Monk question...
Celdor Nailo
I am a Mo/E who has the rez signet. Is this signet the only way for me to rez people until I get the skill Restore Life? If that is the case, then I can only rez once per mission, right?
there's a rez SKILL available as a quest reward post-searing in Old Ascalon
Celdor Nailo
There is?! Do you know who gives this quest? It's ridiculous that I can only rez one person a mission at this time!
Celdor Nailo
Just did a little searching in the skills area of this web site... looks like there is a Resurrect skill attainable in Yak's Bend.
u can buy Restore Life from a Skill Trainer in Grendich Courthouse or buy Ressurrect from a Skill Trainer in Yaks Bend
u can also get Ressurrect early by doing a quest in the Old Ascalon area... Grazden or something gives u the quest...
u can also get Ressurrect early by doing a quest in the Old Ascalon area... Grazden or something gives u the quest...
The monk's name is something like Gazden the Protector, outside of Sanitarium. You have to do the two quests before he'll give you that one with Resurrect. Don't waste your skill points on this spell as it's a quest reward.
Go outside Sardelac Sanitarium. Go straight to the Material Crafter. Turn right. Grazden is in the little hollow. He will give you a quest. When you finish it and come back, he'll give you another. Keep doing that until he gives you the one to get the res skill.
Celdor Nailo
I think I saw Grazden and he made me escort a farmer to Ascalon. I'm wondering if I've been back to him? Thanks guys!
cool.. so now u should do the other one which you have to search for Paulus in Regent Valley. After that, he'll give u that quest.
Celdor Nailo
I have that quest! Just haven't done it yet. Started a different quest and ended up in Piken Square.
Originally Posted by Celdor Nailo
I am a Mo/E who has the rez signet. Is this signet the only way for me to rez people until I get the skill Restore Life? If that is the case, then I can only rez once per mission, right?
- Ressurect - Available as a reward from a quest given by Grazden the Protector in Old Ascalon
- Restore Life - Available as a quest reward somewhere in the Shiverbacks
- Rebirth - Available as a quest reward somewhere in the Maguuma Jungle (don't remember where)
- Vengeance - Available as a quest reward, but I don't remember where I received it (this is more of a "battle rez" than a regular one - it has a limited duration)
- Unyielding Aura - An elite skill, this is basically an upgraded "battle rez" that works as an enchantment
In other words, there are a bunch of rezzes out there. You just need to go out, explore, find and complete the quests.
Originally Posted by Lewick
- Rebirth - Available as a quest reward somewhere in the Maguuma Jungle (don't remember where)
Originally Posted by Celdor Nailo
I have that quest! Just haven't done it yet. Started a different quest and ended up in Piken Square.
I have a serious problem here. I found Grazden, got two quests from him. The first is to take "this fellow here" and his seeds to Ascalon. Unfortunately, there is no fellow around to take anywhere. I presume he meant the farmer who died as I was coming on the scene. So that pretty much screws that.
The second was to find a fellow named Paullus and return his religious symbol. I found Paullus, I have the symbol. But when I followed the arrows and returned to the quest marker where Grazden was... the spot was vacant. No Grazden, no way to complete the quest.
Is this a bug, or did Graden, like the unfortunate farmer, get killed so the quest can never be completed? I'm so confused... and so frustrated. Any help would be appreciated.
The second was to find a fellow named Paullus and return his religious symbol. I found Paullus, I have the symbol. But when I followed the arrows and returned to the quest marker where Grazden was... the spot was vacant. No Grazden, no way to complete the quest.
Is this a bug, or did Graden, like the unfortunate farmer, get killed so the quest can never be completed? I'm so confused... and so frustrated. Any help would be appreciated.
Grazden and the farmer sometimes dies from the Grawl that randomly wander around the place. But don't worry they respawn when you re-enter the zone as does any NPC upon re-entering their respective zones/missions.
To make it easier just zone to the Sardelac Sanitarium and run over to him as soon as possible. Help them eliminate the Grawl and you should be able to talk to them for the quest completion (NPC's will not talk to you if they think they're in a battle).
To make it easier just zone to the Sardelac Sanitarium and run over to him as soon as possible. Help them eliminate the Grawl and you should be able to talk to them for the quest completion (NPC's will not talk to you if they think they're in a battle).
Unfortunately I've reloaded several times, and both Grazden and the farmer have been gone every time. Nothing under the quest markers but thin air. And the occasional grawl.
Bah. I'm a W/Mo and I need those quest reward spells! Would abandoning the quests trigger a respawn, do you think? I'm clearly new to this.
Bah. I'm a W/Mo and I need those quest reward spells! Would abandoning the quests trigger a respawn, do you think? I'm clearly new to this.
Try finding another monk who needs that skill. Perhaps they'll reappear for him, and you can then do it.
I think I had a problem with that quest also. What happened to me was ass soon as I zone the farmer would walk away and get killed. What I did was drop the quest (in a town), and then reactivate it at the npc.
Yes, abandoning the quest allows you to get it again. The only way to "lose" a quest is by completing it.