Thats Just Stupid!!!!
Ok I am in Ascalon City looking to buy Parchment. I advertise for 50g each. Then someone says it goes for 75-100g. Well that is just plain old stupid! Dont people know how to do math?
Here is the break down:
Using Vendors:
150g=10 wood (thats 75g for 5 wood) 75g
20g (cost to make 1 parchment from crafter) +20g
Total Cost 95g
Why would I pay 100 gold (the top end of the stated price in game)
It gets better.
Using the Economy:
100g=10wood (thats 50g for 5 wood) 50g
20g (cost to make 1 parchment from crafter) +20g
Total Cost 70g
So would someone tell me WHY ON EARTH WOULD I PAY 75-100g FOR SOMETHING I CAN GET FOR 70g!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If someone wants to ask 60-65g each thats cool. It's called bartering
Thats a prime example of why I don't buy from players. They want more for what they have to sell but don't want to offer crap for what you have to sell.
I would just as soon use the vendors to buy stuff as opposed to dealing with that kind of stupidity!!
Here is the break down:
Using Vendors:
150g=10 wood (thats 75g for 5 wood) 75g
20g (cost to make 1 parchment from crafter) +20g
Total Cost 95g
Why would I pay 100 gold (the top end of the stated price in game)
It gets better.
Using the Economy:
100g=10wood (thats 50g for 5 wood) 50g
20g (cost to make 1 parchment from crafter) +20g
Total Cost 70g
So would someone tell me WHY ON EARTH WOULD I PAY 75-100g FOR SOMETHING I CAN GET FOR 70g!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If someone wants to ask 60-65g each thats cool. It's called bartering
Thats a prime example of why I don't buy from players. They want more for what they have to sell but don't want to offer crap for what you have to sell.
I would just as soon use the vendors to buy stuff as opposed to dealing with that kind of stupidity!!
People are greedy, and not everyone has such a head for numbers that you do, or simply can't be bothered the work out how much it'd cost if they bought it from various sources.
Think about it, your in ascalon city which is full of people new to the game who don't know the prices of items, people can sell any old junk for a jacked up price and the new people wouldn't know they'd just been royally ripped off.
Think about it, your in ascalon city which is full of people new to the game who don't know the prices of items, people can sell any old junk for a jacked up price and the new people wouldn't know they'd just been royally ripped off.
Snipe Kan
Originally Posted by NightStalkerXT
Ok I am in Ascalon City looking to buy Parchment. I advertise for 50g each. Then someone says it goes for 75-100g. Well that is just plain old stupid! Dont people know how to do math?
So would someone tell me WHY ON EARTH WOULD I PAY 75-100g FOR SOMETHING I CAN GET FOR 70g |
i got a question 5g... isent really a HUGE difference considering you would have to do all that buying wood n stuff yourself when u can just buy the parchment for 5 more gold... take the 5 gold as "labour"
What Now Homie
Well, yes, it DOES cost 70g to CRAFT parchment, but it also takes TIME. And, as everyone has heard, time=money. You pay extra to get the parchment instantly, instead of buying all the materials, traveling to crafter, then crafting. Thats what I see. Thanks
~What Now Homie
EDIT: So, I would say that you can pay AT LEAST 5-10 gold more for each parchment. As the poster above me stated, labor costs.
~What Now Homie
EDIT: So, I would say that you can pay AT LEAST 5-10 gold more for each parchment. As the poster above me stated, labor costs.
Originally Posted by Snipe Kan
i got a question 5g... isent really a HUGE difference considering you would have to do all that buying wood n stuff yourself when u can just buy the parchment for 5 more gold... take the 5 gold as "labour"
Edit: This is assuming you already have wood (I have more than 400 wood planks in storage

If someone wants to ask 60-65g each thats cool. It's called bartering
i love it
it is allright to barter as long as you can buy it cheaper than the vendor but heavens to betsy if they should ask more than the vendor
instead of yelling because someone wont sell it below cost or wants to make a small profit just go visit the vendor and quit complaining about it
If someone wants to ask 60-65g each thats cool. It's called bartering

it is allright to barter as long as you can buy it cheaper than the vendor but heavens to betsy if they should ask more than the vendor
instead of yelling because someone wont sell it below cost or wants to make a small profit just go visit the vendor and quit complaining about it

Snipe Kan
Originally Posted by ManadartheHealer
If you buy that parchment that costs 5 gold extra 200 times, you have just wasted a plat in gold because you are too lazy to run from Sardelac Sanitarium and turn your own wood into parchment
Edit: This is assuming you already have wood (I have more than 400 wood planks in storage ![]() |
Originally Posted by NightStalkerXT
Dont people know how to do math?
Originally Posted by Dreamsmith
Generally, no...

Originally Posted by ManadartheHealer
If you buy that parchment that costs 5 gold extra 200 times, you have just wasted a plat in gold because you are too lazy to run from Sardelac Sanitarium and turn your own wood into parchment
Originally Posted by NightStalkerXT
Exactly my point. And I can find other things to spend a plat on.

and if you do are you reselling to people to make a profit or what could actually take 200 parchment?

salja Wachi
lots of things take a ton of parchment man to make an all necro tattoo armor takes 100's of rolls so do others
Originally Posted by Loviatar
![]() and if you do are you reselling to people to make a profit or what could actually take 200 parchment? ![]() |
The Droknar's Forge Monk tat armor takes like 200-250 parchment. It's kinda crazy. But it's only 800 gold, not 1.5k.
As for the topic... if it costs 70g to do all that work yourself, you should consider getting it for 75g to be a bargain. Or else you should go craft it and stop complaining.
As for the topic... if it costs 70g to do all that work yourself, you should consider getting it for 75g to be a bargain. Or else you should go craft it and stop complaining.
Originally Posted by Aug
The Droknar's Forge Monk tat armor takes like 200-250 parchment. It's kinda crazy. But it's only 800 gold, not 1.5k.
BTW lets do a break down for you:
75-100g for Each Parchment from rip off people:...75g.......100g
times 200............................................... .....x200ea...x200ea
Total Cost.............................................. ...15000g...20000g
Using the wood Purchase Then Crafter example of my original post.
70g total cost to make each parchment...............70g
times 200 parchment needed...........................x200ea
Total Cost.............................................. ....14000g
Thats a 1 Plat savings from the 75g each and a 6 Plat savings from the 100g each.
Now lets add something here: Say I barter for 65g each that gives me a 1 Plat savings from crafting the stuff myself and the person that found the parchment made 65g proffit. With the current way of things what you may have is people crafting it just to sell it for the 5-30g proffit. Thats a waste of their time and they can keep it because I would just as soon craft it myself as to OVER PAY FOR SOMEONE ELSES STUPID GREED!
so 800g!?! where did you get that number not to mention where did you come up with 1.5K?
You can sell parchment to the materials trader for 100 gold =P
Originally Posted by NightStalkerXT
the person that found the parchment
Originally Posted by NightStalkerXT
Monk Tatoo's take that much for the Droknars Forge Armor. And no I don't resell it.

i havent made a monk or anything who uses parchment so i did not know.
it seems a bit unreasonable to me to need that much.
when they craft it what do they do with it?
no...on second thought i dont want to know

Originally Posted by NightStalkerXT
so 800g!?! where did you get that number not to mention where did you come up with 1.5K?
Gun Giddy
Originally Posted by NightStalkerXT
so 800g!?! where did you get that number not to mention where did you come up with 1.5K?
Guess I should have refreashed before posting

ManadartheHealer you actually get it from salvaging.
No you can not. You can sell it for 20g. Check out my screen shot.
Originally Posted by Eclair
You can sell parchment to the materials trader for 100 gold =P

I just salvaged them from those scrolls I got. Well 3 per click isnt that bad.
OK I just deceided to check some things out here. So to correct something and to send the blame to where it really belongs I have some things to add.
Originally Posted by Eclair
It would seem that we could both be correct. Normal Vendors buy it for 20g, The rare Material Traders have a varring price based on supply and demand. I took 2 screen shots, one reflects 55g the other shows 65g. (3 screen shots attached)
So it would seem to be a problem centered around the Rare Materials Trader Pricing for buying from you vs what he will sell to you for. This is complicated by the fact that you can craft the parchment for 70g ea by buying wood on open market.
To use a simple example; When I sell Dye I look at the Dye Traders price then undercut that price. So that is all fair and good for the seller and the buyer. Everyone is happy. When you look at the Rare Materials Trader he sells parchment for 150g each, so people are undercutting the price and that is cool. But the problem is the fact that you can craft parchment for 70g (95g if you use vendors only) So the real problem is that Anet did not think through all the various methods of acquiring parchment when they implemented the Rare Materials Trader.
Originally Posted by Eclair
Originally Posted by Eclair
You can sell parchment to the materials trader for 100 gold =P
Originally Posted by NightStalkerXT
No you can not. You can sell it for 20g. Check out my screen shot.
It would seem that we could both be correct. Normal Vendors buy it for 20g, The rare Material Traders have a varring price based on supply and demand. I took 2 screen shots, one reflects 55g the other shows 65g. (3 screen shots attached)
So it would seem to be a problem centered around the Rare Materials Trader Pricing for buying from you vs what he will sell to you for. This is complicated by the fact that you can craft the parchment for 70g ea by buying wood on open market.
To use a simple example; When I sell Dye I look at the Dye Traders price then undercut that price. So that is all fair and good for the seller and the buyer. Everyone is happy. When you look at the Rare Materials Trader he sells parchment for 150g each, so people are undercutting the price and that is cool. But the problem is the fact that you can craft parchment for 70g (95g if you use vendors only) So the real problem is that Anet did not think through all the various methods of acquiring parchment when they implemented the Rare Materials Trader.
Van the Warrior
you could just ya know salvage bows, staffs, wands, scrolls so 1 parchment costs only 20 gold lol
Divinitys Creature
You can buy pre-made parchment from the trader.
For those of you saying that you can't charge more than the trader or its greedy, NO that's not how it works.
Consider this: If you want to buy >10 plant fibres or whatever from the trader, the 10 cost 150g (I can't remember the exact price this is just for illustration). You think that's 15g each - IT IS AT THAT QUANTITY, and above.
If you only need 2, and you don't have the cash to buy 10 and store the remainder or spend ages selling the spare ones after, you have a two options. First - get it off a guildie/friend. Second choice is to buy the 2 you need from a player.
When you buy from players in bulk they give a discount from the trader price, sometimes as low as 10g per. But when you buy less than 10 you pay more than the bulk value. Why? Because you are saving the money you would waste on 8 items you don't need and the time taken to sell those to players or the loss in selling them to the outfitter as singles. Also, the player selling them to you has to take the same time to sell 2 as 200. In the case of things you can craft for yourself it makes sense to do it yourself. The seller can charge a premium for saving time - it's called fairness and time=money.
For those of you saying that you can't charge more than the trader or its greedy, NO that's not how it works.
Consider this: If you want to buy >10 plant fibres or whatever from the trader, the 10 cost 150g (I can't remember the exact price this is just for illustration). You think that's 15g each - IT IS AT THAT QUANTITY, and above.
If you only need 2, and you don't have the cash to buy 10 and store the remainder or spend ages selling the spare ones after, you have a two options. First - get it off a guildie/friend. Second choice is to buy the 2 you need from a player.
When you buy from players in bulk they give a discount from the trader price, sometimes as low as 10g per. But when you buy less than 10 you pay more than the bulk value. Why? Because you are saving the money you would waste on 8 items you don't need and the time taken to sell those to players or the loss in selling them to the outfitter as singles. Also, the player selling them to you has to take the same time to sell 2 as 200. In the case of things you can craft for yourself it makes sense to do it yourself. The seller can charge a premium for saving time - it's called fairness and time=money.
wait till you get further, its worse and it should be. You need a few hundred bolts of cloth? If you wont buy my 3-4x inflated prices ill let you spend 4-8 hours looting the items.
Errr you can sell parchment to the rare materiasl trader from 80-120 gold.
Originally Posted by Dyeeo
Errr you can sell parchment to the rare materiasl trader from 80-120 gold.
So the bottom line is this Dyeeo, if you can sell it to a trader for 120g (the high end that you found) why would you want to sell it to someone in game for 100g? If I can craft it for 70g (using wood bought on the open market) why would I pay 75g or more?
So restating the following seems to be in order;
"So the real problem is that Anet did not think through all the various methods of acquiring parchment when they implemented the Rare Materials Trader."
Edit:the screen shots are in post #23 end Edit
Just pointing it out :P I am not on any side of the argument.
Thats a prime example of why I don't buy from players. They want more for what they have to sell but don't want to offer crap for what you have to sell. |
Originally Posted by Dyeeo
Just pointing it out :P I am not on any side of the argument.

People spend the extra gold here and there because they want service. You don't go to a restaurant and cook your own food. You pay the restaurant so they can do it for you.
If you don't want to go to the restaurant, then at least you know how to cook.
Yes, there is only one type of food. So imagine it like Burger King or McDonalds, where every restaurant offers the same goods.
EDIT: Didn't remember why I had the quote in there...
If you don't want to go to the restaurant, then at least you know how to cook.
Yes, there is only one type of food. So imagine it like Burger King or McDonalds, where every restaurant offers the same goods.
EDIT: Didn't remember why I had the quote in there...
Red Locust
But this is not a restaurant, this is a game :\
It doesn't make sense, just like it doesn't make sense for people to charge 250g per steel ingot when you can buy it from the trader for 230g per.
The whole point of trading with other players isn't to pay extra for having to spare yourself some 2 minutes walking. It's for the buyer to buy at a lower price than the NPC trader sells, and for the seller to sell at a higher price than the NPC trader gives.
It doesn't make sense, just like it doesn't make sense for people to charge 250g per steel ingot when you can buy it from the trader for 230g per.
The whole point of trading with other players isn't to pay extra for having to spare yourself some 2 minutes walking. It's for the buyer to buy at a lower price than the NPC trader sells, and for the seller to sell at a higher price than the NPC trader gives.
people can charge whatever they want for an item if you dont wanna pay that much deal with it and dont buy from them simple as that.
I'm not talking about steel. I'm talking specifically about parchment, the easiest/cheapest rare material to get if you take the time to do it yourself. Some people are rich enough (lazy enough) to pay a little extra for an added bonus.
Come on it isn't a hard concept to grasp.
Why buy a car when you can walk?
Why cook a steak when you can make top ramen?
Why, if you are a millionare, buy a $200 fancy pen when you can buy a $20 pen that looks almost the same and performs just as well?
Why go way out of your way to buy a cheaper product when a slightly more expensive product that performs the same is closer.
Ok I'm tired and those might not make sense, but do you get the point? Some people have money. They enjoy spending it. If they want to spend 200 gold on something when you are spending 180, let them. It doesn't change how you play the game.
Either people will know that the prices for something aren't what the guy says, and they will ignore him. Or they will get ripped off, but who cares if someone else gets ripped off? You don't know the person, so it doesn't apply to you.
Yes, I am selfish. No, I don't care much for the feelings of others (if I don't know them). Yes, I am probably a bad person.
Come on it isn't a hard concept to grasp.
Why buy a car when you can walk?
Why cook a steak when you can make top ramen?
Why, if you are a millionare, buy a $200 fancy pen when you can buy a $20 pen that looks almost the same and performs just as well?
Why go way out of your way to buy a cheaper product when a slightly more expensive product that performs the same is closer.
Ok I'm tired and those might not make sense, but do you get the point? Some people have money. They enjoy spending it. If they want to spend 200 gold on something when you are spending 180, let them. It doesn't change how you play the game.
Either people will know that the prices for something aren't what the guy says, and they will ignore him. Or they will get ripped off, but who cares if someone else gets ripped off? You don't know the person, so it doesn't apply to you.
Yes, I am selfish. No, I don't care much for the feelings of others (if I don't know them). Yes, I am probably a bad person.
Originally Posted by d4nowar
Yes, I am selfish. No, I don't care much for the feelings of others (if I don't know them).
Rare material and rune traders fixed the economy, you still want to trade with players if you just want 2-3 of something since material is always 10 each.
The only people that are pissed at those NPCs are the ones that were inflating the market prices, the days of 100 plat runes are finaly over.
I hate trading because unless you do it in a message board its hard to sell anything in game, a lot of items are hard to sell (try selling a weapon upgrade).
The only people that are pissed at those NPCs are the ones that were inflating the market prices, the days of 100 plat runes are finaly over.
I hate trading because unless you do it in a message board its hard to sell anything in game, a lot of items are hard to sell (try selling a weapon upgrade).
Originally Posted by Drakron
Rare material and rune traders fixed the economy, you still want to trade with players if you just want 2-3 of something since material is always 10 each.
The only people that are pissed at those NPCs are the ones that were inflating the market prices, the days of 100 plat runes are finaly over. I hate trading because unless you do it in a message board its hard to sell anything in game, a lot of items are hard to sell (try selling a weapon upgrade). |
Originally Posted by NightStalkerXT
(I wont pay 75-100g to a player for parchment)
If you want Parchment at cost, your only viable option is crafting it yourself. It will save you time and money, since you don't care to pay people for theirs.
People aren't going to sit around in town trying to peddle crafting materials admist all the trade spam if they're not going to make a profit from doing so.
People aren't going to sit around in town trying to peddle crafting materials admist all the trade spam if they're not going to make a profit from doing so.