I realize that this wouldn't be implemented cuz it would be too big of a change... and probably a lot of people would complain because in many ways it would make things more difficult.
I'd like the compass to act like a real radar. Anything that is hidden from view (although 360 would still be nice) is not visible. Likewise, creatures should have, instead of an aggro circle, a cone of vision, so that when you step into the cone they see you. This would allow you to sneak around enemies that have their backs turned, go under cliffs or over bridges where enemies are nearby...
It would reduce the amount of aggro you prompt, but it would also mean that you could unwittingly turn a corner and run into a nest of hydras. I figure, if I can't shoot at something that's around a corner, why should I know it's there, and likewise why should it know that I'm there?
Line of Sight
Talesin Darkbriar
Spider sense...we can all "feel" the danger in the radius represented by the radar...oops, wait, thats City of Heroes!

