It's all Seek-the-Monk
As a primary monk, I don't need praise and accolades. I need cooperation and respect. One monk can't heal seven other people that are taking damage constantly. Eventually, the energy runs out. As long as the tanks tank and the casters cast, there is no problem.
Elementalists and monks that think they are tanks is very annoying and I just let them die. If we just got done with a big fight and you run off to the next mob even though I am spamming my energy level, you're going to die.
And please, whatever you do, DON'T pull aggro to me because your health is dropping. That doesn't help anyone. If you are not being healed, it's for a reason.
People need to realize that they are not the only ones in the party. Sometimes I have to let you die. I will rez you the first chance I get. And if you spam "heal plz" or "rez plz", rest assured that you have just dropped to the bottom of my priority list. Especially if you died because you didn't wait for my energy to regen.
Elementalists and monks that think they are tanks is very annoying and I just let them die. If we just got done with a big fight and you run off to the next mob even though I am spamming my energy level, you're going to die.
And please, whatever you do, DON'T pull aggro to me because your health is dropping. That doesn't help anyone. If you are not being healed, it's for a reason.
People need to realize that they are not the only ones in the party. Sometimes I have to let you die. I will rez you the first chance I get. And if you spam "heal plz" or "rez plz", rest assured that you have just dropped to the bottom of my priority list. Especially if you died because you didn't wait for my energy to regen.
Van the Warrior
i made a monk his name is is Join Ur Party Ten K
Since I've started this character I've found that not only is it easy to group, but a vast majority of people are very happy to have a monk around. I can really only say that once I've ran into someone that I had to even say anything to (and he was just acting dumb... not necessarily directed to me or monks in general), and all I had to say was that I'll leave the party if he doesn't stop acting immature. I've done lots of arena while building up my monk for Tombs, and there have been no problems there either. It all depends on the groups you get in to. If it is bad enough then don't put up with it... just leave.
I don't condone leaving a group for every stupid thing that someone does, but if you feel the majority of a group is not appreciative of your contribution then take your contribution somewhere else. Although I haven't left one group yet before certain death, I would not hesitate to leave one if I saw the hint of anything some of you guys are complaining about here. You are in the game to have fun, not to get yelled at by immature kids.
I don't condone leaving a group for every stupid thing that someone does, but if you feel the majority of a group is not appreciative of your contribution then take your contribution somewhere else. Although I haven't left one group yet before certain death, I would not hesitate to leave one if I saw the hint of anything some of you guys are complaining about here. You are in the game to have fun, not to get yelled at by immature kids.
Studio Ghibli
Originally Posted by Episodicfreak
Heal plz doesn't work. It makes me want to leave you to die. I don't tell you to "hit that" or "firestorm that", or "use axe", and I don't appreciate it back. Fine, stick mending on and /pout. See how fast you live honestly. Especially in the middle of the game, where the monsters are throwing poison and mesmer skills. See how fast you live.

Originally Posted by Zeroed
While monks do sometimes get bad treatment, they are also the only class to consistantly get praise and thanks. I sometimes play a monk and in good groups people will thank you.
In comparison, never seen any member of a party say things like "nice tanking, well done" or "wow! you guys are really great at those AoE spells" And as my ranger/mesmer, you can bet how many times I've had "hey, well done, really good interruption!" ![]() Long and short of it is that you cant expect people to thank you *every* time you res them or heal them. Of course this is no excuse for abuse... |
But that was perhaps because I played her earlier, and fast, so the amount of betas and skilled players in missions were higher.
My warrior tho has only ever gotten praised for having sprint and balanced stance

Cap'n Hoek
Originally Posted by Alathys Tylderaan
Anyone that said a monk isn't necessary should go back to the desert...
i want to say i have a w/mo thats 20 tring to ascend atm.... and a 8lvl monk/me.... i started the monk because i like healing and being the support for a team and i'm sick of the lack of good monks in pug's...... i love it and i'm really only at the begining with her so that may be way i haven't gotten the badness associated with being that class.... as a warrior monk though it sucks when your in a group with no primary healer with 3 other monks secondaries and i'm the only one healing anyone then getting yeleld at.... sorry but my primary class does not have a huge energy poola nd crappy regen.....i'm there for back up heals and to tank....
i agree with hating ele & monks who tank and don't have the build for it.. they run into the middle of a group that we are trying to pull back to everyone and pull the agrro off me which i try desperatly to get beack while heal breezing them and spammin orison...
i must say the best time i've ever had playing my warrior was riverside mission with a wonderful monk and a group that actually discussed which skills we all had up who was healng who who was anking who was pulluing who was calling.. no one died i didn't have to look at my life bar once and finished the mission with a HUGE moral boost.. i wish every group i was in had been like that one
this game is really built for strategy and not enuogh groups actually make a plan and take complimenting skills.. i hate when i get invited to a group and then rushed out before i can find out what skills i should equip....... people need to slow down a little
i agree with hating ele & monks who tank and don't have the build for it.. they run into the middle of a group that we are trying to pull back to everyone and pull the agrro off me which i try desperatly to get beack while heal breezing them and spammin orison...
i must say the best time i've ever had playing my warrior was riverside mission with a wonderful monk and a group that actually discussed which skills we all had up who was healng who who was anking who was pulluing who was calling.. no one died i didn't have to look at my life bar once and finished the mission with a HUGE moral boost.. i wish every group i was in had been like that one
this game is really built for strategy and not enuogh groups actually make a plan and take complimenting skills.. i hate when i get invited to a group and then rushed out before i can find out what skills i should equip....... people need to slow down a little
Originally Posted by Cap'n Hoek
Yesterday I was in a PuG that beat Elonas without a primary monk (after ~15 tries in other groups, most of them with a monk). I was the only healer (e/mo). There is still hope that not having a monk doesn't always keep you from succeeding.

Alathys Tylderaan
Originally Posted by Cap'n Hoek
Yesterday I was in a PuG that beat Elonas without a primary monk (after ~15 tries in other groups, most of them with a monk). I was the only healer (e/mo). There is still hope that not having a monk doesn't always keep you from succeeding.
Originally Posted by Zeroed
In comparison, never seen any member of a party say things like "nice tanking, well done" or "wow! you guys are really great at those AoE spells"
Last night I played through Dragon's Lair with only me as a primary monk it was very stressful to play, I've to constantly watching those other 6 health bars (1 quitted for some reason) including myself. At the very least I took some protection spell such as aegis and protective spirits which did make up for it for the lack of healing. But playing as monk it is very stressful IMO.
Originally Posted by madness2k4
Last night I played through Dragon's Lair with only me as a primary monk it was very stressful to play, I've to constantly watching those other 6 health bars (1 quitted for some reason) including myself. At the very least I took some protection spell such as aegis and protective spirits which did make up for it for the lack of healing. But playing as monk it is very stressful IMO.
didnt read the whole post but as a 20th monk finsihing up the pve part of the game i can tell you the secret is to play prot on henchmen at the end and lifebond all the non melee classes and bring prot monk and mhenlo and you can do anything with a little effort.
I started a monk character (Mo/R) for many of the reasons outlined in this thread. I've now reached Quarrel Falls with her. So far it's been the easiest ride of any character I've played. I tend to play with henchmen until Augury rock and I've brought Alesia along on every venture so far for added security, of course this means the group doesnt have massive damage output - but the security an extra monk provides means that while a fight can be longer it's outcome is more certain.
I've survived brawls with my Mo/R that would have wiped my group in seconds as my N/Me.
Edit: I still love my n/me though, there's a nice satisfaction in stealing life and using bodies for wells while subverting the enemies powers.
I've survived brawls with my Mo/R that would have wiped my group in seconds as my N/Me.
Edit: I still love my n/me though, there's a nice satisfaction in stealing life and using bodies for wells while subverting the enemies powers.
I normally play e/me or n/me but I do have a mo/e for a "thursday night" group: 3 friends and myself get together and we are all working our way though the game. It's a hoot, we all know how we work, and typically I have to heal only a few times in the mission, so I took a bit of earth (normally fire on the primary e) and fire off the odd stone dagger when I'm feeling bored.
Well, we did Auroa Glade to Crystal Desert stretch last night. Was a blast.
First mission was a bit of cake, had failed before because of technical problems, but it went like clockwork. Two rangers with traps loaded punish the crystal runners
Next one, we did the bonus on, and in a few fights I had to pull out all the stops.
But the best bit, was for a laugh, I pulled out mending and I carried the staff on the last one, I also loaded blessed signet. Only drawback was I was the focus of all the enemies, no problem! I stood near the rangers in the trap "forest" *grins*
However, I have been in pugs ... and ugh, they have been terrible, I've never seen the need for heal group before, but this one group I was in *everybody* was getting savaged and I really wished I had picked it. No way could I keep up, needless to say we failed. But with (regular group) the same mission was a breeze (well apart from when we pulled a whole gob of mobs, but that was some fun fight)
Well, we did Auroa Glade to Crystal Desert stretch last night. Was a blast.
First mission was a bit of cake, had failed before because of technical problems, but it went like clockwork. Two rangers with traps loaded punish the crystal runners

Next one, we did the bonus on, and in a few fights I had to pull out all the stops.
But the best bit, was for a laugh, I pulled out mending and I carried the staff on the last one, I also loaded blessed signet. Only drawback was I was the focus of all the enemies, no problem! I stood near the rangers in the trap "forest" *grins*
However, I have been in pugs ... and ugh, they have been terrible, I've never seen the need for heal group before, but this one group I was in *everybody* was getting savaged and I really wished I had picked it. No way could I keep up, needless to say we failed. But with (regular group) the same mission was a breeze (well apart from when we pulled a whole gob of mobs, but that was some fun fight)
Playing my Monk is a blast.
There are some annoying things granted like the squishy casters that think they can melee.
Dont quite understand why they insist on getting into melee range.
I have had E's, N's, Me's, and even other Monks run right into combat and attack in melee
range even when using ranged spells!
I politely ask them to refrain from going into melee range since they require more healing
when they do and it takes it away from the warriors.
The less number of people I have to heal the better.
If they refuse to do so, they die, plain and simple.
A squishy trying to tank is next to useless and is a waste of energy to continue to keep healing.
As for people swearing at Monk's or any other form of abuse, anyone tries it with my Monk and
thier party will be short one Monk really damn quick.
I wouldn't put up with that at all, not even once.
(Unless of course the rest of the party spoke up and told whoever to shove it and leave the Monk alone)
Then I would stay, defending your Monk from jerks who abuse them shows you have respect for them.
I would return that respect by staying, but the jerk would be on the bottom of the priority healing list.
One thing I've noticed about playing a Monk is the tendancy to get into the habit of staring at the health bars of the party.
This is a bad habit, try and practice watching the fight itself also.
(I sometimes have a hard time doing this, as it is so much easier to just watch health bars. But I keep trying to improve on it.)
By watching the fight and the movements of party members and monsters you can at times see who is about to be attacked
and maybe get a prot spell on them prior or you could see if something is heading for you with the intent to play squash the
Monk, if you don't watch the combat you don't know about it till YOUR health bar starts to go down, and then it's too late.
In some dire cases I have seen a caster being chased and I will throw myself inbetween and whip around and head towards
the tanks and circle round them, 9 times out of 10 the monster will train to the tanks.
I then swing round so tanks are between me and the enemies and lay down a divine heal, 210 health to everyone in range,
then it's back away from the combat and resume normal healing.
The best way to keep party members alive is to not even let them get hit whenever possible.
(Not alot of chances to avoid damage altogether but if you aren't looking for those chances, you'll never get them)
As for the Rez plz, Heal plz stuff...
DOH! I knew I was forgetting something, thank you ever so much for reminding me as to the whole entire reason for
my even coming along in the party. I would never have figured it out without your help.
Of course I would have to say that after the battle as I would be to busy with the aforementioned "Heal plz" to type that all out.
(I would love to have the ability to make preset comments that can be said with just a keystroke, hehe)
And with Rez Plz, that IS NOT going to happen during the fight, UNLESS I decide it is needed for the fight AND I can safely do so
without losing another member of the party.
Otherwise all resurrects happen after the fight.
heh ok didn't mean for that to be so long but oh well, if you managed to actually read the whole thing without falling asleep, congrats!.
There are some annoying things granted like the squishy casters that think they can melee.
Dont quite understand why they insist on getting into melee range.
I have had E's, N's, Me's, and even other Monks run right into combat and attack in melee
range even when using ranged spells!
I politely ask them to refrain from going into melee range since they require more healing
when they do and it takes it away from the warriors.
The less number of people I have to heal the better.
If they refuse to do so, they die, plain and simple.
A squishy trying to tank is next to useless and is a waste of energy to continue to keep healing.
As for people swearing at Monk's or any other form of abuse, anyone tries it with my Monk and
thier party will be short one Monk really damn quick.
I wouldn't put up with that at all, not even once.
(Unless of course the rest of the party spoke up and told whoever to shove it and leave the Monk alone)
Then I would stay, defending your Monk from jerks who abuse them shows you have respect for them.
I would return that respect by staying, but the jerk would be on the bottom of the priority healing list.
One thing I've noticed about playing a Monk is the tendancy to get into the habit of staring at the health bars of the party.
This is a bad habit, try and practice watching the fight itself also.
(I sometimes have a hard time doing this, as it is so much easier to just watch health bars. But I keep trying to improve on it.)
By watching the fight and the movements of party members and monsters you can at times see who is about to be attacked
and maybe get a prot spell on them prior or you could see if something is heading for you with the intent to play squash the
Monk, if you don't watch the combat you don't know about it till YOUR health bar starts to go down, and then it's too late.
In some dire cases I have seen a caster being chased and I will throw myself inbetween and whip around and head towards
the tanks and circle round them, 9 times out of 10 the monster will train to the tanks.
I then swing round so tanks are between me and the enemies and lay down a divine heal, 210 health to everyone in range,
then it's back away from the combat and resume normal healing.
The best way to keep party members alive is to not even let them get hit whenever possible.
(Not alot of chances to avoid damage altogether but if you aren't looking for those chances, you'll never get them)
As for the Rez plz, Heal plz stuff...
DOH! I knew I was forgetting something, thank you ever so much for reminding me as to the whole entire reason for
my even coming along in the party. I would never have figured it out without your help.
Of course I would have to say that after the battle as I would be to busy with the aforementioned "Heal plz" to type that all out.
(I would love to have the ability to make preset comments that can be said with just a keystroke, hehe)
And with Rez Plz, that IS NOT going to happen during the fight, UNLESS I decide it is needed for the fight AND I can safely do so
without losing another member of the party.
Otherwise all resurrects happen after the fight.
heh ok didn't mean for that to be so long but oh well, if you managed to actually read the whole thing without falling asleep, congrats!.

I'm bringing up a M/E through the game atm. Yesterday I joined a group
with 4 Warriors and 1 ranger in one of the Northen Shiverpeaks missions.
Let me tell you, I was thinking about this thread a lot during that mission.
Picture this: all of the sudden 3 of the warriors split up and attack 3 different mobs. So know I'm in the middle having Boon and spamming horison and breeze (L13 still)
trying to keep them alive. At some point I'm running low and let the one that's the furthest die to save the others. We barely make it alive and what do i get at the end:
"man....our monk sucks.....monk??...why don't you heal?? monk...why you let me die"
2 secs later I Ctrl-click my energy bar to let them know I'm low. what do they do?? 1 of them spams his energy bar, health bar and weapon slot basicaly saying "i have no clue why you are spaming your energy" and the rest go on attacking the mobs ahead without even hesitating.
Same group: 1 of the warriors sprints ahead of the group.Twice. He aggroes
a nasty group all by himself(he is out of my radar by now) and dies before I even get in range to heal him.
"Monk...why don't you heal??"
"man this monk sucks....I think we could have done better with another W
in the group instead of this worthless guy" One of the W/M says: "I think i'm a better healer than he is".
Until then I was like: "please don't run too far ahead of me""please don't aggro more than one mobs","please wait for my energy to recharge"
But at that point I got annoyed. I said: 'Ok guys....let's see how good you do without any healing' Couple of the W/M went: "Don't worry man we will do fine without you....I have plenty of healing on me to stay alive and support the rest" I will admit that this guy was pretty good keeping himself alive and fresh up to that point. I barely had to heal him at all.
Well, a few seconds later they are in their usual business fighting 3 mobs at once with their health bars droping below half on ALL of them. I stay back just out of range. The one that carries the DP dies fast. Then the ranger, who is tanking btw..
All of the sudden I get:"lol...monk plz heal"
I'm not a nasty guy, i don't think, so I just resume my duties and being fully charged I get the survivors at full health within a few seconds. (Divine boon rocks by the )
Things were calmer after that. Nobody said a word not even after we completed the mission. I'm pretty sure a couple of them learned something from the experience. Then again....maybe not.
Big contrast on the next pug where everyone had more experience, the group was more balanced, knew what they were doing, stayed together, didn't aggro more than we could chew and so on. I even had time to look at something other than health bars.
with 4 Warriors and 1 ranger in one of the Northen Shiverpeaks missions.
Let me tell you, I was thinking about this thread a lot during that mission.
Picture this: all of the sudden 3 of the warriors split up and attack 3 different mobs. So know I'm in the middle having Boon and spamming horison and breeze (L13 still)
trying to keep them alive. At some point I'm running low and let the one that's the furthest die to save the others. We barely make it alive and what do i get at the end:
"man....our monk sucks.....monk??...why don't you heal?? monk...why you let me die"
2 secs later I Ctrl-click my energy bar to let them know I'm low. what do they do?? 1 of them spams his energy bar, health bar and weapon slot basicaly saying "i have no clue why you are spaming your energy" and the rest go on attacking the mobs ahead without even hesitating.
Same group: 1 of the warriors sprints ahead of the group.Twice. He aggroes
a nasty group all by himself(he is out of my radar by now) and dies before I even get in range to heal him.
"Monk...why don't you heal??"
"man this monk sucks....I think we could have done better with another W
in the group instead of this worthless guy" One of the W/M says: "I think i'm a better healer than he is".
Until then I was like: "please don't run too far ahead of me""please don't aggro more than one mobs","please wait for my energy to recharge"
But at that point I got annoyed. I said: 'Ok guys....let's see how good you do without any healing' Couple of the W/M went: "Don't worry man we will do fine without you....I have plenty of healing on me to stay alive and support the rest" I will admit that this guy was pretty good keeping himself alive and fresh up to that point. I barely had to heal him at all.
Well, a few seconds later they are in their usual business fighting 3 mobs at once with their health bars droping below half on ALL of them. I stay back just out of range. The one that carries the DP dies fast. Then the ranger, who is tanking btw..

All of the sudden I get:"lol...monk plz heal"
I'm not a nasty guy, i don't think, so I just resume my duties and being fully charged I get the survivors at full health within a few seconds. (Divine boon rocks by the )
Things were calmer after that. Nobody said a word not even after we completed the mission. I'm pretty sure a couple of them learned something from the experience. Then again....maybe not.
Big contrast on the next pug where everyone had more experience, the group was more balanced, knew what they were doing, stayed together, didn't aggro more than we could chew and so on. I even had time to look at something other than health bars.
Mmm at the moment divine boon is my staple enchantment. without it i dont know what i'd do.. well that's a lie actually i found out what happens without it after encountering a group of 15 or so mesmer beasts that had a penchant for strip enchantment..... not pretty. Life sure is different on the other side of the healing grass.
I'll say monk are overly in demand. My monk has 730K xp. My ranger has 230K. I usually only swap when I want to do something else or I can't get groups with one.
Mimi Miyagi
Originally Posted by Ancalagon06
Also, while I totally agree with this post, and I never type "heal plz" or "res plz" I have been screwed over badly by a monk. For example, in two different missions, with two different groups, I died and was then not resurrected. For 10 and 32 minutes, respectively (they actually finished the mission without me). So, just like not all players (okay, a lot) are not appreciative of their monk, not all monks are good at their work.
Play as a team - or die alone.
Originally Posted by Mimi Miyagi
...then for the sake of the party I will let the moron rot on the ground.
Play as a team - or die alone. |
U know I just started a monk a couple days of ago and have him at 13 or 14 and my observations are this:
1) He's the most sought after char yet he is the only character in which during a mission some one will actually ask or tell him to do his job ie "Heal me please" or "Res. Me". As a warrior, ranger, and elementalist, I have yet to be asked to shoot arrows, hit Mob with Firestorm/meteror/ whatever, or swing sword at Mob. The funniest comment I think I have heard to date is "Do you have res?". I am a monk for crying out loud and unless I say I am smiting monk or maybe even a protection (even then I think every monk class, primary or otherwise should reserve one spot for res.), yes I am going to have res equipped.
2) No matter who is at fault, the monk in my experience is the first to get blamed when folks start taking in damage or get killed, never mind the fact that they go outta of the range of the healer or they split into groups.
3) Of the pugs I have done, only one group actually thanked me for keeping them alive as it was quite an adventure to say the least. This group was the least experienced from what I could tell but did their best. An occasional misstep but nothing too bad we couldn't recover from. My more seasoned groups though seem to be a different animal.
4) I realize at times we lose our heads but the worst thing for me is folks who seem to drag a train to me in an effort to get away. One or 2 beasties, I am fine as all I do is cast mend on myself but when they drag 5 or 6 of the minataurs and then do absolutely nothing to help get them off, I get into some trouble.
Ok rant over. i guess I am going to have to get into the habit of letting those that repeat the same mistakes over stay laying down. Also I am going to start saying after some asks me to heal or res, "Please start killing the monsters." or "Man you warriors suck. Why are you killing them in 2 hits? Whats wrong the elementalist? How come your meteror or pheonix isn't burning them to cinders in shot?"
1) He's the most sought after char yet he is the only character in which during a mission some one will actually ask or tell him to do his job ie "Heal me please" or "Res. Me". As a warrior, ranger, and elementalist, I have yet to be asked to shoot arrows, hit Mob with Firestorm/meteror/ whatever, or swing sword at Mob. The funniest comment I think I have heard to date is "Do you have res?". I am a monk for crying out loud and unless I say I am smiting monk or maybe even a protection (even then I think every monk class, primary or otherwise should reserve one spot for res.), yes I am going to have res equipped.
2) No matter who is at fault, the monk in my experience is the first to get blamed when folks start taking in damage or get killed, never mind the fact that they go outta of the range of the healer or they split into groups.
3) Of the pugs I have done, only one group actually thanked me for keeping them alive as it was quite an adventure to say the least. This group was the least experienced from what I could tell but did their best. An occasional misstep but nothing too bad we couldn't recover from. My more seasoned groups though seem to be a different animal.
4) I realize at times we lose our heads but the worst thing for me is folks who seem to drag a train to me in an effort to get away. One or 2 beasties, I am fine as all I do is cast mend on myself but when they drag 5 or 6 of the minataurs and then do absolutely nothing to help get them off, I get into some trouble.
Ok rant over. i guess I am going to have to get into the habit of letting those that repeat the same mistakes over stay laying down. Also I am going to start saying after some asks me to heal or res, "Please start killing the monsters." or "Man you warriors suck. Why are you killing them in 2 hits? Whats wrong the elementalist? How come your meteror or pheonix isn't burning them to cinders in shot?"
Originally Posted by EmperorTippy
except spell correctly appearantly
A real-life friend of mine and I are playing monks and the experience has been interesting. Since we're on the phone when we play, it's easy to coordinate and organize healing assignments and priorities. Makes for a low-stress monk experience.
I have made two observations though.
1. There's a lot of monks in the lower levels. We just reached Sanctum Cay now at just under level 16 and the ratio of monks has been steadily dropping off. Either a lot of people are giving up on monks somewhere after the Henge of Denravi or there's going to be a big surge of monks in the coming weeks.
2. You definitely don't get to enjoy the environment as much. Not too big of a deal though as this is his third character and my fourth. The need to closely monitor the vitals of every player has forced me to adapt to a different interface however.
I decided that I should try to become familiar with all the various classes, that I might better understand how the game works, the general feel for a class, and so on.
Prior to embarking on this, I'd primarily played a monk/elementist, so I have some idea what it's like to play as an elementist and a monk (my PvP character is a pure elementist, so I have become familiar with the mounds of energy my monk could only drool over).
Playing my mesmer/warrior (*twitch*) taught me some interesting things about both the warrior class and mesmers:
1. Mesmers should scare the hell out of monks.
2. Warriors are 'encouraged' to rush to the next MOB by the nature of their skill set; adrenaline has to be built up, and wears off while the monk is busy recharging.
Mesmers should scare monks because, quite frankly, they can eat a monk's energy pool alive. I'm very thankful that the mobs don't generally take this tactic.. although at one point in the game, they do manage to destroy my ability to use my primary healing skills by spamming the monk with a skill that will make my next attempt to use a skill require 120 seconds recharge time! Absolutely evil. When I'm playing a monk, I want mesmers and rangers dead, fast.
When I played my mesmer more as a warrior (which is silly, but it's kind of fun if you aren't too worried about constantly dying because mesmers make terrible warriors), I found myself wanting to rush to the next mob to take advantage of the adrenaline I'd saved up. It required significant restraint and maturity to look at my health bar, recognize that I'd probably get disembowled, and hold myself back while I regain my health.
I don't know exactly how best to use this information when dealing with other players who don't understand the monks' various weaknesses, but it might go a long way towards explaining the behavior you see from some warriors.
Prior to embarking on this, I'd primarily played a monk/elementist, so I have some idea what it's like to play as an elementist and a monk (my PvP character is a pure elementist, so I have become familiar with the mounds of energy my monk could only drool over).
Playing my mesmer/warrior (*twitch*) taught me some interesting things about both the warrior class and mesmers:
1. Mesmers should scare the hell out of monks.
2. Warriors are 'encouraged' to rush to the next MOB by the nature of their skill set; adrenaline has to be built up, and wears off while the monk is busy recharging.
Mesmers should scare monks because, quite frankly, they can eat a monk's energy pool alive. I'm very thankful that the mobs don't generally take this tactic.. although at one point in the game, they do manage to destroy my ability to use my primary healing skills by spamming the monk with a skill that will make my next attempt to use a skill require 120 seconds recharge time! Absolutely evil. When I'm playing a monk, I want mesmers and rangers dead, fast.
When I played my mesmer more as a warrior (which is silly, but it's kind of fun if you aren't too worried about constantly dying because mesmers make terrible warriors), I found myself wanting to rush to the next mob to take advantage of the adrenaline I'd saved up. It required significant restraint and maturity to look at my health bar, recognize that I'd probably get disembowled, and hold myself back while I regain my health.
I don't know exactly how best to use this information when dealing with other players who don't understand the monks' various weaknesses, but it might go a long way towards explaining the behavior you see from some warriors.
Is it just me or do monks expect to be thanked for doing their job? Other classes don't seem to think this is such an issue for their class. What's so special about the monk? Just curious.
Note: I've played a monk and it was rewarding enough in and of itself to not require any external encouragement.
Note: I've played a monk and it was rewarding enough in and of itself to not require any external encouragement.
" What's so special about the monk? Just curious."
Special is that they are most "party based" of all classes. You are warrior - you kill. You are Elementalist - you kill. Get the idea? Whereas monk work for entire party - plus it's somewhat tiring and borind job.
Special is that they are most "party based" of all classes. You are warrior - you kill. You are Elementalist - you kill. Get the idea? Whereas monk work for entire party - plus it's somewhat tiring and borind job.
Talesin Darkbriar
If we take the basic equation:
Lack of skill = a
clueless = b
arrogantly stupid = c
We can determine how many monks are required for the atypical player as follows;
We need a higher overall level of playing skill for our players - not more monks.
Please feel free to illustrate all the "Impossible" situations where only an entire group of monks and nothing else can prevail.
Remember, you don't need healing if your foe is dead and you are not.
Lack of skill = a
clueless = b
arrogantly stupid = c
We can determine how many monks are required for the atypical player as follows;
a(bc)Every class has a healing ability, several combinations come within a hair's breadth of being as healing friendly as a monk, and yet we have the hue and cry for dedicated healers to accomodate the overall populations lack of any real playing skill.
________ = monk desirability2
idiot level
We need a higher overall level of playing skill for our players - not more monks.
Please feel free to illustrate all the "Impossible" situations where only an entire group of monks and nothing else can prevail.
Remember, you don't need healing if your foe is dead and you are not.
Originally Posted by nechronius
When correcting somebody for their misspelling, you need to make sure to not commit the same mistake.
A real-life friend of mine and I are playing monks and the experience has been interesting. Since we're on the phone when we play, it's easy to coordinate and organize healing assignments and priorities. Makes for a low-stress monk experience. I have made two observations though. 1. There's a lot of monks in the lower levels. We just reached Sanctum Cay now at just under level 16 and the ratio of monks has been steadily dropping off. Either a lot of people are giving up on monks somewhere after the Henge of Denravi or there's going to be a big surge of monks in the coming weeks. 2. You definitely don't get to enjoy the environment as much. Not too big of a deal though as this is his third character and my fourth. The need to closely monitor the vitals of every player has forced me to adapt to a different interface however. |
Alathys Tylderaan
The problem with each class having a healing skill is that these skills are attribute dependent..
Ranger: Wilderness Survival
Warrior: Tactics (Who uses tactics anymore?)
Ele: Energy Storage (viable option)
Mesmer: Inspiration
Necro: Many various skills, usually blood magic, a popular choice.
So really Mesmers, Warriors and to some extent Rangers, all have quite useless self healing spells, considering that the attributes they require are not very popular ones.
The warrior option is particularly bad because of the armour loss while using the skill, and a warrior mostly needs healing when he's taking damage already.
If these skills were to be converted into the primary attribute of the class, it would be a much more viable option for most.
Ranger: Wilderness Survival
Warrior: Tactics (Who uses tactics anymore?)
Ele: Energy Storage (viable option)
Mesmer: Inspiration
Necro: Many various skills, usually blood magic, a popular choice.
So really Mesmers, Warriors and to some extent Rangers, all have quite useless self healing spells, considering that the attributes they require are not very popular ones.
The warrior option is particularly bad because of the armour loss while using the skill, and a warrior mostly needs healing when he's taking damage already.
If these skills were to be converted into the primary attribute of the class, it would be a much more viable option for most.
Originally Posted by Mountain Man
Finding a monk requires clever advertising. Two of my most successful appeals:
"Want to give your healing skills a good workout? Join us!" We had a monk in less than 10 seconds. Another pitch: "Group in desperate need of a monk because we suck!" Immediately got whispers from two monks! |
I understand that every group far into the game are seeking monks, that's why I started a monk. But being a monk is tough, I think it's easier for a party to find a good monk then for a monk to find a good party. A monk is useless when you team up with 7 mindless idiots who don't cordinate their attacks. Oh and everyone blames him...
Originally Posted by dragonyy
I understand that every group far into the game are seeking monks, that's why I started a monk. But being a monk is tough, I think it's easier for a party to find a good monk then for a monk to find a good party. A monk is useless when you team up with 7 mindless idiots who don't cordinate their attacks. Oh and everyone blames him...
I don't like logging into a zone and seeing that I have 3 group invites waiting already. No pm or anything. I don't get it. do you people get the rest of your team like that?
Warrior: Tactics (Who uses tactics anymore?) |
Warriors that swear off defense oriented skills due to how "useless" they are make me sad.
And on my monk, I've only had a couple bad experiences.
My response to the "why didnt you heal me" question was "If you werent trying to do things the stupidest way possible, I probably could have" (elem + nec + mez + war trying to each tank 3-4 mobs, while spread out far enough that all of them werent in range of me at the same time)
Originally Posted by Shoujo
Is it just me or do monks expect to be thanked for doing their job? Other classes don't seem to think this is such an issue for their class. What's so special about the monk? Just curious.
Originally Posted by Talesin Darkbriar
Every class has a healing ability, several combinations come within a hair's breadth of being as healing friendly as a monk, and yet we have the hue and cry for dedicated healers to accomodate the overall populations lack of any real playing skill. We need a higher overall level of playing skill for our players - not more monks. Please feel free to illustrate all the "Impossible" situations where only an entire group of monks and nothing else can prevail. Remember, you don't need healing if your foe is dead and you are not. Talesin |
But I disagree with you that a secondary monk is as effective or close to in healing as a primary monk. There is just no way. 12 healing and 12 divine favor give you 151 + 61 healing when you use Heal Other....3/4sec cast, every 3 sec.. Combine that with things you can carry that improve skill recharge and casting time and you are not even close.
Another issue that i have with secondary monks is that while their using their secondary healing skills there are not doing their primary job which in most cases is to deal damage. Nothing more annoying to see a W that you monitor closely hit his Healing Signet just because his health bar dropped a bit. That means longer time in a fight which can be realy stressfull for energy dependent chars.
In my view a good team with a primary healer will always do better than a good team with no primary healer.
As far as a team with all monks doing well or not, you will be suprised. 2 primary healers and the rest smiting/protection and you better watch out.
Wasn't a team of 1 W and 7 monks that held the HoH for 8 something hours?
Search for that thread in here.
For the record, my first char was a W/M and whenever I was in a group with a competent monk I never had to touch my healing skills. I did carry them with me all the time though for the times when the group/monk wasn't as good. Most of the times all that did was to make sure I was the last to
Anyway, I don't expect a 'thank you' either because at the end of the day it's teamwork that saves the day and wins missions. All i say at the end is 'gj all'
Point with monks is not that there's just one class of monks. You can add another 5 healer classes, won't matter. After all, in PvE there's rarely the need of a second monk, and even secondary monks are just as good - if they're prepared. I mean, I'll go anywhere with two secondary monks IF they are prepared to be healers.
The real point is that most people don't WANT to be healers. First, most idiots keep giving monks advice (how stupid) and forget how MUCH difference it makes to have or not have a monk in your party. I'm raising a Ne/Mo and I took solo adventuring without alesia (took just the warrior) and I tell you - until I started learning how to do it, I died CONSTANTLY.
Who wants to pass the entire adventuring time spamming healing on people that have absolutely no clue on how to keep *themselves* alive? I recently run the Frost Gate mission with a group of 6. Of these, me and the monk stayed alive, the rest reached end of adventure at -60%DP. I *never* died - why? the monk liked me? hardly.
Most people THINK they're great players, and are so ready to "accuse" others of being "noobs". I never use that word except in reference to MYSELF
What is really lacking is humility and maturity - but considering most players are under 16, it's probably asking too much.
Just my not even remotely humble opinion
"Be nice to your monk" stickers can be bought calling 1-800-STUPIDWARRIOR (jk).
A monk that starts healing when half the group is under 50%, or when 2 people are dead, is failing in doing his job.
The real point is that most people don't WANT to be healers. First, most idiots keep giving monks advice (how stupid) and forget how MUCH difference it makes to have or not have a monk in your party. I'm raising a Ne/Mo and I took solo adventuring without alesia (took just the warrior) and I tell you - until I started learning how to do it, I died CONSTANTLY.
Who wants to pass the entire adventuring time spamming healing on people that have absolutely no clue on how to keep *themselves* alive? I recently run the Frost Gate mission with a group of 6. Of these, me and the monk stayed alive, the rest reached end of adventure at -60%DP. I *never* died - why? the monk liked me? hardly.
Most people THINK they're great players, and are so ready to "accuse" others of being "noobs". I never use that word except in reference to MYSELF

Just my not even remotely humble opinion

A monk that starts healing when half the group is under 50%, or when 2 people are dead, is failing in doing his job.
Mistress Dasha
The key to doing anythings succesful is thoughtful planning, communication, listening skills, and your brain..
I play a Healing Prayers/Interuption PVE Mo/Me and I enjoy being the healer I enjoy anticipating my groups movements and I want groups to test my monk's abilities... I dont need or want respect from people I want to play a game.
I play a Healing Prayers/Interuption PVE Mo/Me and I enjoy being the healer I enjoy anticipating my groups movements and I want groups to test my monk's abilities... I dont need or want respect from people I want to play a game.
ZigZag Rollmeister
Having read some of the earlier posts here.....I find it incredibly hypocritical that the monks here would flail people for typing "Heal plz"....or "Res Plz".
You monks should know as well as anyone how many idiot newbs are out there aggroing multiple groups on missions. In fact, many of you have documented that in this very thread.
Seriously....doing missions with other players involves a certain level of anxiety since it seems like almost every group has at least ONE BAD NEWB.
So tell me monks of the world......your job is to keep the party members alive.
Seriously....are ALL monks veteran, elite players?
Of course not. Even good monks can lose track of health bars sometimes.
Getting pissed because someone is telling you to perform on of your basic funcitions? Remember, it's not like telling a warrior to swing his axe. It's more like telling a warrior to attack a specific MOB. Or telling a ranger and/or mesmer to focus on interrupts.
So don't take the "Heal me plz" lines so seriously.
(I do concede though, that you've gotta be a newb if you're asking for res)
You monks should know as well as anyone how many idiot newbs are out there aggroing multiple groups on missions. In fact, many of you have documented that in this very thread.
Seriously....doing missions with other players involves a certain level of anxiety since it seems like almost every group has at least ONE BAD NEWB.
So tell me monks of the world......your job is to keep the party members alive.
Seriously....are ALL monks veteran, elite players?
Of course not. Even good monks can lose track of health bars sometimes.
Getting pissed because someone is telling you to perform on of your basic funcitions? Remember, it's not like telling a warrior to swing his axe. It's more like telling a warrior to attack a specific MOB. Or telling a ranger and/or mesmer to focus on interrupts.
So don't take the "Heal me plz" lines so seriously.
(I do concede though, that you've gotta be a newb if you're asking for res)
Originally Posted by Talesin Darkbriar
Every class has a healing ability ...
I survive, I dont ask monks special favors but I have seen monks that simply dont heal and if the team have 2 warriors, 3 elementars, 1 necromancer and 2 rangers they sould realize the team have enough firepower to beat the crap out whatever comes their way but they need some healing, we dont need a fully dedicated smithing monk.
I don't know what your point is. Let me respond with some general comments.
When i started this game with my W/M it took me until Yak's bend to realise
I am not the all mighty Konan the Barbarian that can plow through anything with out regard to fellow party members and such....
I learned to watch my aggro circle at all times. I learned that pulling a mob to me was always better than going to them. I listened to others and attacked the same target as others. By the time I reached Kryta I knew what my role was in groups. MEAT SHIELD. Keep the nasties on me, hack at them, while the casters did most of the damage and kept me healthy.
I mean, at what point we should expect for all players to know what target calling means and how to react on a called target?
It just baffles me, that for some, that's a hard concept to understand. I see,
what you call "idiot newbs", all the way to Hell's precipise. It's just baffling.
I'm not a veteran and I'm not elite.I don't even know what that means. I just came to realise what works and what doesn't in this game early.
I think this thread has become more about the frustration of being a Monk. Healing monks are in a unique position by trade. They know where the whole group is and what it's doing and they are the first to know what went wrong.
Believe me when I tell you this: I'm the first to know how many "idiot newbs" a group has and who they are.
Now, i wasn't aware of any of this about Monks until I started playing one so
your opinion may vary depending on your experience.
And unless the healer is incompetent or absent minded asking a healer to heal you is plain insulting. I know better than you if you need a heal or not. I have my own energy bar to manage and I'm not going to waste a heal spell on you because your health bar dropped a hoo. Concetrate on your job and let me do mine. We are into this together so keeping you healthy is for my own good too.
Ahh...just some random thoughts to big! lol
I don't know what your point is. Let me respond with some general comments.
When i started this game with my W/M it took me until Yak's bend to realise
I am not the all mighty Konan the Barbarian that can plow through anything with out regard to fellow party members and such....
I learned to watch my aggro circle at all times. I learned that pulling a mob to me was always better than going to them. I listened to others and attacked the same target as others. By the time I reached Kryta I knew what my role was in groups. MEAT SHIELD. Keep the nasties on me, hack at them, while the casters did most of the damage and kept me healthy.
I mean, at what point we should expect for all players to know what target calling means and how to react on a called target?
It just baffles me, that for some, that's a hard concept to understand. I see,
what you call "idiot newbs", all the way to Hell's precipise. It's just baffling.
I'm not a veteran and I'm not elite.I don't even know what that means. I just came to realise what works and what doesn't in this game early.
I think this thread has become more about the frustration of being a Monk. Healing monks are in a unique position by trade. They know where the whole group is and what it's doing and they are the first to know what went wrong.
Believe me when I tell you this: I'm the first to know how many "idiot newbs" a group has and who they are.
Now, i wasn't aware of any of this about Monks until I started playing one so
your opinion may vary depending on your experience.
And unless the healer is incompetent or absent minded asking a healer to heal you is plain insulting. I know better than you if you need a heal or not. I have my own energy bar to manage and I'm not going to waste a heal spell on you because your health bar dropped a hoo. Concetrate on your job and let me do mine. We are into this together so keeping you healthy is for my own good too.
Ahh...just some random thoughts to big! lol