UW*Conquered*Ice King and Restoring the Monuments of Grenth


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

OK fine shoot me for bragging but the real reason I made this thread : has anyone else conquered Ice King before? (I've heard of others who completed Restoring)

Don't get me wrong: I UW way too much...took about 8 hours to complete Restoring the Monuments of Grenth... then proceeded in same run to finish the other 2 Reaper quest (Unwanted Guests and Escorting the Souls) only to be disappointed with no cinematic no Grenth popping up to greet us no eternal forgemaster nobody nothing NONE nada nothing at all!! ><...

Villany being bad for 500XP?.... Man! Monuments should be -at least- 50k or 100k... not 10k bleh.

Anyways I took printscreens to show they've been done... didn't realize till later I should've set it to 4xAA and low res for a better look but wasn't thinking about that at the time.

Ice King Monument:

Restoring the Monuments of Grenth:

[[won't let me post too many thumbnails in one post]]

PS after the 3 Reaper Quests we did the Vale Monument, Twin Serpent Monument, Undead Shrine Monument, then got massacred gloriously on the Wailing Plains Monument (the one with the 4 nasty Mesmer horsemen)

Unfortunately/fortunately the Spawning Pools Monument glitched on us -- the Reaper spawned prematurely and got clobbered by Dryders... but we didn't die either. Later, just before suiciding on Wailing Plains, we teleported to the Spawning Pools Monument to see if that would pop the Reaper (or crash us) but we teleported into the deserted Spawning Pool... that's it (all of our group had never seen the Spawning Pool Monument quest before)

After I conquer the Spawning Pools and Wailing Plains I'll be so over UW :-)

Credit for Unwanted Guests strategy go to Isis Ravenclaw
Credit for fantastic leadership for Restoring group go to Cashe Unders
Credit for Ice King strategy that finally worked go to Fire Childe


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Restoring the Monuments of Grenth:

Anybody got any clue why this picture loses all its red color after being uploaded?... I open the printscreen .bmp file in mspaint, then save as a .jpg file (it's still fine) but once its uploard it turns all alien on me:?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Thanks WeezerBlue imageshack.us hosting works great!



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Just a Box in a Cage

Hurry Up The Cakes [Oven]

imageshack.us is the usual. make sure they're all JPEGs.

Nice job

Fire Childe

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005


Angry Businessmens [aB]


awesome work people - not long before we can go for 100% completion ^^

fe were you there when we cleared out the chaos planes without killing any mindblades? we cleared a path to the serpent mountains monument, then lead all the dream riders into the mountains. teleported back to the labyrinth. then ran back to the chaos planes. the riders get stuck in the mountains and dont run back. nice quick way to get through easily the biggest slog in underworld by far - killing all the riders and all the mindblades they spawn.


currently the only mission to really screw us over is the four horsemen shrine mission from the reaper of the chaos planes. we havent tried the spawning pools mission yet though - we did save the reaper however.

congratulations on completing the most long ass quest in guild wars by far. 10k exp is not enough for 5 hours i do agree ^^

incidentally, to anyone speculating about an underworld crafter - there is no quest in underworld that mentions one.

secondly, none appears if you complete all of the quests available from the reaper of the labyrinth. the only other missions are the missions available from each of the 6 reapers of the shrines. we have never been able to complete all of them, but up until this point there is no crafter.

even with a group that knows what to do this is easily 7 to 8 hours play.

i do not think there is an underworld crafter purely because i dont believe the developers would make one that is so inaccessible. it would not only take a very good team with alot of playtime together, but it would also require every one of those people to dedicate 8 to 10 hours in order to reach it.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005

Orlando, FL

Originally Posted by Fire Childe
i do not think there is an underworld crafter purely because i dont believe the developers would make one that is so inaccessible. it would not only take a very good team with alot of playtime together, but it would also require every one of those people to dedicate 8 to 10 hours in order to reach it. On the other hand, what better place to put an "Eternal" armor set? You get that, you really got something.

Fire Childe

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005


Angry Businessmens [aB]


man that would drive the chaos axe/eternal shield crowd absolutely wild.

we might even see more underworld groups doing more than just smite runs for a change.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Jacksonville, FL, USA


Very nicely done...every time I try, well, let's just say I've never even seen the coolness you speak of. We get waxed too early!

A free web-based wargame you can play from anywhere!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

Legacy of Abyss


so after all quests and quests from statues , there's no sublevel/crafter/other?
Me and my group missed the last 2 quests , i was really hoping in something nice :\
(like the spider lol http://utenti.lycos.it/pcshadow/guil...lbwe/gw207.jpg )

BTW Yesterday we completed TOTALLY the Fissure of Woe, that was very fun
(disappointed about drops hehe only ~20 shards and 2 *crappy* rares)



Core Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

The Drifters [DRFT]


Perhaps don't use MSPaint to convert BMP to JPEG (in regards to the image losing its red). I've noticed when I send BMP files through AIM over Direct Connect, the colors get distorted.. but if you save it as a JPEG in a regular program like Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Photoshop, the colors will be fine.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

Legacy of Abyss


Originally Posted by Wu Shao
Would you happen to have a guide for FoW? How long did it take? I know FoW well from betas, it takes about 3-4 hours if you know the right way to clean



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


Amazon Basin


so you finished ice king and monuments and no armor crafter showed up?



Smite Mistress

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Land of AZ, USA


Great stuff! Moving it to the Screenshots Exposition forum (it'll stay "on top" longer).


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

Angry Businessmens


you lose the ice king contest


the thread was totally ignored.

Edit: This is actually an old post, someone bumped it. Anyway, you still lost the contest from the post times ;o



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Smoke & Fire [SaF]


Originally Posted by Wu Shao
Would you happen to have a guide for FoW? How long did it take? just so you guys know,wu is a kickass protection monk. he's pretty much the best one i've ever seen in the game.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Greentongue
On the other hand, what better place to put an "Eternal" armor set? You get that, you really got something. What? Some cool ghostly see through armor for an Elementalist?




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

I always wanted to see my purple boxers while playing :3



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Woot Loops


Thats such a big upset to know that you can work for hours and not get anything for it.

Thats the only reason I dont like GW, it doesnt really reward you for doing something tedious and kickass like this.

sigh, great job though