I recently aquired every ranger skill except 5 elites (which I have SOC's for) and have a grand total of 1 (one) skill point remaining. This character is currently at abaddons mouth with 238,000 expereince. Since I skipped one kryta mission I can expect a finishing skill point remaining number of roughly 5. I will also note that I skipped 3 skill quests which also consequently amounted to 3 missing skills. Had I not done that I would have 4 skill points remaining. This character (monk/ranger) is 50 hours and 17 minutes old. Since my primary was a monk and I wouldn't consider myself a very bad one the completion time is slightly faster than you will experience with other classes. However this method also unlocked all monk skills from skill quests. I would give a rough estimation of 350 hours to unlock all skills.
In retrospect, I wish I didn't do this on a ranger. I cringed every time I bought a beastmastery skill