Though the game with henchies.
I'm curious to know if anyone has gone through GW missions and quests with just henchmen.
My w/r build , except for 1 mission i did with my guild, has gone through the missions and quests with just henchies so far. I'm to Aurora Glade and so far no problems, just need to figure out the end.
I actually consider the challenge of just henchmen fun. I'm not anti-social, I get in pugs for lower missions and quests to help others, and help my guildies when i can. I like the challenge.
My w/r build , except for 1 mission i did with my guild, has gone through the missions and quests with just henchies so far. I'm to Aurora Glade and so far no problems, just need to figure out the end.
I actually consider the challenge of just henchmen fun. I'm not anti-social, I get in pugs for lower missions and quests to help others, and help my guildies when i can. I like the challenge.
Ive been through most of them with henchmen including the desert and everything past it.
I've probably been through most with henchmen, it's much faster to get in a group and go, I know exactly the limits and abilities of the combined henchmen. Of course they are no match for a set of good humans and some missions (like aurora glade) are just a pain with henchies. Humans don't tend to get stuck inside chests, and don't tend to rez when everyone is dying

So far so good with henchies here.
General Bashalot
I have done about 98% of my quests so far with Henchies, including Hero's Challenge just recently! Their AI is smarter them most of the idiots I have grouped with so far; at least they follow instructions for the most part. However, I have run into difficulties with them when crossing a bridge with foes under it, or go under a bridge with foes on it, the henchies have a tendency of fighting them even though it looks like they are battling the air... at least they don't bail on you in the middle of a quest!
Prior to the patch where they infused henchies, it was really, really difficult (read: next to impossible, although I believe there was a post here about someone that managed to do it), Now, though, it can be tedious and boring (I enjoy conversation with people, even if you do get some idiots), but it's a lot more doable.
Finished all missions with henchmen here. Theres a few missions that prove extremely difficult, but it can be done! I had particuar fun in Abaddons Mouth mission where you must destroy the seals on the gate. All my henchmen died and i ended up having to solo the last 4 seals.
I like to wait around for people to join my party then henches; but if it takes to long to get people then I go with some henches.
Mister Pie
Wow! How did you people do it? Mine kept dying, maybe cause I'm W/Me and I can't heal them when they get surrounded.
I used Henchies up to the Elona Reach Mission. I just got raped too bad there, was having trouble pulling monsters cause the henchies charged in. So after many attempts I finally broke down and switched from Smithing to Healing and partied up to do the three Ascention Missions. Back to going with henchies for now.
BTW I have heard of several people doing the whole game with henchies only so I think its doable but you have to be patient.
I always get Alesia and as long as you dont over aggro she does pretty good. (as I said I play Smither when using henchies so I can only afford to heal myself in that mode)
BTW I have heard of several people doing the whole game with henchies only so I think its doable but you have to be patient.
Originally Posted by Mister Pie
Wow! How did you people do it? Mine kept dying, maybe cause I'm W/Me and I can't heal them when they get surrounded.
Thirsty River may be passed only with the right class if you're with henchmans (there may be not enough damage/disruption to kill priest+monk boss). Also, i'm always playing Aurora's Glade with players because of the last objective there. Everything else before Droknar's Forge is fine with Henchmans.
I finally got to Dunes of Despair today with henchies after trying about 4 times with real people.
Henchies have made me learn a lot about calling targets and how to manage pulling and defeating groups.
Now if only human players would follow my calls the way henchies do!
Henchies have made me learn a lot about calling targets and how to manage pulling and defeating groups.
Now if only human players would follow my calls the way henchies do!
Mr. Matt
Yep. In fact, other than those two quests in pre-searing, I don't think I actually went with human players ONCE with my primary character. I have done quite a bit with my secondary characters though, which is where I learned that I actually prefer to go with henchmen than people (and find it easier, in a lot of cases...).
For those that have had played most of the game with Henchies, what is your class/sub-class?
I could see some difficulty doing this as a warrior, because you would be forced to run into battle. Actually, this isn't true, even a warrior can equip a long bow for the purpose of pulling, and then switch back to a sword/hammer/axe.
I see the most difficulty with missions with henchmen if you are monk. My monk character is shy, and likes to stay in the back of the group. Everyone knows that the monsters will eventually find the monk, and single her out, but by standing in the back, you can greatly delay this. But, if you are leading henchmen, this becomes impossible.
I could see some difficulty doing this as a warrior, because you would be forced to run into battle. Actually, this isn't true, even a warrior can equip a long bow for the purpose of pulling, and then switch back to a sword/hammer/axe.
I see the most difficulty with missions with henchmen if you are monk. My monk character is shy, and likes to stay in the back of the group. Everyone knows that the monsters will eventually find the monk, and single her out, but by standing in the back, you can greatly delay this. But, if you are leading henchmen, this becomes impossible.
Algren Cole
they should make henchies randomly map out during a quest/'d be more in tune with the game that way
Originally Posted by uigrad
For those that have had played most of the game with Henchies, what is your class/sub-class?
W/Ne - infused. Dunes with henches. Quests with Henches, missions 60/40.
Mo/Me - ascended. ER with henches. Quests with Henches, missions 50/50.
My first Ne/Me was mostly with players, except quests. Finished.
So far so good...henchies all the way to where I am now, Riverside Province. And I am a N/Mo, level 19.
A free web-based wargame you can play from anywhere!
A free web-based wargame you can play from anywhere!
Almost all except thunderhead keep and thirsty river.

Mr. Matt
Originally Posted by uigrad
For those that have had played most of the game with Henchies, what is your class/sub-class?
I could see some difficulty doing this as a warrior, because you would be forced to run into battle. Actually, this isn't true, even a warrior can equip a long bow for the purpose of pulling, and then switch back to a sword/hammer/axe. I see the most difficulty with missions with henchmen if you are monk. My monk character is shy, and likes to stay in the back of the group. Everyone knows that the monsters will eventually find the monk, and single her out, but by standing in the back, you can greatly delay this. But, if you are leading henchmen, this becomes impossible. |
Not as bad as some human players, though -- I tried this tactic with humans once, using my secondary Warrior/Ranger character. I told them to wait while I got the mob to come to us so that we didn't get completely mobbed by several other monsters nearby. But nope. As soon as an arrow flew off, so did all the other players. TO THEIR DEATHS.
If I played with my primary character, of course, I could always resurrect them all afterwards -- I always carry a reusable Monk resurrect skill with that character, as you never know what sort of trouble henchmen are going to get into. You can guarantee that at least one of them will go and get himself killed during every other battle, and you can guarantee it's going to be that damned healing henchmen. The first couple of times is OK, because the other henchmen have a signet. But after that...
Shin Lail
R/Mo Thunderhead keep just did desert missions with people the rest was with henchies
E/Me Fire Island everything but thirsty river with henchies
W/N Lions Arch/Kryta area tried a group twice both times failed for very bad reasons went through with henchies no problem.
I think E's are the easiest to use henchies with and maybe a monk but I have not tried monk prime yet. R was probably second Warrior you have to think about it a little more but is completely possible. The key is take your time and think.
E/Me Fire Island everything but thirsty river with henchies
W/N Lions Arch/Kryta area tried a group twice both times failed for very bad reasons went through with henchies no problem.
I think E's are the easiest to use henchies with and maybe a monk but I have not tried monk prime yet. R was probably second Warrior you have to think about it a little more but is completely possible. The key is take your time and think.
Mister Pie
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
they should make henchies randomly map out during a quest/'d be more in tune with the game that way
Alderman Sweet
The henchmen are great right up until the moment Alesia throws herself into a crowd of melee fighters. She particularly likes to get beaten up by mounted enemies.
I've been able to do every mission except for the Mursaat ones (Iron Mines, Thunderhead Keep, Ring of Fire, and Abaddon's Mouth). I have done the final mission with henchmen too.

I think i'm finally hitting a wall now by bringing henchmen, I've used them 100% of the way. now i'm starting to notice yesterday in kryta on the walk from the hot springs to the temple of ages that my npc's are getting decimated by these phantoms that do like 100+ lightning damage. Boy that chews through my lvl 12 henchies like paper while i'm lvl 17 i can't keep my guys alive with my well of blood cause the undead don't leave no bodies. dang, i guess tonight i'll have to join those guys wanting to get into groups in town. Was sooo looking forward to taking on the Lich with my henchies but i can't even make it there. What strategies do you use if you still use them? or anyone a necro primary here still uses henchmen? i can't heal them in these undead zones.
Biggest problem with henchies that I've had so far was the teleporters in the desert. They have a tendency to not go through until you go through a second one.
Kali Ma
i can't heal them in these undead zones. |
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Azreal911
I think i'm finally hitting a wall now by bringing henchmen, I've used them 100% of the way. now i'm starting to notice yesterday in kryta on the walk from the hot springs to the temple of ages that my npc's are getting decimated by these phantoms that do like 100+ lightning damage.
Of course, you have to get to Fishermans Harbor first, and that's three missions or so later than Kryta.
IMO the Hot Springs henches (and those in some other areas just after Kryta) are seriously under-levelled for the opposition.
henchies but i can't even make it there. What strategies do you use if you still use them? or anyone a necro primary here still uses henchmen? i can't heal them in these undead zones. |
I think you need to be at least partly a monk to solo those. The desert is easy with henches, but the missions are killers. And timed. Double whammy.
To solo GW from start to finish, in my opinion, one really needs to be part monk, and I've designed my new char accordingly.
Well, I've done everything except Infusion runs, Aurora Glade and Thunderhead Keep with henchies (I managed up till the end in Abaddon's Mouth, but died at the door, so I did it again with people).
Henchies are underrated, just because people don't get their AI.
Henchies are underrated, just because people don't get their AI.
from reading your responses i guess i'll have to party with humies tonight cause my secondary warrior class was only good up till i reached the shiverpeaks. oh man that wasn't a good choice! but i like my necro so i'm sticking with him once i reach ascension bye bye warrior secondary. It's just funny reading this that there are masochistic people like me that try to do things the hard way, by bringing very low level henchmen and not joining up with humies the same level as you. lol!