Anyone who's read my anti PvP discrimination post in the Suggestions forum knows that there are many players (mostly PvP focused) who feel greatly restrained by not having their Attribute Refund points restored when entering a town. It greatly hampers our build creativity and I've been hoping for an easir solution than grind the 6,000 XP points needed to do so. According to the link I put up, there is an exploit that allows it. I have at least twelve super cool builds I want to test and tweak in the arenas, so I absolutely NEED this flexibility in attribute point distribution outside of actual PvP battles.
Guild Wars is flexible with professions in that you can eventually change your secondary as often as you wish in town. You aren't heavily penalized for wanting to experiment with classes (unless you want a new primary - then you have to grind through PvE many more times). Professions are nerfed without the right skills in place so Guild Wars is flexible in letting you change your skill sets in town. You aren't heavily penalized for wanting to experiment with skills.
However, this logic tree suddenly changes once you get to the heart of skills and professions... Attribute Point distribution. We are now severely penalized (as PvP players who completed PvE) when making drastic changes to our Att. points. It is NOT flexible, unlike skills and professions. Why be able to change skills a dozen times in a minute but not the points that support them more than once or twice?
With that in mind, I can't possibly believe that the developers intended to be flexible in only 2/3 of the major character components outside of battle. It is likely one of several oversights that they didn't necessarily plan on. Whether they change it soon or not is one thing, but for now I have a request from the powers that be:
Please don't perma-ban me for double switching my secondary to get back my refund points
I'm hurting no one, I'm not causing game imbalance, I'm not profiting from the action. I simply want to lose myself in PvP experimentation, understanding that even Thomas Edison failed in creating the lightbulb over 100 times before he got it to work. I want to make a 1,000 PvP lightbulbs in this awesome game eventually, and this is a major necessity in doing so.
Grinding out on the PvE farm for 6,000 XP points (remember, I've beaten the game and bonuses) each time I want to switch up my PvP ideas or needs is ludicrous. After PvE completion, a player should be able to play PvP without the need for PvE grinding, just like PvE players don't need to participate in PvP for their fun. If I don't read an official post saying otherwise (Gaile?), I'll assume you silently allow it for now.
It's is really weird to feel like on one hand you guys are so cool in your suppport and communication with us about GW, but on the other you have a virtual gun at our temples ready to pull the trigger if we make a slip up that offends you too much. Heavily exploiting the XP glitch on Augury Rock in one day warranted perma-ban, but rising in the official online Guild rankings exploiting the Monk skill glitches for over a week drew silence.
Both glitches repaired, but one group was banned, the other wasn't even though both greatly benefitted at the time (I daresay Guild Ranking is more important that XP anyway, but no action was done). I don't wish perma-ban on anyone who only use in-game mechanics to do something "unexpected", but I do understand the need for control from chaos.
So in an effort to keep my account character's head from being blown off by a perma-ban, I'll come clean with all my wrong doing, ask for clarification and hopefully survive another day. If I'm not here tomorrow fellow GW players, just tell my mother I loved her.
- Double switching secondaries to allow a full return of Attribute Points outside of the main gameplay where it doesn't matter
- Farming solo in open areas for testing Rambo builds for fun, to find loot, money and earn XP to get more Attribute Refund points
- Selling private training sessions to willing students after each update (I've trained 30 or so, all happy and satisfied customers)
- Repeatedly going to Collectors to trade for their items, then selling them on the open market for whatever people will pay (I say 'Make an offer' and get 20K+ in some instances).
- Kiting (running away) with my Mes/Nec like a madman in arenas using Distortion (to evade), Illu. of Weakness (for 700 HP) and Plague Send (to get rid of conditions and Cripple). I've lasted almost an hour vs. three opponents in one of the four times I tried it. Absolutely hilarious to watch.
- In third grade, I took three candy bars instead of one out of the teacher's reward box, despite her clear instructions.
Ahhh, now I feel better. Confession is good for the soul, and maybe others here will have their own similar admissions and questions. If any of these warrants a perma-ban or some other reprimand (is there any other?), I'd really, really like to know. Being put six feet under when you aren't sure what is considered especially offensive to you is not a fun feeling.
Thanks for the great game and hard work that you guys put into it.