
William of Orange

William of Orange

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

La Crosse, Wisconsin

Thousand Tigers Apund Ur Head, The Consulate

I know at least with our Guild forums through that there is a "pruning" option available to clean out any old posts/threads which have been inactive for x amount of days.

The Questions and Answers category has 1,020 threads in it; the next closest (Riverside Inn) has 418 threads. The furthest date which the Q&A category goes back is to March 11th; Riverside Inn goes back to the same day.

Are the forums pruned regularly? Judging from the coinciding dates for the last threads in the Q&A/Riverside Inn threads, and because I would think that, seeing as GWG has been open since February (right?), the forums would be overloaded, there has been some pruning.

If no pruning has been done, or it has been manual to this point, I'd say prune the forums up to even March 18th, just to leave the posts concerning the March Beta Event on the boards. Unless, of course, threads are being kept so that people can search the forums and find their answers in one of the "buried" threads. But I suppose I'm just rambling right now, so I'll stop



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Pink Animal Clan


Yes, some pruning should be done, but up to March? How about the one that haven't gotten new posts in a long time because some threads are still helpful.

William of Orange

William of Orange

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

La Crosse, Wisconsin

Thousand Tigers Apund Ur Head, The Consulate

March 18th was just the first date that came to mind, simply so that any threads concerning changes/gameplay issues with the last Beta Event would be saved. Also, it seemed that either threads were being automatically dropped after a certain length of time, or that some pruning had already been done, so an "inactive" time length would have to be defined for threads which have not "gotten new posts in a long time." And yes, hopefully the more helpful threads would be held onto; I'm mainly talking more about the useless clutter/thread repeats which have been much more common as of late.




Join Date: Mar 2005

Russian Federation, Moscow

Ladder to Hell (ATM playing with Rus Corp)

In "The Riverside Inn" last thread is 12-18-2004

Check Display Options at the bottom of the page -> "From the <Last Month>", you can change it to see older threads. Today is April 11, by default it's <Last Month>, so you see March 11 as the oldest thread.



Join Date: Mar 2005

The Joint :p

William of Orange have you thought about putting "...just ask Enron." At the end of your power corrupts statement?