Best PvP/PvE Moments
In PvE - Someone pulled the entire group of mobs at the first monument in the UW (Where you have to clear it of Terrorwebs). I single handedly tanked the entire group without so much as a scratch, complete with atleast 4 Aatxes and no less than 20 Grasping Darknesses. I didn't have to do much body blocking; I blocked one group, then they all clogged up in the hall to the point they couldn't move, so they just started attacking me. I held them out long enough for the afk nuker to come back and do his work. We later completed it and helped someone get their pet spider.
In PvP - Ah, nothing like the first time I won the HoH for the first t ime using my all beastmaster build.
In PvP - Ah, nothing like the first time I won the HoH for the first t ime using my all beastmaster build.
I hit a monk with blackout right before he ran into the lava to ecape from me. Me and a teammate just stood at the edge watching him burn to death unable to heal. XD
That's my favorite PvP kill to date.
In response to Rusty, my warrior often sits in ponds among the lilipads and waits for people to pass to go "Ribbit Ribbit". You get points evertime they break stride to stare.
That's my favorite PvP kill to date.
In response to Rusty, my warrior often sits in ponds among the lilipads and waits for people to pass to go "Ribbit Ribbit". You get points evertime they break stride to stare.
I was in ascalon arena as a E/R with a pet, and I was trying to kill a guy, but unfortunately he killed me first and he had around 2% life left, but then my pet killed him. An awesome kill.
Running around in a stalemate arena match for 1.5 hours just for 6 faction.
This isnt very stellar, but i was bored and didnt feel like waiting around for a tombs group, so i took my warr into the competition arena. I didnt have enough points to respec fully into a pvp build, so i left tactics as it was and left healing sig in the bar. Some bad and some good happened while playing, but there was a ranger that was giving me issues from time to time against my hammer warrior.
Anyhow, in one fight it came down to me and this particular ranger at the end and we were both hurting. He was trying to hit me with poison arrow and bleeding while staying up on his perch and heal over time with ungent in the lion's arch arena location. So, i ended up dancing back and forth throwing in a healing signet between the more crippling attacks of his, allowing for mostly his normal attacks to hit while healing. Once i was as close to full as i thought i could get, i went fully evasive and pulled out a earth staff and built some adrenaline, not really causing much damage to him, but just prepping for my attack. Then i waited for him to recycle his ungent, before flipping on battle rage and rushing up the hill. I managed to make it to him, while only reciving one hit and proceeded to knock his butt flat over the course of the next ~10 seconds or so. Durring that time, he was able to get off a posion and a bleed between knockdowns. Around half life for him, he flipped on a defensive stance, forcing me to turn on cunning and end my rage stance to continue hitting and knocked him down out of his troll ungent. Sensing a possible disadvantage, he popped me with a pindown upon standing and turned to run. My final hit landed on his rear as he managed to get out of the corner i had him stuck in ending the fight. I won with only around 60hp to spare, but it was one of the very few moments in GW, where the choice of when to do what actually mattered instead of build A beats build B beats build C by default.
Anyhow, in one fight it came down to me and this particular ranger at the end and we were both hurting. He was trying to hit me with poison arrow and bleeding while staying up on his perch and heal over time with ungent in the lion's arch arena location. So, i ended up dancing back and forth throwing in a healing signet between the more crippling attacks of his, allowing for mostly his normal attacks to hit while healing. Once i was as close to full as i thought i could get, i went fully evasive and pulled out a earth staff and built some adrenaline, not really causing much damage to him, but just prepping for my attack. Then i waited for him to recycle his ungent, before flipping on battle rage and rushing up the hill. I managed to make it to him, while only reciving one hit and proceeded to knock his butt flat over the course of the next ~10 seconds or so. Durring that time, he was able to get off a posion and a bleed between knockdowns. Around half life for him, he flipped on a defensive stance, forcing me to turn on cunning and end my rage stance to continue hitting and knocked him down out of his troll ungent. Sensing a possible disadvantage, he popped me with a pindown upon standing and turned to run. My final hit landed on his rear as he managed to get out of the corner i had him stuck in ending the fight. I won with only around 60hp to spare, but it was one of the very few moments in GW, where the choice of when to do what actually mattered instead of build A beats build B beats build C by default.
San Kenji
PvP, probably this.... shame it was the night before they beought in faction
In the LA random arena, 2 of the people french speaking... only me and necro understood eachother, likewise for the other 2.... still worked ace together.
They all had a great understanding of PvP, and we worked well with and around eachother.... wanted to die at this point though because it was 4am, went in at 2am planning a quick pvp before bed lol.
Er PvE... don't know... the various Fissure runs with my guild, where everything is turned into a stupid yet funny joke on teamspeak. "I'm attacking skeletal bond... james bond.."
In the LA random arena, 2 of the people french speaking... only me and necro understood eachother, likewise for the other 2.... still worked ace together.
They all had a great understanding of PvP, and we worked well with and around eachother.... wanted to die at this point though because it was 4am, went in at 2am planning a quick pvp before bed lol.
Er PvE... don't know... the various Fissure runs with my guild, where everything is turned into a stupid yet funny joke on teamspeak. "I'm attacking skeletal bond... james bond.."
Reviving le thread with t3h post of revival!
I've been GvGing a lot lately, and as some of you may know, GvG has its fair share of sore losers and heated debates. I'm a very laid-back guy so I've had some GREAT laughs over these heated conversations. They contain loads of coarse language so viewer discretion is advised! =O
The red dot means the members of the other team.
I've been GvGing a lot lately, and as some of you may know, GvG has its fair share of sore losers and heated debates. I'm a very laid-back guy so I've had some GREAT laughs over these heated conversations. They contain loads of coarse language so viewer discretion is advised! =O
The red dot means the members of the other team.
one time i was playing with my Mo/W in Competition Arena, My whole team got whiped out.. The opposing team was built with 3 W/Mo and a Mo/E, when my whole team died they all came for me, so i got 3 warriors on my back.. they couldnt kill me, because i used 14 prot. and 10 smite. and 8 heal. (and only 33 HP) so we were fighting for about 50 minutes. then i killed 2 warriors and a monk, the other warrior left..
This happend another time, but i did not have SOJ with me, so i couldt kill/be killed. but i kept on going. for 90 minutes.. then they all left.. and one ranger and me were standing.. he started running. then my girlfriend came in, and i got to go..
IGN Flip allmighty (red Immortal Monk)
This happend another time, but i did not have SOJ with me, so i couldt kill/be killed. but i kept on going. for 90 minutes.. then they all left.. and one ranger and me were standing.. he started running. then my girlfriend came in, and i got to go..
IGN Flip allmighty (red Immortal Monk)
Bladen Skull
We were, like always, using 6 people for GvG, the Healer Hench, and the Mage Hench. We load up, and me being the usual one to check the rank, checked it. We're ranked 1000th, using Henchies, and havn't gained enough Faction to use in proper build. One of our guild members asks the usual question: "Rank?" and I check it. "Rank 256...." We all just stand there for a second, then I say we go for the win. It was seirously a scary battle, we fought hard at the stand, won and they came back. They over took us and sent us to the GL. We stood by him as they charged, immediatly taking out the Arcanists and hitting our GL hard. We managed to overpower them and send them back to their GH, we plant the flag, and begin catapaulting their GH, taking down three before they went the back way. Luckily, Weezer was watching the side and announced they were comming before they got close to the stand. After another toe-to-toe battle we managed to push them back to their GH, and charge in.... We won!The funny thing is they had all humans as well, I love my guild :P
Legendary Lubbie
got a nice one..
at dálessio seaoard.. the mission..some guy took the book (or crystal) for bonus.. and we were at the right place where we had to put it when he smashed weapons..
a loud crack and the thing broke.... gone bonus....
at dálessio seaoard.. the mission..some guy took the book (or crystal) for bonus.. and we were at the right place where we had to put it when he smashed weapons..
a loud crack and the thing broke.... gone bonus....
*Cough* A guild saying fertile is too powerful when they themselves just punched through it with relative success with their offense without even taking out fertile *Cough*. Irony is probably the best moments I have.
Mimi Miyagi
In Tombs, we (TSF) had a 6 team map (Burial Mounds I think) where we beat every other team and won the map with a flawless victory. We've almost done it a second time, except one monk died once just before we finished off the final team.
Taking on Hell's precipice with a PUG team and beating it first time, including the bonus. One of those fine moments where the assembled PUG was a bunch of great players...
My first venture into FoW, and picking up a black dye, several obsidian shards and a chaos axe or 3.....
My first venture into FoW, and picking up a black dye, several obsidian shards and a chaos axe or 3.....
The Red Knight
hitting a 118 damage eviscerate 68 damage Axe rake then 98 penetrating blow and interupting that monks healing touch

Doing Thunderhead Keep with 7 Rangers. Each one took a pet. In the end, our mobile zoo was defeated, but the visual effect was awesome
I had a good moment (PvE) yesterday night ... but it started out bad
We tried the Borlis Pass mission. There were 6 of us in the beginning, but the first dropped out about 1 minute after we go into the mission. We continued, but there was a though fight in the area, where you get into the bonus part. Almost all of us died taking most of the mobs with us (there were like 2 enemies left). That's where we lost another player - he did not say a word and quitted. We were lucky, because our ranger fled the massacre and we could raise again and finish those 2 mobs.
I started to curse at the dang quitters. About the time we reached the bonus guy, the ranger stated, that he has to go "eat his lunch" and left. We were down to a W/Mo plus a N/R and me (Me/Mo). We were all around lvl 11. The bright side of things was, that the Necro Ranger had a Pet
We agreed, that we continue and try to finish the mission. And guess what - WE DID FINISH IT AND THE BONUS TOO!
It was a challenge, but after a few dull PvE walkthroughs, this was finally non trivial! Maybe I will try the missions with incomplete teams on purpose ...
We tried the Borlis Pass mission. There were 6 of us in the beginning, but the first dropped out about 1 minute after we go into the mission. We continued, but there was a though fight in the area, where you get into the bonus part. Almost all of us died taking most of the mobs with us (there were like 2 enemies left). That's where we lost another player - he did not say a word and quitted. We were lucky, because our ranger fled the massacre and we could raise again and finish those 2 mobs.
I started to curse at the dang quitters. About the time we reached the bonus guy, the ranger stated, that he has to go "eat his lunch" and left. We were down to a W/Mo plus a N/R and me (Me/Mo). We were all around lvl 11. The bright side of things was, that the Necro Ranger had a Pet

We agreed, that we continue and try to finish the mission. And guess what - WE DID FINISH IT AND THE BONUS TOO!

It was a challenge, but after a few dull PvE walkthroughs, this was finally non trivial! Maybe I will try the missions with incomplete teams on purpose ...
Mr. Matt
Well I remember a strange instance, though it didn't involve the HoH or any of the other tough places I've been so far. It was in Pre-Searing Ascalon Academy. I was taking a new character through, at about level 9, and it was finally time for the Academy.
It was pretty late at night in Europe, though, so there weren't enough players. On the enemy team there were two humans and two henchmen. But I was all on my own, with only henchmen for company.
When the gates opened, we stormed out and went for each other... but something odd happened. One of the humans on the enemy team didn't move. Instead, he disconnected. And after that, we didn't see either of the henchmen on that team again. They just... disappeared. Strangest thing I've seen happen so far. Well, except for Alesia. She's pretty strange.
Anyway, this lone, level 5 Ranger stood there facing off against a level 9 ranger and three henchmen. She was new to the game as well, so she was pretty much screwed. Instead of fighting we just talked, and tried to find where the hell the rest of her team had gone. In the end she just said, 'so how do you want to kill me then?'. I was going to let her win just because of how unfair the situation was, but you know how henchmen get when they get attacked...
We never did find out what happened to those henchmen. They just vanished. She could still see them on her party window, but they weren't on the map anywhere.
Oh, and if you want a close shave, there ain't much closer than what happened to me yesterday. Same character, I think it was. I was taking him through the missions. I was at level 15, reached Druid's Overlook. I took the 'Eye for a Profit' mission. Grabbed a couple of henchies, remembering it as an easy quest.
Anyway, all went well until we got into the jungle. Far, far too many of those bark things and Maguuma spiders suddenly surrounded us, and so began a fairly futile battle. First to go, as per usual, was Alesia. I resurrected her twice but she wouldn't stay alive. So next was Not-So-Little Thom, and the Cultist henchman, and then the Mage. Until it was just me and Stephan (?) left.
We fought pretty well considering there were at least a dozen spiders. We both managed to keep each other alive, but the fight was just too long for my Ranger, especially when the battle attracted the attention of a nearby Mesmer monster. I ran out of energy, and I went down shortly afterwards. So it was just Stephan on his own, fighting the hordes of spiders. I was pretty angry that I'd allowed myself to die in the first place, as this part of the game is hardly difficult.
So I was just about to zone out and give up when I noticed... Stephan was winning! His health was going down gradually, but his healing signet managed to keep him going. Slowly but surely he took down spider after spider. I tell you what, I've never been so impressed by the henchies before, and he was only level 12 at that. But by the time he made his last kill, he was definitely going to die. His health was mere millimeters, and he was poisoned. He hobbled towards my motionless corpse. I was on the edge of my seat, sure he wouldn't make it. He started off the resurrection signet process, but it was going to take too long...
He actually died a split-second before his signet completed, but it was just long enough. I got up and he went down. A split second later and I'd have had to start all over again, a prospect which angered me greatly. But thanks to Stephan's persistance, I survived, rezzed the other henchmen, and finished the quest. Woo hoo for cutting it close!
It was pretty late at night in Europe, though, so there weren't enough players. On the enemy team there were two humans and two henchmen. But I was all on my own, with only henchmen for company.
When the gates opened, we stormed out and went for each other... but something odd happened. One of the humans on the enemy team didn't move. Instead, he disconnected. And after that, we didn't see either of the henchmen on that team again. They just... disappeared. Strangest thing I've seen happen so far. Well, except for Alesia. She's pretty strange.
Anyway, this lone, level 5 Ranger stood there facing off against a level 9 ranger and three henchmen. She was new to the game as well, so she was pretty much screwed. Instead of fighting we just talked, and tried to find where the hell the rest of her team had gone. In the end she just said, 'so how do you want to kill me then?'. I was going to let her win just because of how unfair the situation was, but you know how henchmen get when they get attacked...
We never did find out what happened to those henchmen. They just vanished. She could still see them on her party window, but they weren't on the map anywhere.
Oh, and if you want a close shave, there ain't much closer than what happened to me yesterday. Same character, I think it was. I was taking him through the missions. I was at level 15, reached Druid's Overlook. I took the 'Eye for a Profit' mission. Grabbed a couple of henchies, remembering it as an easy quest.
Anyway, all went well until we got into the jungle. Far, far too many of those bark things and Maguuma spiders suddenly surrounded us, and so began a fairly futile battle. First to go, as per usual, was Alesia. I resurrected her twice but she wouldn't stay alive. So next was Not-So-Little Thom, and the Cultist henchman, and then the Mage. Until it was just me and Stephan (?) left.
We fought pretty well considering there were at least a dozen spiders. We both managed to keep each other alive, but the fight was just too long for my Ranger, especially when the battle attracted the attention of a nearby Mesmer monster. I ran out of energy, and I went down shortly afterwards. So it was just Stephan on his own, fighting the hordes of spiders. I was pretty angry that I'd allowed myself to die in the first place, as this part of the game is hardly difficult.
So I was just about to zone out and give up when I noticed... Stephan was winning! His health was going down gradually, but his healing signet managed to keep him going. Slowly but surely he took down spider after spider. I tell you what, I've never been so impressed by the henchies before, and he was only level 12 at that. But by the time he made his last kill, he was definitely going to die. His health was mere millimeters, and he was poisoned. He hobbled towards my motionless corpse. I was on the edge of my seat, sure he wouldn't make it. He started off the resurrection signet process, but it was going to take too long...
He actually died a split-second before his signet completed, but it was just long enough. I got up and he went down. A split second later and I'd have had to start all over again, a prospect which angered me greatly. But thanks to Stephan's persistance, I survived, rezzed the other henchmen, and finished the quest. Woo hoo for cutting it close!
ok mine doesnt sound like a feat but for me it is
PvE: I have autorun on my level 3 monk when i go to the bathroom, (im running through wizards folly). I come back 1-2 mins later and i have 4 blood sworns lots of bears and some other stuff i forget :lol: i keep running hoping to find a guard, after running around and finding no guards i decide to try to kill them. I turn around and dive headfirst into them and cast symbol of wrath, that gets most of them to half health, then i cast tons of heals on me until symbol of wrath comes up again, i cast it and they all get really low on health, then i just picked em' off one by one
PvE: I have autorun on my level 3 monk when i go to the bathroom, (im running through wizards folly). I come back 1-2 mins later and i have 4 blood sworns lots of bears and some other stuff i forget :lol: i keep running hoping to find a guard, after running around and finding no guards i decide to try to kill them. I turn around and dive headfirst into them and cast symbol of wrath, that gets most of them to half health, then i cast tons of heals on me until symbol of wrath comes up again, i cast it and they all get really low on health, then i just picked em' off one by one
Originally Posted by Mr. Matt
Well I remember a strange instance, though it didn't involve the HoH or any of the other tough places I've been so far. It was in Pre-Searing Ascalon Academy. I was taking a new character through, at about level 9, and it was finally time for the Academy.
It was pretty late at night in Europe, though, so there weren't enough players. On the enemy team there were two humans and two henchmen. But I was all on my own, with only henchmen for company. When the gates opened, we stormed out and went for each other... but something odd happened. One of the humans on the enemy team didn't move. Instead, he disconnected. And after that, we didn't see either of the henchmen on that team again. They just... disappeared. Strangest thing I've seen happen so far. Well, except for Alesia. She's pretty strange. Anyway, this lone, level 5 Ranger stood there facing off against a level 9 ranger and three henchmen. She was new to the game as well, so she was pretty much screwed. Instead of fighting we just talked, and tried to find where the hell the rest of her team had gone. In the end she just said, 'so how do you want to kill me then?'. I was going to let her win just because of how unfair the situation was, but you know how henchmen get when they get attacked... We never did find out what happened to those henchmen. They just vanished. She could still see them on her party window, but they weren't on the map anywhere. |

- Soloing all the Missions Up to Frost Gate
- Then doing the proceeding missions with only me an a guild mate (no henchies).
- Completing "Villany of Galrath" quest with just me and my guild mate.
- Making it to the Temple of Ages with just me and my one guildy as well.
Sanctum Cay mission:
Me and my guild mate buddy (the one I keep mentioning...
) started the Sanctum Cay mission. The second group of undead we got to, he got wrecked, he is a monk and jsut kept running in circles around me rather than straight lines, so the monsters just kept attacking him as opposed to latching onto me. Anyways he died, like 2 minutes into the mission. It was our first time trying it. I didn't bring res cause usually whenever he died, I died or vica-versa. So I asked him if I should try to run it hoping to hit a cutscene so he would get revived. So I did... ran like crazy. The first massive group I passed popped up some Wraiths with chain lightning and also got poisoned. He watched my health as I was running go from 500 counting down to under 50 and then stopped. WHEW!... I didn't bring a self heal either so I had to auto heal by just standing there hoping no one would come patrolling my way. Anyways, ran like crazy straight through hordes or white mantle, and hellhounds all the time trying to find places safe enough to stop and self heal. Continued to run past the poison marsh area where the 3 bone dragons and one NM were, past the hill giants. All hoping I'm going to the right way. Luckily it was the right way and... CUT SCENE.. woo hoo. He got rez'ed and we continued. Then we got to the boat where we had to protect the guy while he "summoned" it. Sheesh... talk about an overwhelming number of white mantle. Especially with only the two of us holding them off. We fought well, my buddy died and I was on my way praying that guy was almost done summoning his boat. Well... we made it! WHEW! But man what a feeling of accomplishment that was. Go team!
- Then doing the proceeding missions with only me an a guild mate (no henchies).
- Completing "Villany of Galrath" quest with just me and my guild mate.
- Making it to the Temple of Ages with just me and my one guildy as well.
Sanctum Cay mission:
Me and my guild mate buddy (the one I keep mentioning...

Originally Posted by TheTim
... We fought well, my buddy died and I was on my way praying that guy was almost done summoning his boat...

That boat battle is not really though and could be done with only two good people. But the rest of your story is awesome

Dac Vin
I single-handledly saved my team's arse up at Bloodstone Fen with my Me/E. I don't remember much, just that our monk DCed, our primary tank was dead, and it was me, another weak tank who didn't bring his healing signet, and a low-level elementalist versus Hablion. Needless to say, he was chopping away our warrior health real fast, and both he and the ele weren't strong enough to kill him...
I just slapped Hablion with Empathy and Blinding Flash, coupled with Energy Burn and Energy Tap, then watched the fireworks. Miss - Yeouch! Miss - Yeouch! Hit - Yeouch!
Over and over.
It took a while, but he finally died. Never got any thnaks for my hard work, as always...
I just slapped Hablion with Empathy and Blinding Flash, coupled with Energy Burn and Energy Tap, then watched the fireworks. Miss - Yeouch! Miss - Yeouch! Hit - Yeouch!
Over and over.
It took a while, but he finally died. Never got any thnaks for my hard work, as always...
My best was with my first character in Lornars pass. That was before all the runners. I was level 15 when I got to Lornar's. I wasn't in any hurry doing all the quests and stuff and the game seemed really easy.
We, my warrior friend and I went in to Lornar's with no hench and got owned. We'd never taken hench at that point and didn't even know what they were. Anyway, it was like a breath of fresh air, a challenge so difficult that I wasn't sure I could do it. We started joining up with every PuG trying to fight through to Draknars, we didn't know that Draknar's wasn't the very next zone up.
Anyway, about 8 groups later and still trying I got into a Pickup Group that seemed cool, I was the only monk and we made it the whole way to the Fort. It took us a grueling 5 hours and I think every member had at least 15 deaths but it was still the best accomplishment I've had yet.
We, my warrior friend and I went in to Lornar's with no hench and got owned. We'd never taken hench at that point and didn't even know what they were. Anyway, it was like a breath of fresh air, a challenge so difficult that I wasn't sure I could do it. We started joining up with every PuG trying to fight through to Draknars, we didn't know that Draknar's wasn't the very next zone up.
Anyway, about 8 groups later and still trying I got into a Pickup Group that seemed cool, I was the only monk and we made it the whole way to the Fort. It took us a grueling 5 hours and I think every member had at least 15 deaths but it was still the best accomplishment I've had yet.
Sli Ander
I've had fun in tombs with a b/p or two, and there was an awesome pug I ran into (the type where every player has perfected learning their profession), but these stories stuck more in my mind:
I was helping a couple of low level guildies in a lower mission. I was just there to heal, and I went ahead of them a bit too far. They panicked when they saw their monk getting attacked by 4 or 5 charr fire callers. I just sat their calmly as my level 20 monk simply body blocked and healed, while the two guildies slowly picked the guys off me.
Then there was the time that I went capping Ray of Judgement with henchies. And waddya know, they stuck that guy on the back wall of dragon's throat. So I took henchies and slowly kept trying to work my way back there. I snuck as much as I could, avoiding mobs whenever I could. Then I got to the part where a boss is all by himself. Once you kill him or any other critter in that portion, dozens of assassins spawn. The boss with the cap I wanted was beyond this group. I lost track of the number of times I died at this point, but within an hour I beat my way past these guys, using henchies to body block the base of the pipe while I killed the boss guy.
My favorite moment, that moment I was just struck by awe, was during riverside province. I was dead at the time, being the second to last to die, and so I was chatting with the only other person left. The only person left alive did not have a res sig, which is why all but myself and the other dead person did not leave. Our hero was a ranger. A trapper whom we assisted get to the final bridge before we died. This ranger went head to head with the Ranger undead boss who was body blocking the bridge. For a solid 30 minutes( I lost track of time) we yelled encouragement and suggestions. At first he attempted to lure the bad guy away from the bridge so he could just run across and hit the cinematic, but it didn't work. So as we watched, the ranger slowly rips apart an opponent that kept recovering at the last moment
. When he finally hit that bridge we cheered him as he ran across to end the mission. Most people would have given up, but it was so hard to get a pug, and we were so close....And that guy managed to pull it off. I'd have put his name here, but its been so long that I can't figure out which one he is on my friends list
/edit My guild was founded around a PuG which met up to fight to Droknars, rather than pay a runner. Our best made it to the end of Lornar's pass, maybe a little bit further. All I remember about the exact distance is that we always seemed to die just before the exit...
I was helping a couple of low level guildies in a lower mission. I was just there to heal, and I went ahead of them a bit too far. They panicked when they saw their monk getting attacked by 4 or 5 charr fire callers. I just sat their calmly as my level 20 monk simply body blocked and healed, while the two guildies slowly picked the guys off me.
Then there was the time that I went capping Ray of Judgement with henchies. And waddya know, they stuck that guy on the back wall of dragon's throat. So I took henchies and slowly kept trying to work my way back there. I snuck as much as I could, avoiding mobs whenever I could. Then I got to the part where a boss is all by himself. Once you kill him or any other critter in that portion, dozens of assassins spawn. The boss with the cap I wanted was beyond this group. I lost track of the number of times I died at this point, but within an hour I beat my way past these guys, using henchies to body block the base of the pipe while I killed the boss guy.
My favorite moment, that moment I was just struck by awe, was during riverside province. I was dead at the time, being the second to last to die, and so I was chatting with the only other person left. The only person left alive did not have a res sig, which is why all but myself and the other dead person did not leave. Our hero was a ranger. A trapper whom we assisted get to the final bridge before we died. This ranger went head to head with the Ranger undead boss who was body blocking the bridge. For a solid 30 minutes( I lost track of time) we yelled encouragement and suggestions. At first he attempted to lure the bad guy away from the bridge so he could just run across and hit the cinematic, but it didn't work. So as we watched, the ranger slowly rips apart an opponent that kept recovering at the last moment

/edit My guild was founded around a PuG which met up to fight to Droknars, rather than pay a runner. Our best made it to the end of Lornar's pass, maybe a little bit further. All I remember about the exact distance is that we always seemed to die just before the exit...
1. monking hell's precipe, we had 2 warriors with frenzy and they both didn't speak english, 2 guys who had 60% DP and another monk and i think 1 ele and 1 ranger i think. when we got to the lich i really healed like a ******** just constantly healing and letting no1 die, after we made every1 thanked me for monking that good and the other monk wisperd me and said i was monking great, i really felt good about myself
2. getting in HoH for the first time, we almost won but it was just soo cool to be there.

2. getting in HoH for the first time, we almost won but it was just soo cool to be there.
Couple of days ago on Iron Mines: "Sin, can you tank since we have no W".
I don't like tanking, but agreed.
Monks did more than great, since they also had to keep a lvl 13 'kilroy' up that wanted his Necro cap.
We made mission and bonus. I never died, afaik. Thanks to monks.
I still don't like playing tank, but i will not forget this one.
I don't like tanking, but agreed.
Monks did more than great, since they also had to keep a lvl 13 'kilroy' up that wanted his Necro cap.
We made mission and bonus. I never died, afaik. Thanks to monks.
I still don't like playing tank, but i will not forget this one.