I am a bit confused. I would like to get a sword that has flames coming out of it like Prince Rurik. I purchased a Fiery Brute Sword from a guy though and it does NOT have flames coming from it.
Someone please tell me the difference or what I need to do to get that cool looking sword.
Also, if there are multiple sword types that have flames coming from them, can someone please post all of the variations in pics so that I can decide which one I want?
Thanks guys!!!
Is a Flame Sword the SAME as Fiery Sword?
Mango Midget
Firey Dragon Sword: Flames come out, Fire Damage.
Firey any other sword:Fire Damage.
no problem
Firey any other sword:Fire Damage.
no problem
Perfect. So what I'm looking for is a 15-22 Fiery Dragon Sword. Thanks!
Darkest Dawn
Originally Posted by natemast
Perfect. So what I'm looking for is a 15-22 Fiery Dragon Sword. Thanks!
Still, good luck. It's an awesome sword, and with the addons you can find, it can be even more impressive!
they're pretty common. i wouldn't pay more than 600g or so for a plain max damage Fiery Dragon Sword (i've probably found 4 or 5 of them thus far).
Check this post out i just did.
It also has the same model as Ruriks sword. How much would this run?
It also has the same model as Ruriks sword. How much would this run?
Darkest Dawn
I've seen them go for 1-5K gold.
Heck, I'll buy one if you got one! 600 gold is a deal to me!
Heck, I'll buy one if you got one! 600 gold is a deal to me!