Healing Ankh
Energy +12
Energy +15 always
req. 9 healing
Energy regen -1
Health +30 always
MY IGN: Spardas Datum
Bid starts at 2k
WTS: Healing Ankh (with +27 energy)
Spadas Datum
I'll start you off: 2k
IGN Killashandra Ree
IGN Killashandra Ree
I bought one of those for close to 10k today, so... good luck with 2k.
rofl. I have been <<<<selling>>>> this for 2k each in LA in the last two weeks.
another collector item................. sorry lews you goted ripped 2k is lucky to get since 5 stone summit badges takes about 5 minutes to get
Spadas Datum
Sold in game already, and it's actually 5 irridescent griffin wings by the way. Not 5 stone summit badges which are so easily obtained.
Where is this?
Meh, oh well. I still have 250k
Meh, oh well. I still have 250k

still not worth anywhere near 10k