are very good. +6 vs physical is only one less than perfect for that mod, yes most people like fortitude b/c +30 is bigger than +7, but in the long run, 30 hp isn't much while +7 armor will keep you from losing that 30 hp for quiet some time. Also 8% chance sundering is pretty rare, 10%/10% is perfect and those hilts go for at least 50K so your sword isn't that bad at all. If you had an 8% armor piercing sword hilt you could probably even get 2-3K for it. I would probably at least ask 4K for the sword, but you could probably find a buyer that would pay more for it, at least that's my opinion. just be patient or try selling it in lions arch district 1.