Just threw together a quick little directory for the elite armors in the game, for people like me who would like to check out the looks before dropping all their cash (without having to scan through 500 posts to find a screenshot irrelevant to your search).
For the Fissure of Woe (...and Underworld??) armors, I have everything excluding:
Necromancer Male
Mesmer Male
Ranger Female
If you would like to post those screenshots here I would be much obliged.
Link to the FoW armors:
(Pending an actual website with actual links, which I am working on right now as you view this message.) The little names you see in parenthesis are the GWGuru names of the people credited with the screenshot. Quite sorry to anyone's shot I cut down but I'm trying to keep things clean, thousands of pixels of a barren wasteland hurts my bandwidth more than it accentuates your armor.
The 15k armor from the Grotto and Citadel is considerably harder to catalog, mostly because people don't necessarily post exactly what they are wearing (plus there are several different sets and I don't know what I'm missing because I don't know every set availible to every class), but I am working on that as well (also while you read this message!).
Link to the under-construction 15k armor database:
Again, if you see anything missing here please either direct me to where I might find them or post one yourself.
Armor Compendium
Question: On the Male Warrior Platemail armor, those two are different armors. Would you happen to know where to buy the armor on the right (yellow or gold - unsure really...)? It looks uber. Is one from Grotto and the other from Citadel?
yes, the gold one is from the granite citadel and the regular grey one is from draknars forge(sp?)
I have some 15k armor screenshots. The most complete collection is under mesmers. Quality isn't always so great, due to lighting conditions in the areas where the screenshots are taken.
I have some 15k armor screenshots. The most complete collection is under mesmers. Quality isn't always so great, due to lighting conditions in the areas where the screenshots are taken.
Alathys Tylderaan
Cymmina, you're picture of 'Warrior Male Wyvern' is actually Chainmail
Lindesty Takahari
Are there differences between FoW and UW (and is there another?) armor? Citadel looks like up to 1500, except differnt colours and added lacy bits (talking about female elementalists for example).
I don't think there is an armorer in UW?
The Eternal Armorer is in FoW.
I was at EB games this week and looked at the Prima Guide; there were only 2 types of the fissure armor (ones requiring ecto/shards) in the armor compendium and both were the fissure ones.
The Eternal Armorer is in FoW.
I was at EB games this week and looked at the Prima Guide; there were only 2 types of the fissure armor (ones requiring ecto/shards) in the armor compendium and both were the fissure ones.
Qi Ang
Is there a Tattoo-armor for the Monks in FoW? If so, anyone have a screen? I'm not really digging the monk FoW armor:-\
Lindesty Takahari
The tattoo armor looks exactly like the other 2 monk armors in FoW (hopefully only because they haven't gotten to it yet)
Originally Posted by Alathys Tylderaan
Cymmina, you're picture of 'Warrior Male Wyvern' is actually Chainmail
Check the date listed for the screenshot. It's from beta. At the time, it *was* Wyvern, I think.
Alathys Tylderaan
Ah, didn't see that