Whats Silver Dye Worth?
I recently found some Silver Dye,and i was wondering what is a Fair price too sell it for?I dont want to rip someone off,but i do not want to be taken advantage of.
Just sell it lower than whatever the Dye Trader is selling it for, but higher than what she/he is buying it for.
Marc Grahamsworth
I can't believe someone even asked this question... with weapons and armour, perhaps, but with runes, dyes and most materials, there already are traders that you can use to compare prices. I recommend everyone visits their local trader BEFORE entering trade negotiations so you don't get ripped off.
Oh and silver dye tends to range between 400-600 gold - although this could change, so as eA-Zaku said, check your local trader!
Oh and silver dye tends to range between 400-600 gold - although this could change, so as eA-Zaku said, check your local trader!