Enchantment Question



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

How can you tell when a target has a an enchantment on them or not? It pointless to use a skill that removes an enchanment if you don't know who to cast it on.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005


There will be a yellow up arrow on their health bar if they have an enchantment. A pink down arrow for a hex, and a lighter, transparent pinkish down arrow if suffering a condition.

The whole health bar turning pink is a degenerative hex (think Conjure Phantasm, Life tap, etc.) . A light pink is a degenerative condition (bleeding, burning) and Green is Poison or plague, etc. All these still have the arrow signals shown above as well, though.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

AHH. Gotcha. Thanks for the info.