Im gettin pretty annoyed that there isnt a 1v1 arena... I hate gettin stuck in noob arenas with a sucky team and then have the other team badmouth me about how much i suck and then they 4v1 gang me..... I want to defend my honor and 1v1 these sad escuses for players.. This is just like what happens to me in diablo which is one of the reason i quit playing, I would enter a duel game and kill some people then they would all ally and gang me of course you cant win 4v1.
I dno this has just happened to me alot lately where the rest of my team dies and im the only one left and i say 1v1 but it has NEVER happened and its just real annoying.
Also another reason is i want to test my medal against my friends or guildies.. cmon i mean how hard would it be to impliment a 1v1 arena.... just use the existing ones and replace it with a 1v1 I mean you should put it in amnoon oasis or something.
Please add 1v1 arena
Or make a guild arena, where you can specify the number of players. Make it "guild only"

King of Fools
i posted how this can be done already in game. with recent changes it requires you to be an officer of your guild now.
I have 2 problems with this thread:
1) We have an entire forum for suggestions. Go to the Sanitarium- you're in the wrong place.
2) It's been suggested countless times before, we've clearly expressed our view that we don't want to see a new thread like this pop up every time someone new wants to suggest it. If you still MUST suggest it, find another thread that says the same thing and add your voice to that one. Don't make a new thread.
This thread is closed.
1) We have an entire forum for suggestions. Go to the Sanitarium- you're in the wrong place.
2) It's been suggested countless times before, we've clearly expressed our view that we don't want to see a new thread like this pop up every time someone new wants to suggest it. If you still MUST suggest it, find another thread that says the same thing and add your voice to that one. Don't make a new thread.
This thread is closed.