I want some protection for my ele in PvP, what would be a good skill to use as protection against spell blocking? Should I be a mesmer or monk?
What is the best spell that lasts the longest for protection from spell breakers or energy denial?
Pick my secondary!!! HELP!!!
there are no spells (that I know of) that resist a spell break, my Elementalists secondary is monk, with Mending and a small heal I stay alive a long time.
there are somemesmer skills that stop you from being interrupted
the names escape me at the moment
the names escape me at the moment
Mesmers have several skills that prevent interrupts.
I believe one is called "Mantra of Concentration" and there is another that also works well. Both would complement an Elementalist well, but your anti-interrupt might get interrupted or it simply wouldn't be useful enough.
Instead, I would suggest that you focus on getting shorter casting time spells. For example, shifting from fire to lightning takes you from multi-second Meteor Shower type spells to 0-time Enervating Charge spells.
Additionally, tactics can be used to beat interrupts. Do a fake out, prepping a spell but cancelling right when you see the enemy fire his interrupt (which often add a long recharge delay), or throw all your cheap and quick spells until you see the enemy distracted, then throw down your heavy spells.
But a Monk is just as vulnerable to spell interrupts as an Elementalist, so I would suggest you go with the Mesmer if you want to prevent interrupts.
I believe one is called "Mantra of Concentration" and there is another that also works well. Both would complement an Elementalist well, but your anti-interrupt might get interrupted or it simply wouldn't be useful enough.
Instead, I would suggest that you focus on getting shorter casting time spells. For example, shifting from fire to lightning takes you from multi-second Meteor Shower type spells to 0-time Enervating Charge spells.
Additionally, tactics can be used to beat interrupts. Do a fake out, prepping a spell but cancelling right when you see the enemy fire his interrupt (which often add a long recharge delay), or throw all your cheap and quick spells until you see the enemy distracted, then throw down your heavy spells.
But a Monk is just as vulnerable to spell interrupts as an Elementalist, so I would suggest you go with the Mesmer if you want to prevent interrupts.