as the title statyes, this item is for auction, it wil run for 48 hours, min bid 1k, starting bid 10k, buyout is a superior absorption rune(un identified), or a sup absorptioon rune(identified) & 25k, or same as above with sup vigor
EDIT-, i think the the req is something like 10 or 11 marks, ill check tommorow when i log back in, please only pme me if u mean to buy it out,
auction for max dmg gold hornbow, +15% while enchanted, sundering, +24 hp
static deathbringer
I dont think you're going to get 100k for this, assuming superiors go for 70k. I'll start it at 10k though.
11k offer
static deathbringer
i knew i may have been reaching, just wasnt sure what it was worth, so ill reset the b/o to 40k
EDIT- someone pm'd me with this offer
EDIT- someone pm'd me with this offer
static deathbringer
sold in game