I need major help please
Um I have 2wire modem and it keeps loosing its connection i was thinking of buying a new one. I have bellsouth fastaccess and if i bought a new modem would it be plug it in and it would work or what. Also would this maybe solve my problem cuase it only happens while playing guild wars.
anyone have any anwsers?
someone plz answer
Originally Posted by jasonrunion
Um I have 2wire modem and it keeps loosing its connection i was thinking of buying a new one. I have bellsouth fastaccess and if i bought a new modem would it be plug it in and it would work or what. Also would this maybe solve my problem cuase it only happens while playing guild wars.
Also, we aren't paid to help people out, it's just something people like to do.
With regards to your problem. What modem is it exactly? Cable or ADSL, are you running Ethernet or USB and what are your system Specs?
Also, is Guild Wars the only game you are having problems with. The reason i say game, is because games need a constant connection.
i have adsl with a 3000/400 connection someone told me to buy a new modem and ethernet cable yes guild wars is the only thing it does this with.
there's no reason to buy new hardware if it only happens with GW. do you run a router or a firewall? btw dont spam your thread with pointless posts, it's bound to turn people away from helping you fyi
I have fastaccess dsl 3mbps. If its on a laptop, i have to restart it because i get the ! icon on the network connections icon and if i try to repair it screws up on "Ip address"
Dont buy a new modem and ethernet cable if its only GW that it does it with.
Now, are you behind a router?
Dont buy a new modem and ethernet cable if its only GW that it does it with.
Now, are you behind a router?
nope its a all in one modem/router, i bought a new desk that leaves my computer open so my cpu will be cooler i think this will solve the problem what do you think.
I dont know how it leaves "your computer open" but i do not think that that would be the problem. As a last, and last resort.
If your willing to pay 150 bucks, tell Bellsouth to do the networking for you and let them screw it up lol.
If your willing to pay 150 bucks, tell Bellsouth to do the networking for you and let them screw it up lol.