16 armor (no less)
10- tactics requirement
+20 or more health when enchanted (and/or) -2 or more damage received (when enchanted or % chance)
Aegis, shield of the wing or tall shield models only.
15-22 damage (no less)
10- swordmanship requirement
+15% damage when enchanted (no less)
Good mods a plus...
Wingblade/butterfly, flamberge and longsword (no collectors) types only.
15-28 damage (no less)
10- marksmanship requirement
+15% damage when enchanted (no less)
Other mods a plus...
Halfmoons and short bows welcome. Longbows and flatbows considered. Absolutely no other bow types accepted.
Zealous sword hilt
20% enchantment pommel
Fiery/Icy/Shocking bow strings
Offering 3k for a 12/20/20 collector's healing ankh also.
Also buying obsidian shards, ectoplasms, and gold swords/bows/staves (don't have to be max damage). Send me a PM (including all details about the item; pictures preferred) with what you have and price.
If you show me something I specifically didn't want because you didn't read all of this thread, I won't respond.
If you have something close to the requirement, I'll take a look at it...except for the mods where I indicated "no less".
If you want to receive a trade in return, I have a bunch of nice rares of all types to trade.
You'll probably get more gold out of me if you give me a buyout price than make me offer or bid.
PM me or post your item in the thread.
If you give me a link to an auction, I'll make it last priority. Looking for single buyout prices.
WTB Purple/Gold Tactics Shields, Gold Sword and more...
Bump. Looking for more.
Wow this was like 2 month's ago...they should really give an option for deleting stuff.
No, I'm not still looking. Thanks though.
No, I'm not still looking. Thanks though.