The following items are for sale at the price listed below. First person to post below (no PMs or in-game whispers, please) to claim an item will get it. Please don't post unless you will commit to making the purchase when I contact you in-game. I'm very willing to consider offers of lesser amounts and/or offer bulk purchase discounts. Items offered in trade are generally unwelcome unless they are easily priced and sold (e.g., dyes, quality runes, or crafting materials). Post any questions below. Thanks for your time!
#1 - SOLD
#2 - Axe Grip of Enchanting -- 50 gp
#3 - SOLD
#4 - Axe Grip of +4 Defense -- 115 gp
#5 - SOLD
#6 - SOLD
#7 - SOLD
#8 - SOLD
#9a - SOLD
#9b - SOLD
#9c - SOLD
#10 - SOLD
#11 - SOLD
#12 - SOLD
#13 - SOLD
#14 - SOLD
#15 - SOLD
#16 - SOLD
#17 - SOLD
#18 - SOLD
I'll check and update this frequently. If you want an item that's been claimed, post a message and I'll contact you if the original claimant weasels out on the deal.
UPGRADES -- priced to sell (not an auction)!
#12 - Sword Pommel of +4 Defense -- 600 gp
#15 - Long Sword -- 325 gp
IGN: Chinese Belle
#15 - Long Sword -- 325 gp
IGN: Chinese Belle
aphex twin
#5 490g
<--ign or lady fleshripper. i will be on tomorrow.
<--ign or lady fleshripper. i will be on tomorrow.
*daily bump* I've cut the prices to try to clear my inventory. This is useful stuff, but I'm deleting a mule and have to make room. My loss is your gain!
aphex twin
hey ryun sorry i took a while to get online but i am back home and online now if you would like to trade.
I'll buy #13
*second-to-last bump* Please note that I'm willing to consider offers for amounts less than what's posted (be reasonable, please) and/or for bulk purchase discounts.
Storm Shadow
ill buy #18 ign storm shadow.
Ill be on June 25th. Skull shield- #16-300gp
*final bump* Thanks to everyone who participated in the sale so far. All of the transactions went very smoothly.
I'll take #8.
ign - Thorn Crusher
ign - Thorn Crusher