One of the class combinations I am experimenting with is a Warrior/Ranger; sort of a "beastmaster" class.
Fizzgig is my pet of course...
As of the last streaming patch, Ol' Fizzgig has developed a completely annoying habit:
During any multi-foe combat, He rushes up to the first creature with me, and the moment it dies "Sticks" to me, completely barring my movement and preventing me from beginning combat with any other creatures more than 5' away.
In some cases, strafing side to side will shake him loose; but it's almost like he's trying to have his way with my leg!
Stupid cat!
This annoying behavior is reproducible, and consistent for me. I finally decided to let him die and go petless. Aye, problem solved, but it would be nice to have a "smarter" pet.
Suggestions anyone?
Fizzgig must die!
Talesin Darkbriar
Get rid of your pet.
Kuku Monk
I've been playing a little bit of W/R as well. My pet does the same thing, although not as frequently (I've got a wolf). On a side note, this combo is rather boring to play....