Are new players at fault to...

Ishamael Sedai

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

I've seen a post about how bad it is for experienced players to call new players noobs. I agree with those, but some new players cause frustration. When I am selling items that sell for the amounts I post (for example 3/1 vamp sword hilt) it gets annoying to get constant pm's saying how I am ripping people off etc. What is worse is when they do not read the posts and I am out farming just to have me come to the city to show them an item they had no intention of buying at that price. I don't mind someone honestly curious if they want me to show them as long as they tell me. I don't mind someone considering buying and item and deciding against it. But it does get annoying when I leave other cities or farming to go to a district to show someone just to have them be like wtf you are selling it for that. I also try to help people out. If people are searching for something they think is max and it isn't I normally pm them. If people are searching for something that is higher than max I sometimes pm them. Oftentimes I get a friendly ty, but sometimes I get people who consistently refuse to believe something and sometimes mock me. I had a guy telling me I had just not played enough and there was truly a 19% dmg while enchanted mod for an axe that you could purchase just like an axe haft (aka dmg all the time, not just vs giants). He claimed to have salvaged a dmg mod like this earlier that day.

Anyway, that is my rant and rave. Oh yes and what shall I say about begging. I give stuff away to new players, but the begging can be annoying. Someone was asking for steel the other day. I have the money to buy him steel, but why cannot he farm like the rest of us. There was one person in droknar's asking for 1.5p to buy armor.